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Arrows, Arrows, Arrows.....

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This topic is for discussing ANYTHING about Arrows. You can list your favorites, bring up news about them, just Arrows. NO VEKOMAS (I'm looking at you, Boomerangs, you bunch of........).


The one exception to the rule is you can talk about bringing back old arrow concepts.


Top 3 arrows:


1. Magnum XL 200 @ CP

2. Loch Ness Monster @ BGW

3. Viper @ Darien Lake


S&S is bringing back the 4D concept (kinda sorta). It'd be cool to see them design an arrow suspended type of coaster. I enjoyed Iron Dragon, and I'd love to see more of these coasters.

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I agree. As much as many enthusiasts bash Ron Toomer's old coat hangers, without them we would not have the great manufacturers of today like B&M, Intamin, and RMC.


My favorite Arrow is VF's Corkscrew because it's pretty smooth and it's fun for what it is. Although, this could change next year once I ride Magnum XL-200.

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Arrow is great, I really like their forceful loops. I don't think coat hangers are really that bad unless the transition is too sharp. Ron Toomer uses one rail as axis and the other rail twists around it, with the looper train, the track twists pretty close to heart line which is already better than some other manufacturers.


But Arrow is not as good as Schwarzkopf+Stengel for sure. Even the success of KBF Corkscrew has a lot to do with Werner Stengel.

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^I agree with you, I just wonder who'd be wiling to bring this into one of their parks. The best arrow suspendeds are usually terrain coasters, in forested locations or over water. So that kinda narrows down the list. I'd love to see one at Dollywood or SDC, since the both lack suspended coasters. They both would be great locations, I just don't see it happening. Hopefully there is one park that is listening to us that will build this great type of coaster.

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Best chain dog noises in the business! Just like you know a song is from Van Halen the moment you hear Eddie's signature "brown sound" tone, there's no mistaking those classic, nuanced clankety-clanks of Magnum, Viper, Phantom, etc.

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I love Arrow's too! My biggest coaster-related regret is not being tall enough to ride Shockwave at SFGA back when it was still there (I think I was 6 ) Hopefully I can make it out to SFMM and get to ride Viper while it's still there.


And yes, Arrow's chain-dogs are almost hypnotizing.

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I've always loved Arrow's, no matter what kind of reputation they get. I've always loved the way they looked too, from the tracks, to the trains, they've always had a look to them that I've always admired. And to this day, I still think Drachen Fire was one of the best looking roller coasters anywhere, with B&M like supports and insipred layout, it sucks I never got to experience it. I really wish Arrow didn't go bankrupt, and it wasn't long after Tennessee Tornado was built, which I think was a game change in custom looping coasters (I've yet to ride it but it looks amazing). We'd be seeing more of these awesome rides.

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^Vekoma did make those trains. In fact Vekoma used to have a suspended coaster in their catalog using those trains but have dropped it. As some have stated I, too, would love to see the Arrow suspended coaster make a come back.


I wonder if Arrow would still be around if they didn't show Six Flags the 4-D that was still in development at the time since it was X that basically killed them. At the same time I wonder if Arrow could have still kept up with the increasing innovations that were being developed by other competitors.


My favorite Arrow loopers still operating are:


1. Vortex - Kings Island

2. Loch Ness Monster - BGW

3. Demon - SFGAm


My favorite defunct Arrows are:


1. Drachen Fire - BGW

2. Big Bad Wolf - BGW

3. Shock Wave - SFGAm

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I'm a huge Arrow fan, they really revolutionized the industry and they are some of the most beautiful looking coasters around. This upcoming season marks the 5th anniversary of Great American Scream Machines removal at Great Adventure, not only my favorite Arrow of all time but also one of my favorite coasters of all time. Now all Great Adventure has to show for it is the green abomination the call Green Lantern.

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I think the most disappointing thing about Arrow is that they went out of business right after that figured out how to build amazing looping coasters and B&M completely took over that market for awhile. Personally I'd have loved to see more coasters like Tenessee Tornado and less coasters like Medusa, Hydra and Led Zepplin. Those coasters are fun and all, but not nearly as good (or even as smooth which sounds ridiculous to say about an Arrow) as Tenessee Tornado.


EDIT: I'm not calling those coasters rough, just saying that Tennessee Tornado is holding up much better.


I'm also a big fan of the suspended coasters which are all great. I don't understand why these rides are so often overlooked... the Bat for example is probably one of the best coasters at Kings Island, the same goes for Vortex at Canada's Wonderland and Ninja at Magic Mountain.


Personally though I think my favorite thing to come from Arrow is the log flume which they basically invented and was at one point at almost every park in the country. These rides have mass appeal and I go out of my way to ride them whenever I'm at a park... even if it's dark out or freezing cold. They're all great rides.


Sure this company built some death machines (Vortex, Anaconda and X2 which is horrible and I'll never understand why anyone likes this awful piece of crap) but that's going to happen when you build such innovative rides (they brought back the loop, pioneered the steel coaster, built the first hypercoaster, invented the mine train, log flume and flying saucer ride and a built million other things I'm forgetting about).

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^It's not the only good one, Magnum is pretty fun. Though I do have a vague memory of it since the last time I went to CP was in '08. I have a better memory of Nessie. It's a bit rough, but there was no headbanging. While mine trains aren't really 'blow your mind' good, they are good family rides. Dahlonega Mine Train is my favorite one.

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