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Roughest coaster

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Hurricane, I guess that if you put Lethal Weapon as your worst ride, that you did not get the chance to ride The Thunderbolt at Dreamworld while it was operating.


When that coaster closed, so did over 30 chiropractors on the Gold Coast. It was so rough, that my wife would ride it to fix her back and save the cost of going to the bone doctor, I would even go as far to say that it was rougher than sandpaper on an open wound...ouch!!!


Wayne "Thank Good it's gone now" C.

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Thunder 101:


Hurricane, I guess that if you put Lethal Weapon as your worst ride, that you did not get the chance to ride The Thunderbolt at Dreamworld while it was operating.


When that coaster closed, so did over 30 chiropractors on the Gold Coast. It was so rough, that my wife would ride it to fix her back and save the cost of going to the bone doctor, I would even go as far to say that it was rougher than sandpaper on an open wound...ouch!!!


Wayne "Thank Good it's gone now" C.


Thunder 101: I did ride the thunderbolt. Before you start whipping cup cakes at me. I found the ride real smooth. Never Rough it was a little rough but not enough to hurt you

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^ Dude, just expressing my own opinion that the Thunderbolt was the roughest coaster in Oz, not taking the P$## out of you in any way, so chill a bit. And I would never waste a cupcake at all, just look at my picture to prove that.


And I have witnessed the after effects of the Thunderbolt more than once, when the parks first aid officers have had to help people after ridding the coaster. Mostly with bad headaches, and one with a back problem, but it would not surprise me if this was a pre-existing problem with her back. This happened about 4 years ago for the back problem and only 2 years ago with the headache trouble(happened when we taped the ride from the front seat).


Still if you believe it was smooth, then that is up to you....I just beg to differ...

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  CoasterFanatic said:
^ As it runs now, I feel the exact same way.


The sad thing is, it has great potential.


Yea, you are 100% right!!! It would be such an amazing coaster, if it weren't for the pain! Who made that?


I should've taken the advice you gave me before I went, that it would hurt. I just figured that my parents get banged up on many coasters, but I don't! From now on, I'll listen to others' advice

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Goudurix, Parc Astrix.


Simply put, this thing = pain. Went on twice and hopefuly I'll never have to go on it again. Its the first four inversions that kill you, particularly at the front.


So, attached is a backseat POV of Goudurix for you all to see just how rough it really is.


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  CocaColaBoy said:
Goudurix, Parc Astrix.


Simply put, this thing = pain. Went on twice and hopefuly I'll never have to go on it again. Its the first four inversions that kill you, particularly at the front.


So, attached is a backseat POV of Goudurix for you all to see just how rough it really is.


That POV shows a very smooth ride, actually. Looks like it was shot with a steady cam, or something! Very clear, smooth, POV. Wonderful! Looks fun!


Anyways, I don't really mind rough rides, and I've been on a few listed here! The real trick is to not fight it! Just go with the flow, and let the ride beat you up! It's fun!

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1-Ninja @SFOG, I still love that ride but it KILLS to ride it and after about the 5th ride in a row you black out and don't even remember anything.


2-Georgia Cyclone @SFOG, all I remember of the ride is being expelled from my seat over and over, which is very fun, I could never even could focus on anything after I rode because I was so shaken up

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  • 2 weeks later...

Son of Beast owns all in the "hurts like hell" category. Especially when you ride it twice in a row. Man was that stupid...


Oh, and the only coaster I have ever been raped on is Mantis, when I had the seat up too far, and we came to the break section. God that hurts so much.

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  CocaColaBoy said:
Goudurix, Parc Astrix.


Simply put, this thing = pain. Went on twice and hopefuly I'll never have to go on it again. Its the first four inversions that kill you, particularly at the front.


So, attached is a backseat POV of Goudurix for you all to see just how rough it really is.


that is one of the SMOOTHEST POVs i have ever seen... but that ride is in the 'bumps and briuses' video contest entry, looked terrible



as for me, ive never came off of a ride thinking "wow that was rough" and i've never been someone to bang their head into OTSRs. so i really dont really have that great of an opinion, i guess it would be Boomerang at Knott's, but heck, i remember when that was widely regarded as the best ride in the park!

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ninja at sfog, hands down the WORST COASTER ON THE PLANET, would you believe I actually liked it the first time I rode it. LOL!


I loved it the first time, too. Then the second time I hated it more than any ride I had ridden. The 3rd time I rode it, I was in the back seat, which really makes a huge difference in how rough the ride is. I guess the trailing wheels for the back car help to stabilize it a lot more. I did not have any headbanging in the back seat, and I actually rode it 2 times in a row with no problems. I now think it is a really cool ride, and it's one of my favorite Vekomas.

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  Token Yankee Guy said:
Cyclone @ SFNE: It will abuse you 10 fold.


if you mean before the trims and retracking of the first drop from its formaer glory then i agree 10 fold. it has less violent rough ness now. not saying its smooth but it no longer creats softball sized bruses from a back seat ride hands up.


psyclone has to rank up their with the existing rides

viper would be the worst coast i rode though, only time i was ever pleased to see one dismatled and taken down, for some odd reason the last time i was their i was compelled to ride it again, much to my own regerts later on after the headache it made.

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I would say Psyclone at SFMM! Specially on that first turn after the first drop!! I have a lil story here to tell you why!!


I was sitting on the left side and my bro on the right front seat!! Just as we slammed into the first left hand turn me and my bro literally caught some serious airtime and bounced violently sideways, me into my brother and my brother into the side of the car as we were both off our seats!! That airtime slam was soooo rough it knocked my bros glasses off his face and onto the ground!! We both thought his glasses were gone forever!! But after the ride we went to a ride op and said his glasses flew off his face! To our surprise he called a park attendant to assist us in looking for his glasses!! So we went to the spot where that turn was and the park attendant went in to find his glasses. Low and behold there it was a bit bent up with one lens that fell out. The lens wasnt to far away from the bent up glasses either! We sat down for about 10 min as he fixed his glasses succesfully!! Neeless to say he always puts his glasses away on every coaster now!!

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One of the roughest coasters I have ever ridden is Bandit (Wild Wild West before they renamed it) in Movie Park Germany. It really hurts and so I couldn't ride it more than two times in a row altough the whole park was empty.

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