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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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^Awesome! The presentation was awesome last year...Daniel (one of the Haunt designers) gave us a full walkthrough of Fallout Shelter and answered all our questions.

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Update: March 2nd, 2011


There is now a central hole being dug for the windseeker, so I'm hoping parts arrive soon, although it is hard to see from the pictures. (sorry!)


Yeah, Ghostown is not just an area of the park. .



The water was being pumped back in.



Om nom nom! I like to eat up dirt!



Yeah, sorry for the lack of clarity, but that there is a big hole in the ground.



Silver Bullet's train is still a tad nude.



Now there's my Baby!



Awe, look! The two trees are looking after the sleeping tree over there. Let's just walk over to Xcelerator and mind our business.


Shocking thing was Silver Bullet had the longest line today, and that was only a two train wait.

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Went back today as well, and I left the park on a bad note.


  • Mechanics had a pulley in the station working around the propulsion system.
    Montezuma closed early for some welding near the back spike by the brakes.
    Ghostrider was closed for a bit, but reopened (most likely to take one train off because they opened the park with two train operation.)
    Jaguar was down, but testing when I left.


It just seemed like an odd day, but all in all, I had a good time.

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Mechanics had a pulley in the station working around the propulsion system.


Xcel I'm assuming?


Montezuma closed early for some welding near the back spike by the brakes.


Zoom is 33 years old so this is excusable. God how I miss operating Zoom.


Ghostrider was closed for a bit, but reopened (most likely to take one train off because they opened the park with two train operation.)


If there's no line and the crew is sending out half-empty trains, this makes sense.

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Yes, and I understand, but it was opened with the park before they closed it down.





It was just weird, because when I got to the park bright and early, everything was operating, and even as I was leaving, a lot of the guest were getting frustrated. I don't blame them.

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Sounds like you have an off day. Sorry to hear that, but I'm also curious about what was going on with Xcel. Hmmm....


I too was at Knotts Friday at the open. As said before Ghostrider was a "delayed opening." This took about 45 minutes. I finally rode it in the second row and it was rough! Both Monte & Jag were down it that corner of the park. When I got back to Xcelerator, they had a hoist with the catch car pulled out of the track. This was about 11:45. I'm not sure what happened since Thursday night, when I rode the last train at 6. There were no maintenance guys anywhere around to be seen. It finally opened at 3:00pm, and went down at 5:20. Not sure what that was all about, but the later closure had 3 maintenance guys there. I left at 5:45 as it was getting too cool to just stand at the station. I'm sure it was back up since they had a private event last night that ran until 1am.


Riding Silver Bullet and Jaguar gives you a good view of the construction of "breaking wind." It seems very congested in that area. All things considered it was not a good day Friday at the Farm.

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I visited the park for a few hours today. It was hot and didn't get really crowded until noon. Went straight back to Xcelerator to get five rides in a row. Silver Bullet still only had one train running and the line was about 45 minutes all day. Windseeker is now a big hole with pipes. Overall nice day in the park, I'll try to upload my pictures later today. Did everything once except for Xcelerator.


Xcelerator - walk on

Boomerang - walk on

Riptide - walk on

Log ride - walk on

Supreme Scream - 5 min

Montezooma - 10 min

Sidewinder - 15 min

Mine ride - 10 min

Ghostrider - 30 min

Jaguar - walk on

Calico railroad - walk on

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^Yeah, it got pretty hot, but it was a nice laid back day. I also forgot to mention they are currently painting Perilous Plunge. The lift is all white now, the rest is still the same for now. And obviously they are still painting Xcelerator. I was also wondering how much longer it should take them to bring back the other Pony Express train.

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This might seem really out of place... but does anyone know what's going on with Perilous Plnuge? We drove by the other day to see it all white. Now I know they've primed the ride before- before painting, but I don't recall the ENTIRE LIFT with its handrails being painted too.


And also... Sweet Mercy, that drop looked dirty.

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Actually just standing in the part of the queue that's underneath the drop gets you more wet than the ride itself. Although, I will admit there's some very nice airtime to be had in row's 5 and 6.

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