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My parents don't really mind too much (Although my mom thinks I spend too much time on this site). And my friends surprisingly don't care and actually come to me for any coaster questions they have.

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My dad is technically my "coaster person". He listens to my constant rambling and actually understands half of it! My friends put up with it, but try to dodge the subject of it whenever they can. However, sometimes they like to poke fun at me. Eh, whatever, I'm cooler than them anyways!

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I'm the walking dictionary of Coasters at my High School, I would have 10+ people ask me questions about Cedar Point, Six Flags and stuff like that.


The ones that make fun of me say "I've been on all the coasters in the world" and I say "Have you been on the Dog Fart coaster?" and they're like, "Ewww, NO!" and I just laugh and say " no you haven't been on them all you liar." while the gape stupidly and become confused.


But, otherwise I'm pretty cool with people after that.

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Friends? What are those?


Actually, a lot of my friends know but don't care that I obsess over coasters. Sometimes I get the comments "Oh, you're wearing that 'coaster freak' shirt again" or the moans and groans when they learn that I'm going to DL for the umpteenth time, but most of them are fine with it. I do have 1 good friend that likes the coasters and rides them with me, but isn't in to the obsessive online thing.


My family is okay with it, but sometimes I do annoy them with the excessive rambling. They also can't take many roller coasters so a lot of them I end up riding by myself.

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I guess my mom supports it, she never puts it down. She even lets me ramble on and on. My brothers all joke about it, talking about my "roller coaster club", but still come to me for questions about things.


My friends know I'm a roller coaster freak. I feel bad when I get into a conversation with someone about it, but I just can't stop talking. Some of my friends respect the fact that it's like my own thing ( I'm the only one in my high school), and will talk to me about it or say things like "So Cedar Point's pretty much the best park there is huh?"


What's annoying is the closest decent park to me is Darien Lake, so everybody, when we get talking about some coaster, will say, "Is it better than Superman?" because it's the only thing many people in my area have to compare to.


I proudly wear my TPR shirts and any roller coaster shirt for that matter, it's what I like, why can't I show it? Many people will say I'm obsessed. I tell them, "It's not an obsession, it's a hobby."


It IS an obsession



-Nick Cramer

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My mom tries to avoid my sudden ramblings about coasters and any time we get close to the subject she changes it so some times I ramble to myself to get by plus she hates rollercoasters.


My friends think i'm crazy but they sometimes listen to my ramblings.

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My mother loves them.

My father hates them, but tolerates my family liking them.

My brother studied abroad in England to ride more.

My wife will plan future trips and looks for parks around places where we'll be on business trips

My mother-in-law gets sick just looking at them

My father-in-law is too fat to ride most of them

My brother-in-law is a whimp and won't ride them

My brother-in-law's wife is too fat to ride them


I love them, but don't flaunt that I know so much about them.

My friends own their own website too, so it works out.


My co-workers do not know that I am into rollercoasters, and that will remain that way because they wouldn't understand.

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Most of my friends can tolerate me pretty well. Though I suppose I can bring up a chat about anything, so I'm not totally obsessing about theme parks or coasters ALL the time; most of the time when I do, they dont mind. Although, couple of my friends have even got the hobby rubbed off on them, and share somewhat of an interest though they're not as much into it as I am.


My parents and most of my family knows about my theme park/coaster interest and think its cool. Grandparents have taken me on trips, and the family thinks its a neat hobby so they're not bothered by that. My dad is an extreme theme park/coaster enthusiast as well; so we often do alot of traveling to parks and stuff like that. Kind of cool to have a father that has a same interest as you. Most kids dads share a baseball hobby or something but we always do the theme parks and coasters.



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Most of my friends don't mind me talking about roller coasters every so often. None of them are coaster "enthusiasts" like me, but they seem to have no real opinion one way or another about my hobby. They acknowledge that I'm the "coaster person" at school, but they don't see it as a negative thing. Overall, I'm looked at neutrally in terms of liking coasters so much.

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Only 2 of my close friends who I have not met through roller coaster forums (TPR, RCPro, etc) are supportive of my strong interest in roller coasters. I actually got them both more interested in coasters than they previously were. One of them had to overcome "motion sickness" and eventually rode big coasters such as Medusa, El Toro, & Kingda Ka without getting sick. The other friend of mine who is supportive just hadn't been to many amusement parks and just last week he went to SFDK to ride the roller coasters there and he really enjoyed them (but nowhere near as much as me)


Last year I met a girl who really likes roller coasters and amusement parks. So much that she makes an annual trip to SFMM & DLR [although that might not sound like much to most of you, but it is to me], and has been on every ride at both those parks (even Flashback). We talked for quite a while before I asked her out and she rejected me because she saw me as a "just friend" We still talk, but no where near as much as before


Sorry for the depressing second paragraph. :-/

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most of them think that I play too much NL and RCT but I don't care... we do go to Walibi with a group, so its always fun..


few years ago I had to do a presentation in English, I picked theme parks as the subject. they all were impressed with how much I know about it


the only weird thing though is that I don't go on rollercoasters very often, you won't see me on kingda ka, or Millennium Force or whatever, but I could spend days just looking at it! My friends think i'm crazy when it comes to that.

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People my age should visit musea, look at beautiful old buildings or enjoy an amazing landscape and go "Ooh, aahh!". And of course, I enjoy that too. But most people don't really understand how a 26 year old can still be entertained by amusement park rides and shows. I have the idea that some people think it is kind of an inferior hobby to watching paintings in musea.

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Most would like coasters but they wouldn't exactly travel away to go on them. They think I'm a bit crazy that way, when every holiday destination happens to be located near a theme park.


Its even funner with my work colleagues, when I'm back off trips just watching their faces when I've told them I had been spending days at park, and showing them my photos.

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Well luckly for me, my friends loves coasters(but not as much as I do), my family don't care, and my co-workers think I'm a coaster-nut (even though one of them got a little coaster freak in them too) But I dont care. I always was the enthusiast on the DL, but I'm coming out the 'coaster closet'...

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A lot of guys I know think it's completely ridiculous! At the beginning of the school year, almost ell my class was mocking me, it was very hard to bear that!

But when I showed theme (theme = about 5 guys) some videos or photos, they completely change of heart! Now thanks to me,these guys think it doesn't suck to love coasters!

In general, in France, when you say you love roller coasters, people think you are crazy or childish! For them, roller coasters are only amusement, they don't understand anything about it!!

The best example of their stupidity is when they ask me "what job do you want to do later?" and I respond them : "I want to be a roller coaster designer", it almost if they don't laugh openly!!

RRrrr people suck! That's why if I can, I leave France for my future job!!

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People think that because I'm old (43!), coasters and theme parks should only be for young people. I've had some of the best times of my life recently in theme parks, enjoying rides with my kids (13,12 & 12). It's another opportunity for me to interact with a younger generation, and at least in my mind I'm cool again.

p.s. my wife hates coasters as she is scared of heights, and is normally the one left holding the back pack.

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I have a few friends that love rollercoasters about as much as I do, but they don't call themselves enthusiasts...


My dad hates theme parks and will (pretty much) refuse every invite to them.


My mums more open-minded. She likes the atmosphere and will do the occasional kiddie credit... She also does the occasional major ride, the latest and probably the only one being Rita which she thoroughly enjoyed (her on-ride photo says otherwise...). Thats encouraged her to do Air at Alton Towers this year!


I have truly ever opened up to naming all the makes and models to one person whom I work with purely because he opened up about him being a car enthusiast...


Only friends, family and you lot truly know I'm a coaster freak!

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