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Since we are leaving for Japan again at the end of this week, I'm going to post a few Tokyo Disney trip reports from our 2013 Japan Trip that I never got around to doing. I'm sure people don't mind seeing even MORE Tokyo Disney, do they?


Click here for part one of this report: http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=170&linkid=13399




Edited by robbalvey
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Robb, Did you have to remind me of how much I miss this place?


Tokyo Disney Resort is amazing, especially DisneySea! the rides, the friendliness, the details and theming are all outstanding.


Only thing I regret is not seeing all the endings of Stormrider!


I will 100% be back sometime as it was an excellent few days and thoroughly enjoyed wandering around it all and seeing everything the parks had to offer. (oh and getting introduced to the wonders of Gyoza).


Slightly OT: I walked past the Disney Store in the Trafford Centre a few weeks ago and some staff members were outside asking people who their favourite Disney character was (Not sure why) and I got asked, I said Shiriki and was told, not surprisingly that they had never heard of him). Oh well. Shiriki FTW!

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Unfortunately, I had to make a choice between the Wierd Parks of Japan Tour, just about to start up (Have Fun Guys!) and the Scandinavian Tour (in June) for this year's tour. It's been five years since the first Scandi tour, so I always wanted to return and visit/ride their parks & coasters again. So, Scandi won over Japan. This time.


Still, this report isn't helping me out with how I decided, lol.

And I do want to go back to Japan, at least a couple more times.

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I'm so glad my job and my impending marriage means i'm 1) a 30 minute drive from Everland (even if i'm the only person in the world who doesn't like the place right now) and more importantly 2) only a short flight away from Tokyo. Really will need to do another trip during a few weekdays when its not in-line with the rest of Korea and Japan's vacation time.

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I heard there's a secret arena in that little area where no-one goes where randomly picked visitors jelly-wrestle for exclusive Duffy merchandise that can only be obtained by becoming the ultimate champion of the day.

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^ LOL, if that was true and available, the "randomly picked" would probably still be

some kind of lottery system, knowing how Tokyo Disney works with these things/events.

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Tokyo Disney just looks awesome all-around. I still remember one of the first videos I saw from this site, way back when. It was from the first Japan-a-mania tour in 2004, and it was my first look at Disneysea, and the awesome Journey to The Center of The Earth attraction. It'll be great to see it all again once the first round of updates comes around.


This is one of the parks I want to see at some point in my lifetime.

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Here is the popcorn from my last trip, with also some handywork thrown in from the japanese cleaners during the snow and later melted snow of the weekend. I don't think i'd be able to work as a cleaner in Japan, the sweepers had far more talent with their mops, 2 minutes and rainwater than I can manage with an hour and a pencil.


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Every time I see these different sorts of popcorn, I want to take a flight to Tokyo Disney and enjoy all of them! I really hope TPR is doing another trip there next summer and I'll be able to join them. Japan looks amazing!

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The only flavored popcorn that I didn't care much for at Tokyo Disney was chocolate back in 2007 (didn't quite work), and I think I may have been the only one in the group who liked the soy-sauce-and-butter popcorn last year.


But curry popcorn is always great.

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