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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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^ I hate you!



^Did you see my Escalator into the Apple Store???


Yes I did! I noticed you've been moving things around, and it cracked me up - but, I figured that was only temporary, as *I* couldn't make heads or tails of why you'd do it that way. Too bad you can't place anything under the escalator structure. That would be cool.


I do have an original idea for Burns mansion, that I haven't seen anyone do (yet), so I hope that will be cool. Might take up some space though.

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It took me forever to get him. There was another update in the iTunes Store tonight, but it had the same description as last time. Didn't see anything new, and neither did other people online. I guess Thursdays seem to be their release days, so maybe something will kick in tomorrow.

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^That's what I'm doing as well, only $900k to go before the glass is mine!


^^Robb bought the wishing well and the Leprechaun gives you money or XP every time you tap him. Then he runs quickly away and you can tap him again when he slows down and/or you find him.

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After reading what Elissa wrote, I decided to get the Wishing Well. I thought after a while the Leprechaun would stop giving you money and XP but I ended up stopping before that happened! Granted, you only get either $8 or 2 xp every time you tap him, but it's definitely worth a few minutes of tapping! He slows down about every 4 seconds. While you only get XP or $ every time, it's the equivalent of the brown house, but instead of every 5 minutes, it's every 4 seconds.


I still have about $2.6 million until I can get the magnifying glass. I was thinking of just selling my skyscraper, but I'd only get $500,000 so looks like it'll be a while!

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Oh, and here's what was posted on some of the fan sites about what was also hidden in today's update:


3 new buildings.

Lenny & Carl as new characters.

All the previous mentionned items (camping tent, ficus plant, ice cream cart, etc)

Level 27. And a new promo



adulteducationannex : http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Adult_Education_Annex

springfieldbuddhisttemple : http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Springfield_Buddhist_Temple

mountcarlmore : http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_Carlmore



Here's Carl visible tasks :






Here's Lenny visible tasks :






A new promotion is coming soon. Nothing on it yet.

Pretty exciting stuff!

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I'm kind of hoping that if you have the magnifying glass and skyscraper they'll burn it or have some additional animation, but that also may be asking too much.


That was the FIRST thing I thought of. I pictured Joey being the first.

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I kind of got the urge to start playing this, although I feel I'm seriously late to the party.

Honestly, now would be a really good time to start with no special events or random craziness. It's a fun game, and if you like the Simpsons it's a really fun game.

Okay, sure...why not!



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Updated the front page.


I kinda want the magnifying glass, but I'd only get the skyscraper if it did something.


Also, EA is at it again. They cant keep the new Sin City servers up and running. Its requires you to always have an internet connection to play the game, the same way it is for the Simpsons. And its failing miserably, to the point that a review on CNET cant even access the game to do his review! Below is a link to the article, take a read, its kind funny how dumb EA really is. Now I cant wait for the new Roller Coaster Tycoon....



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