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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Crap. While looking for anything new, I looked in the premium category. F'n accidentally hit blue funzo.


50 doughnuts shot to hell!!


There is a funzo running around my town for the same reason.

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Has anyone else tried out these new Golden Scratch-Rs yet? $.99 for a chance to win up to 100 donuts. I got curious and wanted to see what winning options were available and ended up getting 20 donuts out of the deal!


Mmmmm.. premium currency! ::drool::


Here are the various winning options.


Huzzah! 20 donuts for $.99 ain't too shabby! :)

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Anyone know if there's a level 27?



just reached XP level and just got the box with 3 options to choose from...


back to zero on XP again..


at least I'm over 1 million again on cash..

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Anyone know if there's a level 27?



just reached XP level and just got the box with 3 options to choose from...


back to zero on XP again..




I waited till I rolled over to verify (just now) as well, even though there was no additional bldgs or anything available in the store.


I'm kinda wondering what happens tomorrow. Of their FB feed, it said that "Gorgeous Grampa" won't be available after then. Is that going to be the launch trigger for something bigger or not??


at least I'm over 1 million again on cash..


I've been going the opposite route. I've been buying as much land as possible and filling it with blue houses. Between that and setting my peeps on 8-hours tasks, I'm now generating about $160,000 and about 14,600 xp every 8 hours. I've maxed out on the land going to the right, and going down. I have only 26 parcels of land left to buy, and the cheapest is now $77,000.


So... I figure that generating money won't be a problem if new levels or something good pops up. So I'm going to finish off the grid. But, I'll only be adding one square every 8 hours, till I'm out of the $77,000 ones (5 more), then just one a day as the price jumps to $86,000, then you have to add in the cost of the blues houses ($14,400), and slowing down isn't such a bad idea.


But I would like to see some new LEVELS (yeah, plural!) added.



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Weird, my level 26 just maxed out tonight and I got the donut game.


Question for you, and this isn't really meant to be a negative thing (although I guess it could be), but for those of you on level 26, what keeps you playing the game?


Personally, I'm at the point now where I'm a little bored of the game, I set my guys for 12 or 24 hour tasks and check in with them once per day. But I still pay every day and what keeps me playing it is that I'm really hoping that at some point they will, release not only new level content, but some sort of an activity or a mini game that you can always do, even when you're leveled up and not much else to do.


I always go back to the Animal Crossing fishing thing. In that game, no matter what's happening, if Tom Nooks is closed, your neighbors are all asleep, and there isn't anything left to dig up, you could always go fishing. Just a simple thing to do in the game that was always active and a time waster.


I think this is the one big thing this game is missing. But I'm hopeful for the future!

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^I'm on level 26 but my XP is way ahead of my in-game progression, only just built the Muntz house so still plenty of content left to go. All the same I would like to see some minigames - the scratchies are a good start but something that was a little more involved would make it more interesting.


For example, Simpsons trivia where you can answer one question every few hours, rewarded with cash or donuts depending on question difficulty. Or one of those match-up games where the faster you complete it, the bigger the reward.


Personally I don't mind the odd grind if it'll get me premium items - I've spent as much real money on this game as I care to so anything where I can occasionally win a donut or two would be useful.

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The XP thing fixed itself when I started up the game this morning. I have to admit that I hope that some new event starts up soon as I too do not have as much incentive to keep playing. Right now I am currently grinding to reach the 2 million mark in cash to get the stick skyscraper. I rarely visit other people's towns anymore since there is very little payoff for the extra work now. (I was hoping the old bug would return where the more consecutive towns you visited, the more money you could make).

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I maxed out at level 26 and got three doughnuts. Then, I got the dreaded harp of death. It's a pretty common bug where the title screen freezes and a harp noise just repeats over and over. Resetting, uninstalling, and all that stuff does nothing. They say to keep the device from auto locking and just let it go for a while. Some people said it took 20 minutes to finally work so I'm just letting it stay frozen with auto lock off. Hopefully it works. If that doesn't work, there's some hacker guy that has been fixing everyone's. It's annoying, but I'm glad it's happening now, when there's nothing going on.

Edited by jray21
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^I read about that glitch quite a bit but never new anyone personally who had it. Did you see all the info though that if you get back in you can end up scoring hundreds of donuts for free? Is that still happening?

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^I read about that glitch quite a bit but never new anyone personally who had it. Did you see all the info though that if you get back in you can end up scoring hundreds of donuts for free? Is that still happening?
. Yep, it's still happening! I scored 960 doughnuts! It was the same thing as the glitch Amy got earlier. The surprise box where you can win 1-3 doughnuts just kept popping up. I'd collect the doughnuts, and it would just pop up with another box. It just kept doing that for a couple hundred times before it crashed again. When I opened the app again, everything worked fine and the 960 extra doughnuts were still there! Looks like i'll be able to get a bunch of premium items I've wanted. I hope the game crashes for everyone else too!
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