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Russia to build Vekoma GIB in Sochi

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I had no idea they were that close to opening. The photos make it look like there is much work to do. Also, even though Sochi is not your typical climate for the Winter Olympics it seems like a strange time to open a park for a few reasons.

1- Average temperatures of 40 degrees are considered cold for an amusement park.

2 - Vehicle congestion in Olympic cities is usually very high.

3 - Security is usually very tight right near Olympic villages and the park to right next to the village, will the public be able to easily get to the park during those first two weeks.

4 - Is there generally a high level of tourism is this beach town in March/April/May before the summer starts to support a park.


I still see a comparison to Myrtle Beach since I don't know if the tourists can easily get to the amusement park nor do I know that they have a real interest in leaving the beach (or parties) for an amusement park. I would guess that most vacationers fly in Sochi. Do they then rent cars? How far are the beachs/hotel rooms/rental houses from the amusement park? If it is not walking distance I expect few to visit.


I could be wrong, but that's how I view it.

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^Good point about the temps. Aren't GIBs highly temperature-sensitive? I know Aftershock doesn't run in the cold.


Yeah, it's pretty particular about the temperature. 60 degrees (F) is about as low as it will go (at least in the morning). When it (or more specifically the wheels) get too cold, the train won't go as fast, and may have issues clearing the cobra roll. Sometimes to try and get the ride open when it's cooler, they actually drop the train from about halfway up the tower and have it purposefully valley out in the station in order to warm it up without risking it getting stuck somewhere else. In the evening after running all day it usually does better. I don't think I've ever seen it close early because it was too cold, unless there was also high winds or rain.

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Matt Lauer and The Today Show did a small piece on the park today and it was confirmed that they rushed but it will NOT open for the Olympics. The hotel is rumored to be open and two royal delegations are staying in it but they couldn't confirm it. They also reported that there were problems building the rides and some of the locals that helped build the park don't feel it's safe! Crazy stuff!

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Yeah, I've heard that the entire Olympic venue is a complete mess - physically, financially and politically too. I have a strange feeling that this is going to turn into Athens all over again...

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Today I read a piece were the athletes were interviewed about their Olympic Village and most were very impressed by it. The housing is basic but very clean - and mostly with a view of palms and the ocean from the balconies. Plus the venues are reachable by foot - or as offered for each nation for free - by bikes. Also the canteens and buffets offered a wide food selection from international to Russian. A German athelete was quoted with "We have to be careful to not get into a holiday feeling here".


Colleagues said that the Press Center also looks amazing, by the looks of it it will later be tranformed into a shopping center.

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They also reported that there were problems building the rides and some of the locals that helped build the park don't feel it's safe! Crazy stuff!

Wow that really seems like Chinese knock off level, or worse. Now, seriously, not exactly great news for the park.

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Matt Lauer and The Today Show did a small piece on the park today and it was confirmed that they rushed but it will NOT open for the Olympics. The hotel is rumored to be open and two royal delegations are staying in it but they couldn't confirm it. They also reported that there were problems building the rides and some of the locals that helped build the park don't feel it's safe! Crazy stuff!


I found a link to the interview:



That piece did not bode well for the park from a marketing stand point. Matt Lauer is a huge coaster fanatic, but for him to give 'away' his tickets to the park? That may be a bad sign.

I hope the park does well and is safe when it finally does open.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lately one of the German editors noted that hotels and resorts are priced in the upper range compared to international resorts while service - specially at the 2** and 3*** hotels - make one feel like visiting a rustic Soviet hostel.


Positive notes were given to the overall location and weather. During the sunny and springtime warm days some noted it was kind of sad the park is not ready right now.

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^ That looks like a LOT of photoshop/graphic artistry at work in that photo. Most likely a promo image. It's hardly shorts and T-shirt weather in Sochi.

Yeah! I was really kind of stupid to miss that. Feel quite embarrassed right now

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^ That looks like a LOT of photoshop/graphic artistry at work in that photo. Most likely a promo image. It's hardly shorts and T-shirt weather in Sochi.


Actually, where the park is…it would depend on your definition of shorts and T-shirt weather! Temps in the 50-60 degree range.

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^ I meant currently. Is it really that warm right now?!


Yes, there were plenty of days where the temperature in Sochi was in the 50-60 degree range during the Olympics. Sochi was much warmer than the nearby mountains.

Edited by larrygator
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  • 4 months later...

I was having a look at Coasterfriends to see if there were any news and apparently the park is open since the 27th (last month).


Here are some pictures.



I also found a post which translated (according to google) to:

According Coastersandmore the park could be expanded in the future by a GCI wooden roller coaster:


Originally Posted by coastersandmore.de

Great Coaster International should also have been awarded a wooden roller coaster in Sochi Park Adventureland. The theme park opened in 2014, the wooden giant to follow as stage and provide about 1000 meters distance.

If any of our German speaking members want to see if they can come up with a better translation go ahead.

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