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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Do we know if after we get the donut torture machne we should keep collecting probes or would we be better off waiting the two days for the next group of prizes?


I've been thinking the same thing. I'm still rolling thru Hugo's "good son" quests. I'm still working on the pumpkin house (NOT the same as last years, from what I've read), and the spooky house, so I'll still working on the gift bags.


I'll do some looking. The ONLY thing I'm not using right now is the ammo. I'm hoping that holding those may carry over for better stuff, during the next challenge.

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I'm still working on the pumpkin house (NOT the same as last years, from what I've read),


My mistake. I meant "The Grand Pumpkin". The pumpkin house IS the same as last years.


Evidently the "craft" menu (ray gun in the top right) will just have things added to it. Those do not expire, and will probably be there for the duration. Once you get the donut torture device, you have ALL the prizes for this round. No one is sure if hoarding gift bags will carry over to the next challenge or not.


It seems like everyone is in the same boat until the next challenge is revealed.


Also, if you tap on the Simpson house, you get the inventory for Moe's clothes.


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After collecting the necessary clothing items for Moe's outfit, there is a trivia question when you tap on the Simpson's House attic. The correct answer is Pretentious Modern Art, and you'll get 10 donuts if you answer it correctly on the first guess.

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Yay! I finally got the Donut Torture Machine. I was worried I wasn't going to collect enough probes in time.


I'm enjoying this event so far. It's a lot more fun than the Stonecutter event so far, which was probably the worst event that Tapped Out has ever had.

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Looks like I'll miss out on the Donut Eating Machine, started too late with this one and a weekend away with little wifi access didn't help. But overall enjoying the event, seems a bit "meatier" than previous ones.

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I'm enjoying this event so far. It's a lot more fun than the Stonecutter event so far, which was probably the worst event that Tapped Out has ever had.


No, I think I would have to give that one to the Easter event. Too many bad things to mention with that one.

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Ok, so I must be doing something wrong. I am playing the Halloween update a lot, as my job and free time allows me to, so it's not like I haven't tapped enough; but I am far behind in getting the rolling categories. I got within 250 probes last night, 7 minutes before the category rolled, so I had to buy the Donut Machine. Yet, I know some of you are finishing days ahead of schedule, what am I doing wrong here.

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I Dunno? You have all your kids Trick or Treating right? Your leaving Gremaliens in other peoples towns right? Honestly, check your count. I actually found a discrepency in the last update. It wasn't totaling things correctly for me, and because of that, I didn't get the Homer statue. I was sad. No Homer make Guy a sad boy.

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I was traveling when the torture machine rolled over so I missed it. However, it is now an option to build along with the pumpkin house and the other items, so at least I still have a chance to get it. I should get the Spooky house in the next day or two!

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