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Gardaland Discussion Thread

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From what it looks like, it doesn't look like it's possible to be modified dive machine trains. If you look closely at the catwalks on the lift hill they seem to be lowered slightly below the spine of the track. If they were using dive machine cars the catwalks would need to be slightly higher just in case a evacuation is needed. Just saying

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  Saldek said:
Nice pics!


This inversion support looks like a first for B&M?


Looks like it - it also looks mighty scary - not much room between the outside riders and the supports. Hopefully they've taken the reach envelope into consideration (they probably have).

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  enricoaster said:
It is truly amazing

sorry my bad english


Thanks for sharing the photos! I did have to remove the link to your website. Newer users with less than 50 posts are not allowed to post links unless they are approved by Robb. Feel free to share more photos though.


And don't worry about your English. You are doing fine.

Edited by ernierocker
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  A.J. said:
Looks like it - it also looks mighty scary - not much room between the outside riders and the supports. Hopefully they've taken the reach envelope into consideration (they probably have).


I'm sure there is plenty room and guessing the angle of the pic doesn't really show it.


I'm just curious as to why they are using this kind of support for this inversion.

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  ernierocker said:
  enricoaster said:
It is truly amazing

sorry my bad english


Thanks for sharing the photos! I did have to remove the link to your website. Newer users with less than 50 posts are not allowed to post links unless they are approved by Robb. Feel free to share more photos though.


And don't worry about your English. You are doing fine.


Ok ernierocker

Edited by enricoaster
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  wlmoorer said:
I really hope this project is a success so the US will get one...that being said, I am sure B&M does extensive product and market research before investing in new rollercoaster models, so I doubt this will be a flop!


Looks like a win-win for Gardaland and B&M!!!


True but look at the problems that B&M have had with their flyers? granted nothing as major as vekoma has had but still not as reliable as an invert or floorless either.


Having said that B&M have been in the business for 20 years now & have learned more than enough about their product research to provide a reliable high quality ride.

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