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The Official TPR Update Thread!

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I know that I told you this on Facebook, but I don't think I've said it in here. I'm loving that the trip reports are back! Looks like a great time, and I'm enjoying this TR a lot more than when certain people were taunting me on Facebook the entire time... They know who they are.


Couldn't find a facebook one but this is pretty much how I treat most videos or photos I see on facebook. Enjoy the videos/TR's but try to avoid the comments. TPR seems pretty good at bringing the hammer down on idiots but so many other park fb pages or videos make me want to bang my head against the computer when I see the things people write.

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As somebody who joined this forum just a couple of years after Robb and Elissa were married, it's hard to believe that this much time has already passed since then. Perhaps it's because I still watch all of the coaster expeditions on my Ipod at work to this day, and the wedding still feels recent. Congratulations on 10 years of marriage to both of you.


And what better place to celebrate this occasion than Epcot? Still my favorite of all the Disney parks that I've visited.

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Let's give away a Bag-O-Crap to Aaronupsidasium - Send an email to robbalvey@themeparkreview.com with your contact info and "Update Crap" in the subject!


Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party 2013!

For this update, if we get 25 responses in the forum, I'll give away some Bags-O-Crap!


We kicked off the "Holiday Season" with this annual event at Magic Kingdom! Check it out...

We have even included two complete "ride through" videos of Jingle Cruise!


Link: http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/photo.php?pageid=116&linkid=13202


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Hooray for emailing Dan! It's still my absolute favorite TPR running gag.

We haven't been doing it as much lately because the sad reality is that people just don't seem to use email as much anymore as they do Facebook messaging or texting people! So maybe it's good that Dan isn't on Facebook!

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And while the idea was "cute", unfortunately there wasn't any additional Christmas decorations throughout the rest of the ride. Really thought they could have at least put some lights on some of the scenes, like the expedition camp or something, maybe a Santa hat on one of the animals, you know?


Perhaps the hyenas could've worn elf hats, while the lions chewed on Santa's boots and green elf shoes.

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^ I still think that having Santa take the place of "Trader Sam"

near the end of the cruise, with a sign posted ahead of him, saying



That should scare the little ones into being good.

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Definitely seems like Jingle Cruise was thrown together at the last minute. Almost like someone was in a meeting and joked about it, then his boss liked it so much it became reality.

Like I said, the letter "U" and "I" are right next to each other on the keyboard. I wonder if this idea originated as a typo!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Jingle Cruise doesn't seem like its different from the Jungle Cruise except for some name changes. But other than that the Magic Kingdom looks great for Christmas time. Many of my trips to Disneyland as a kid were at Christmas time (as my Birthday is right before Christmas) and it was always great to see it decorated for Christmas. Knott's and Universal may have Halloween, but Disney is the King of Christmas.

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Just noticed the comment about the 45 minute wait at 11pm to meet the princesses on the TR, reminds me of a discussion I had with my girlfriend about what we would recommend as a beginner disney park after she got to just walk straight up and have pictures with the princesses, we just did hong kong disney and have finally visited all of them between us (I did orlando when i was a lot younger and she did california pre-cars land) and I was surprised how taken she was with hong kong disneyland. We had some friends who went to Disneysea and though they admitted it was amazingly beautiful they just found it a little overwhelming on the two days they went with the running over the park to get fast passes to avoid the huge lines or the masses of peoples that showed up when a character appeared in a land somewhere.


I argued that i'd still always recommend Tokyo because it's amazing in every aspect (disney mickey mouses drawn by the cleaners with wet mops as they went around the park on rainy days and mickey snowmen on the winter days) but she pointed out on even when we went on a snowy day when the parades were cancelled there was over an hour wait to meet mickey. I argued Orlando due to the amount of parks it had but she's adamant that if we ever have a young child or recommend a park to our friends who just want to take it casual she will always say Hong Kong Disney. She just really loved the fact that it wasn't too difficult to stroll up to see a parade or get a good spot for the fireworks, the lines never seemed to hit over 30 mins (except autopia and the parachutes) and generally if you wanted to meet 1 of the characters in their pavilions in fantasy land or a princess was spotted around the park you could easily stroll up and meet them within 10-15 minutes. I think she was just also really sold on how instead of a mad fastpass rush with crazy crowds and shoving like our last trip to tokyo, you could stroll around the park in the opening hours book up a reservation and get in half the park before the lines started to get anywhere near higher than walk-on.


I'll still tell my friends to suck it up and go to Disneysea as their 1st disney park if they really want to see what disney can do, forget about the crowds and soak up the atmosphere but i'd be interested to know if anyone shares her opinion, i'm not necessarily talking whats the best disney park just wondered if any-one agrees with her opinion that Hong Kong makes for the ideal "1st disney"

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