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Photo TR: Elissa's first visit to Lagoon!

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Awesome TR! It looks like Elissa and KidTums had a blast! I can't wait to get to this park in October. Sorry to hear about the leg. I hope you heal up fast. Why do I not find it completely unusual that anyone might get hurt riding dirt bikes with Alan Schilke. That man is crazy in the best of ways. I'm hoping there is an epic TR to the ER forthcoming.

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gotta add this park to my Wish List. . . are there any other parks it's close to that I can mix this in on a trip plan?



Unfortunately, not really. Vegas is about six hours away. Every other park (Elitch, Silverwood) is going to be 8-12 hours away.

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gotta add this park to my Wish List. . . are there any other parks it's close to that I can mix this in on a trip plan?



There's 2 alpine coasters nearby (including the formerly longest in the USA) at Snowbird and Park City Mountain Resort. Also, there's this thing which you may or may not be able to do if you've got a pretty big chunk of money for charity:



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Why do I not find it completely unusual that anyone might get hurt riding dirt bikes with Alan Schilke. That man is crazy in the best of ways.

It started out with Kristen biking and riding quads with his kids. And they totally raced circles around me...even when I was down for the count! lol What's funny is that we've been friends with Alan & his family for many years, and when we hang out, things are usually quite calm. I guess this made up for it! lol

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Great TR, I really need to get out and visit Lagoon again. I went there about 15 years ago and it was a nice little park back then, but it looks like they've added a ton since my last visit. I especially want to check out Cannibal and Wicked, you wouldn't expect a regional park like Lagoon to have such amazing looking coasters.

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gotta add this park to my Wish List. . . are there any other parks it's close to that I can mix this in on a trip plan?



So there is one really awesome thing to do that is near Lagoon besides the Alpine Coasters. The Olympic Sports Park has the Bobsled track from the 2002 Winter Olympics and you can go down it if you have the cash. In the summer they take you down in a wheeled bobsled and in the winter in an actual bobsled. It is a lot cheaper in the summer but I believe it is still around $75. My dad and I did this a couple of years ago. You get to push the bobsled of the people in line in front of you and then get into your own. They provide the driver and the people behind you in line push your sled to get it started. This was the wildest and craziest "coaster" I have ever ridden! I highly recommend it if you are in the area. It is well worth it and I even count it as a coaster credit, since I have ridden the other bobsled coasters in the U.S. this one should easily count as well. I believe this one trumps those and pretty much every other coaster I have ridden across the country.


Robb...sorry about the leg. Bummer! Now you have an excuse to get back to Utah to ride Cannibal and try out the bobsled track if you haven't done that.

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Great story about your accident, Robb! Broken ankles are no joke, did you injure any ligaments/tendons too? Expect it to take twice as long to heal as you think it should take because of easing back into it. Being a weight bearing area, if things don't heal right it can cause you discomfort for years to come. It's a bummer for sure. Thankfully it didn't happen until after you were done walking all over Japan for 3 weeks!


I don't even think that I've heard of Lagoon before so reading the TR was surprising. They sure have a nice ride line-up and thanks to Elissa and KidTums for the excellent videos and pics!


So there is one really awesome thing to do that is near Lagoon besides the Alpine Coasters. The Olympic Sports Park has the Bobsled track from the 2002 Winter Olympics and you can go down it if you have the cash. In the summer they take you down in a wheeled bobsled and in the winter in an actual bobsled. It is a lot cheaper in the summer but I believe it is still around $75. My dad and I did this a couple of years ago. You get to push the bobsled of the people in line in front of you and then get into your own. They provide the driver and the people behind you in line push your sled to get it started. This was the wildest and craziest "coaster" I have ever ridden!


^ OMG. That sounds AWESOME!!!!

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Made it to Lagoon for the first time this season yesterday. Elissa was right, get there early, we were able to get on one of the first cars out of the station on Cannibal. Fun ride, with a lot of nice elements. In fact, the lines were not that bad (about 45-60 min most of the time I was there), but it was also overcast, the wind was blowing, and it was quite chilly for the middle of summer. One of the best things about Cannibal though, is that the lines for Wicked are finally manageable.


For those thinking about going to Lagoon, my advice is go, you will not be let down. It is a nice family owned park, with a nice mix of old school and new flat rides, two dark rides, a water park, a nice haunt in October, as well as 10 coaster credits, all for under $50.

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Amazing TR of a park that I didn't even know existed until I head about Cannibal! It looks like a great place to spend the day, and they have more coasters than I originally expected. Lagoon is definitely up there for parks that I HAVE to visit, not just for Cannibal, but also for all of those quirky flat rides! I hope that the park was a great time.

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Made it to Lagoon for the first time this season yesterday. Elissa was right, get there early, we were able to get on one of the first cars out of the station on Cannibal. Fun ride, with a lot of nice elements. In fact, the lines were not that bad (about 45-60 min most of the time I was there), but it was also overcast, the wind was blowing, and it was quite chilly for the middle of summer. One of the best things about Cannibal though, is that the lines for Wicked are finally manageable.


For those thinking about going to Lagoon, my advice is go, you will not be let down. It is a nice family owned park, with a nice mix of old school and new flat rides, two dark rides, a water park, a nice haunt in October, as well as 10 coaster credits, all for under $50.

I'm not sure how Wicked's Under 30 Minute Weekday Line hasn't been "Manageable" since it Opened 8 Years ago. :\


If you don't plan on staying until close, to enjoy everything the park has to offer, sure, head immediately to Cannibal and wait outside the fence for an undetermined amount of time. Otherwise, enjoy what else Lagoon has to offer until you see Cannibal is Open. With 4 Trains in the System you are usually Looking at Under 45 Minutes from Samurai's Gong, Under 1 Hour from Catapult's Sign, and Under 90 Minutes from Tilt-A-Whirl's Entrance. It's also been quite easy to get 3 Rides on Cannibal from 8pm to Close.


Next Year, once Lagoon is using more Trains in the System, as well as using the Waiting Zone and Second Loading Station, the line will move nearly twice as fast.


I also hope you bought your All Day Passport at Costco. If you do, and Validate for Bounceback, you can get up to 2 Full Days for $53.99 + Tax!

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Great TR of another park high up on my bucket list. It's cool to see the classics still standing alongside modern thrills - most of my favourite parks seem to have that mix. (Get well soon Robb!)

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I'm not sure how Wicked's Under 30 Minute Weekday Line hasn't been "Manageable" since it Opened 8 Years ago. :\


Everytime I have been there since it opened, the wait has always been 60-90 min for the normal line, and about 15-30 min for the single rider line. Just saying that the line for Wicked is much shorter now, which suits me just fine because I like the ride.

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gotta add this park to my Wish List. . . are there any other parks it's close to that I can mix this in on a trip plan?



So there is one really awesome thing to do that is near Lagoon besides the Alpine Coasters. The Olympic Sports Park has the Bobsled track from the 2002 Winter Olympics and you can go down it if you have the cash. In the summer they take you down in a wheeled bobsled and in the winter in an actual bobsled. It is a lot cheaper in the summer but I believe it is still around $75. My dad and I did this a couple of years ago. You get to push the bobsled of the people in line in front of you and then get into your own. They provide the driver and the people behind you in line push your sled to get it started. This was the wildest and craziest "coaster" I have ever ridden! I highly recommend it if you are in the area. It is well worth it and I even count it as a coaster credit, since I have ridden the other bobsled coasters in the U.S. this one should easily count as well. I believe this one trumps those and pretty much every other coaster I have ridden across the country.


My dad was fortunate enough to ride the same Bobsled track before the Olympics, but I had no idea it was open to the public. I think that is now my selling point for a Lagoon trip!

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I'm not sure how Wicked's Under 30 Minute Weekday Line hasn't been "Manageable" since it Opened 8 Years ago. :\


Everytime I have been there since it opened, the wait has always been 60-90 min for the normal line, and about 15-30 min for the single rider line. Just saying that the line for Wicked is much shorter now, which suits me just fine because I like the ride.

And this was a Sun-Thurs not during Hell Week? I'm usually at the park every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and have yet to see a Wicked Line that Long since 2007, except during very busy Fridays and Saturdays.

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^Wicked's line was over 45 minutes several times during the day when we were there with breakdowns and taking trains off and stuff. I know you're very passionate about your park but seeing it from a guest perspective can be very different.

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Great report. This is a park I never paid attention until all this Cannibal talk, but it looks like a really unique park with some very interesting rides. Thanks for sharing!


Also, I am going to use this response to every good trip report from now on:


Your shared photos excite me to go there as soon as possible.
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^ Me too. I wasn't aware of this park until I followed Cannibal's construction and wasn't aware of how large it actually was until reading this trip report.


Utah, I've underestimated you!

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Reading this TR makes me realize how spoiled that I am only being about an hour from WDW!


Cannibal looks to be a nice ride. I'm not sure I'd ever find myself in Utah in the near future, but if the chance arises I might enjoy.


Sorry to hear about your injury. Look on the bright side, you don't have to walk around WDW/USO/SWO (or any park really) now, have Elissa and Kristen push you! (But for the love of god, please don't get a scooter...)

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^Wicked's line was over 45 minutes several times during the day when we were there with breakdowns and taking trains off and stuff. I know you're very passionate about your park but seeing it from a guest perspective can be very different.

If you are referring to Cannibal going down and switching out Trains there, which usually takes no more than 10 Minutes, that would account for a surge at Wicked, since anytime Cannibal does go down with a line, everyone takes off to the south end and mostly to Wicked. If Wicked was going down, and they were switching out Trains there during the day, that is quite unusual. Otherwise, when you are on the park about 3 times a week, you get a good feel of average queue times.

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^ No. Read her post. It was Wicked that kept going down. What you just posted isn't what she said at all. The line for Wicked was long. That's what Elissa said. Other people have also reported that Wicked's line has been long. You're the only one claiming it's not. I actually don't even understand why this is a big deal.

Edited by robbalvey
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