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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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Can you get through the park without going into the scares zones and or NOT being scared? If i go i'll go through scare zones but just wondering for others...


Honestly, it's very possible to walk through EVERY scare zone and not get scared. Doesn't matter which day of the week you go, scare zones have lacked the past couple years, IMO.

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Went this past week, all the rides were walk-on's, and for most you didn't even have to get out of your seat for another ride. Weird thing was that the most people I saw in line were for Jaguar and Pony Express, both had pretty full trains. Ghostrider was running good (gold train, front seat, last car). I actually rode it twice with no bruises. Oh, and Silver Bullet actually felt a little forceful. Pretty good day at the park, but then it's always pretty dead during the week this time of year.

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Went to Halloween Haunt yesterday. I have to say I was overall unimpressed. I understand it is the first night and I will give them that excuse. Rode Ghostrider, Pony Express, Supreme Scream and Silver Bullet. Ghostrider was fun in my favorite seat (very back), Pony Express was cool (never been on it before), Supreme Scream was meh, and Silver Bullet was suprisingly fun (sat in the very back) and I actually got off dizzy. As far as the haunts go Lockdown and Club Blood were cool especially Club Blood. The Doll Factory was great. They had some reallly cute women in there.Terror of London was jus meh (the vibrating floor was wierd). Dia De Los Muertos was absolutely the worst maze I have ever gone through in my entire life. I cant fully blame the talent its moreso the idea of the maze was horrible. PLEASE BRING BACK MALICE!!!! Black Widows Cavern (mine ride) lacked monsters majorly but again it was early. Sleepy Hallow Mountain (Log Ride) was great. The talent was great and the theming was really good. We spent the rest of the night watching The Hanging which was cool and drinking beer and liquor in the bars. The drinks were expensive but the cups were cool. I missed 6 mazes but thats ok we only paid $20 to get in.

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^^If you go into Haunt thinking "they're not enough monsters, I hope it picks up", keep hoping. As the month goes on they'll lose monsters and the ones that remain a lot of them lose interest. I think the problem with Haunt is that the park has been relying so much on the title of being "The best event in the genre" that they haven't felt the need to compete. As of right now it's still leaps and bounds better than Fright Fest but in a short time I think Horror Nights has surpassed Knott's in the event.

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Went to Halloween Haunt yesterday. I have to say I was overall unimpressed. I understand it is the first night and I will give them that excuse.


Nah, it's no excuse. That's the KSF I know. When it gets later in the month, like towards Halloween and people are still unimpressed, the excuse is often "the event has been running for nearly a month now and nobody's really in to scaring people anymore."


B&M hit it on the head. HHN is on the rise--Knott's is going to have to up the auntie if they expect to stay the premiere Halloween even in SoCal.

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^ I don't understand why people go to Haunt, then spend so much time riding rides and missing mazes. But maybe that's just me.




The wait times for the rides werent bad the longest line was Ghostrider which was about 40 minutes. We spent the majority of the time drinking and dancing

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I'm heading HHN at Knotts for the first time this Friday, October 1st, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about Haunted Houses, what rides to do and what not to do, and what the best "The Hanging" Showtime is I would be happy. Thanks!


PS No matter what I will be doing Silver Bullet, since it's the only credit I'm missing...how long would the line be on a HHN Friday Night?

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so hell's kitchen took the winners of the challenge to Knott's as their reward on tonights episode, I think they gave them 45 seconds of um "exposure" as the women were literally popping out of their old time dresses for their old timey photo, lmao, other than that, it was really more of a mention of the park and a quick 15 second ride on mr b&M...bottom line, there were boobies on the episode!!! so if it's not on yet in your part of the country, well, i spoiled who won the challenge....in that case, you should still watch for the boobies

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Knott's was actually featured in last week's episode of America's Next Top Model ( yes I watch). The girls had to do a photo shoot while riding Silver Bullet...they had to pose for the onride photo. Knott's had a little more exposure with that show than tonight's Hell's Kitchen.

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