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The Official "TPR Coaster Poll" Thread!

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So here's a question I'm not sure I've seen answered or addressed. I'm not sure how you guys are compiling and calculating the rankings from everyone's entry on the back end but do you want/need everyone to rank every single coaster they've ridden on or just their top 10/20/50/ whatever they feel is reasonable?


I honestly got kind of tired of dragging and then scrolling, and dragging then scrolling over and over to get a ride from the bottom of the list into the ranking column so instead I went back to my list of "coasters ridden" and just de-selected everything that I didn't think would be considered for my personal top 20ish list. So for a park like Cedar Point my "coaster's ridden" list is only like Maverick, Millennium Force, Dragster, Magnum, Raptor instead of all 17 or however many coasters, and then I built my top 20 list from a more select list of coasters.


So would you prefer that the coasters ridden list include every single coaster a person has ridden even, and do you want the actual rankings list to rank every coaster in the "coaster ridden list".

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So here's a question I'm not sure I've seen answered or addressed. I'm not sure how you guys are compiling and calculating the rankings from everyone's entry on the back end but do you want/need everyone to rank every single coaster they've ridden on or just their top 10/20/50/ whatever they feel is reasonable?


I honestly got kind of tired of dragging and then scrolling, and dragging then scrolling over and over to get a ride from the bottom of the list into the ranking column so instead I went back to my list of "coasters ridden" and just de-selected everything that I didn't think would be considered for my personal top 20ish list. So for a park like Cedar Point my "coaster's ridden" list is only like Maverick, Millennium Force, Dragster, Magnum, Raptor instead of all 17 or however many coasters, and then I built my top 20 list from a more select list of coasters.


So would you prefer that the coasters ridden list include every single coaster a person has ridden even, and do you want the actual rankings list to rank every coaster in the "coaster ridden list".


I just dragged everything above the grey line, and then once had the # option, did it that way.


i need to go back and finish my ranking, but it was working for me on the handful I tried doing that way.

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^yeah, it seems to be working fine now I just don't want to rank 300 some odd coasters because after the top 30 or 40 or 50 or so whats the point?


I guess to phase the question better does the poll want to know every coaster ridden by everyone who participates and a ranking of all of those coasters so that it can use that data to produce the results or is a top 20 or 30 etc good enough to make this poll valid and meaningful?

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Re: how many to rank


It calculates rankings the same way as the Mitch Hawker poll did. Basically, if you rank them, awesome. If you don't want to spend the time, then the worst thing that happens is either only a few people influence those coasters (but likely, they aren't that good anyway, or more people would have ridden them) or it'll mark them as having only a few/no riders and that it was unsure how they actually rank. The whole idea behind this methodology is the number of riders isn't the only thing that contributes to the final results. Because when you do that, parks like Cedar Point win, simply because of volume. And parks like Wild Waves in Washington that has a pretty cool little S&S wood coaster practically don't even make the list.


All in all, I'd rather have a really good, fair, list of the top 50 than a mediocre representation of the top 700.

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Re: how many to rank


It calculates rankings the same way as the Mitch Hawker poll did. Basically, if you rank them, awesome. If you don't want to spend the time, then the worst thing that happens is either only a few people influence those coasters (but likely, they aren't that good anyway, or more people would have ridden them) or it'll mark them as having only a few/no riders and that it was unsure how they actually rank. The whole idea behind this methodology is the number of riders isn't the only thing that contributes to the final results. Because when you do that, parks like Cedar Point win, simply because of volume. And parks like Wild Waves in Washington that has a pretty cool little S&S wood coaster practically don't even make the list.


All in all, I'd rather have a really good, fair, list of the top 50 than a mediocre representation of the top 700.


I think using Coaster at Playland PNE, Vancouver would be much better to use in the analogy than Timberhawk.

Edited by larrygator
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To all that are working on this a huge thank you. Of course now we move into the realm of feedback which I hope isn't taken negative.


+ I stopped keeping a spreadsheet, but totally would be the easiest way to enter the rankings

+ Going through the big list 10-20 at a time is probably the best way. The first ten is like voting for the baseball HOF, if it's a question it isn't an answer. The next group being the group even a casual enthusiast would likely argue with others over. The second group you can vividly remember riding and why you like it and would like to ride it right now. That gets you to a good top 50 to tinker with. The middle of my list are good coasters but some I had to YouTube to make sure I wasn't confusing them.

+ Clicking on the park brings up all coasters in that park and you can quickly select the ones you've ridden. Harder to miss one.


- My Chromebook wouldn't scroll the screen up when I dragged. So I had to drop, scroll, drag, drop, scroll, drag...

- I would get a saved message and the order would stay but the number ranking didn't always change. Even after hitting the save button

- I ended up tabbing and fixing the numbers and saving. + Logged back in the next day and it's all there.

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- My Chromebook wouldn't scroll the screen up when I dragged. So I had to drop, scroll, drag, drop, scroll, drag...


Does this on firefox and chrome for me - but so far it seems to be working. I stopped after 3 coasters because I was dragging too much. I probably won't rank all coasters- just the good ones and popular ones. But if I don't rank all of them, how can i assign the worst of the worst? Maybe I'll get drunk and do it one night

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Does this on firefox and chrome for me - but so far it seems to be working. I stopped after 3 coasters because I was dragging too much. I probably won't rank all coasters- just the good ones and popular ones. But if I don't rank all of them, how can i assign the worst of the worst? Maybe I'll get drunk and do it one night


I'm still trying to come up with a good way of doing it without drag and drop that works reliably for larger lists. But if you just want the worst, give them like 100000.

Edited by Comeagain?
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I am still having trouble getting past the introductory drag and drop screen where it tells me to drag the last coaster above the line. The whole screen is very dark and it won't grab the item to drag. However, if I bypass the innitial promp and click on continue, I can get into my list to drag the first few items. But they don't drop when I move them above the line. No major biggie as I know it is probably just me and my ultra superior computer skilz that have made this so much more difficult than it actually is.

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Will this site continue after the results of the poll are collected? I would like to continually update my rankings as I visit new parks, and this site has already been such a great tool to figure out my rankings.


Yes. And then next year you’re already set when we do the poll again.

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Galaxy at Joyland Lubbock is missing.

Zyklon and Galaxi coasters are not included in the poll. This also includes Pinfari ZL and Looping Stars, Zierer Flitzers, and Schwarzkopf Wildcats.

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Does this on firefox and chrome for me - but so far it seems to be working. I stopped after 3 coasters because I was dragging too much. I probably won't rank all coasters- just the good ones and popular ones. But if I don't rank all of them, how can i assign the worst of the worst? Maybe I'll get drunk and do it one night


I'm still trying to come up with a good way of doing it without drag and drop that works reliably for larger lists. But if you just want the worst, give them like 100000.


So like this?




Edit: I'm about halfway done. I'm taking a break but I'm pretty happy with this list so far. I forgot how long this took. The very top and very bottom are easy, but when you get to things like Backlot Stunt Coaster vs Adventure Express and another two Backlot Stunt Coasters it's almost impossible.

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When will you guys calculate this year's winners? So I know when I should have my ranking finalized.

We need to get past this beta test period first and then we will figure out when we will do the poll for "real." We haven't really even mentioned that poll that much outside of the forum members as we wanted to get as many bugs worked out of the system before it goes more mainstream.

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After more hours of data entry, we now should have most major coasters from Europe on the poll, including many that were previously missing! This includes popular coasters like Red Force at Ferrari Land and Troy at Toverland.


As a reminder, the list currently includes all roller coasters that are the size of a wild mouse or greater. This means that no Dragon Wagons, no [insert manufacturer here] kids' coasters, no small Tivolis, no Wacky Worms, no small Miler coasters, and no Vekoma roller skaters. Exceptions to this rule are made, of course. For example, there are a bunch of coasters in France that are smaller rides manufactured by Soquet, and we wanted to make sure to include at least some of those for those who have ridden them.


We are now soliciting feedback for missing coasters and inaccuracies in the continents of North America and Europe. I'll continue to check in on the thread for this information, so please keep helping us out - especially our readers and members from Europe!


I will be gradually starting to fill in parks and coasters in Asia now, and there are a lot of them. There are a bunch of new parks springing up so we need to weed out the "good" ones before adding them to the list.


Thanks for understanding!

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When will you guys calculate this year's winners? So I know when I should have my ranking finalized.

We need to get past this beta test period first and then we will figure out when we will do the poll for "real." We haven't really even mentioned that poll that much outside of the forum members as we wanted to get as many bugs worked out of the system before it goes more mainstream.

Makes sense! Sounds like there's still going to be plenty of time.


I went ahead and ranked more than half of mine just now. I'll mention some of the small issues:


-There is a glitch that occasionally duplicates coasters and the duplicates have not gone away. Currently, I have duplicates of Millennium Force, Griffon, and Loch Ness Monster. I think it happened when I refreshed the page before it was done saving. The duplicates appear to "follow" each other. So every time I reorder Millennium Force (by typing in a number), the duplicate follows suit.


-The saving button will sometimes appear continuously loading, even if has already saved. Refreshing the page makes it go back to normal.


-Appears that scrolling down while holding an entry works, but not scrolling up.


-Entry will default to "1" when reordering among already ranked coasters by drag and drop. Most often if I drop an entry between consecutively numbered entries (i.e. dragging and dropping between 60 and 61. Typing in the number is fine).


-Chrome still doesn't work, all of what I've done is on Safari.

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