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Forgotten coasters

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What?? That wooden coaster looks amazing. Never saw that before.

Wow, that's one of those legends. I wouldn't even consider it to be forgotten :shock:


How about X? Four years ago it was the talk of the industry... and now all I hear are some complaints when people write TRs and reviews and such and that's about it. The hype for it died down big time.

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Here is a Schwarzkopf designed coaster that I've heard absolutely nothing about. It was put in just last year too.


It's called Big Whirl Wind and its at some park in St. Pertersburg Russia


While I don't believe it was ever really hyped around here, it is in a forgotten part of the coaster world!


that looks great. what a mystery. is it just me, or does this look kind of like expedition everest without the fake mountain around it?

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And a coaster you don't hear much about is that B&M Invert at Entertainment City, Kuwait. RCDB lists it as brand new, but I can't find a pic of it anywhere.


Largely because I haven't been to Kuwait in years! I'm only sortof kidding, I seem to get to some really out of the way parks. By the way, the B&M in Kuwait isn't at Entertainment City, but rather a new park closer to the city center. EC is actually in Doha, about 45 minutes west of Kuwait City. It was an interesting park to say the least!


Chris B

Currently riding out of the way coasters in Japan!

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What's even MORE interesting is when there is a brand new major installation that everyone talked about prior to the season, and by the end of the season no one seemed to care. Hydra IMMEDIATLY comes to mind!


I mean, before the start of this year's season I saw discussions like "will there be an inversion before the lift", "What is the Jojo roll", etc, etc.


And then it opened...


*crickets chirping*


Wow. It almost seemed like the ride was forgotten about before the opening day came to an end!


Yeah, Hydra never seemed to have much interest with anyone after it opened. I was at Dorney last Sunday and despite the fact that the park was dead with Talon and Hydra being walkons, there were times where there was less than 8 people on the entire train on Hydra. I realize that due to the lack of crowds, there wouldn't be any wait but for a brand new coaster that just opened up a little over 4 months ago (from when I visited), to have trains less than 1/3 full, really says something about how people feel about the ride.

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Here is a Schwarzkopf designed coaster that I've heard absolutely nothing about. It was put in just last year too.


It's called Big Whirl Wind and its at some park in St. Pertersburg Russia


While I don't believe it was ever really hyped around here, it is in a forgotten part of the coaster world!


that looks great. what a mystery. is it just me, or does this look kind of like expedition everest without the fake mountain around it?


It sort of is. It used to be in a park in Japan, and had a mountain around it. Most of the support structure is redundant without it! One of his "Bavarian Mountain Railroad" coasters (like, for instance, Lisebergbahn), and pretty standard (unlike, for instance, Lisebergbahn). The most unique thing about it is the track system, which none of the other BMR rides have.




Anyways, what about Magnum? For a while you couldn't talk about coasters without including Magnum, and then Millenium Force came along, and you never hear about it anymore.

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How about X? Four years ago it was the talk of the industry... and now all I hear are some complaints when people write TRs and reviews and such and that's about it. The hype for it died down big time.


I'd have to disagree with you on that, buddy. Its weird how people seem to share opinions on various coaster sites, this one, for example, seems to have a negative outlook on X, others think its the greatest coaster in the world, (thats sure as heck were I'd put it).


But, really, go to SFMM and you'll see, people RUN to X, literally, i mean its just a giant marathon to that coaster when the park opens.


just because we do not talk about it doesnt mean it still isnt talked about, its just been awhile and nothing has changed.


ok time to contribute! S:TE has fallen off the face of the earth, it was amazing when it came out, Travel channel showed it on everything. now it is a 'coaster' thats fast and tall, but it doent make it 'to the top' like it should.

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There are hundreds of forgotten coasters. I can't name them all. A lot of people usually talk about B&Ms and Intamins, appart from Intamin inverts (both named Tornado). Schwarzkopf coasters are nearly forgotten. Intamin accelerators are the most talked about coasters lately.

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I wouldnt say Schwarzkopf coasters are forgotten its just that one hasnt been made in a while so quite naturally they wouldnt be the talk of the town...but keeping in lieu w/ the purpose of the thread lol lol another coaster that just open up not too long ago that kinda fell off the map is dueling dragons...

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I'm suprised nobody has mentioned this coaster yet...



Two more are White Lightnin, from Carowinds, and Greezed lightnin from SFMW.[/url]


Ha, you aren't even old enough to remember that.


Magnum XL-200 is one of those great coasters that isn't mentioned that often anymore. It's a great coaster, one of the better coasters in the world, but as soon as something "bigger" comes along, it gets overshadowed.

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Arrow suspended coasters I feel never reached their full design potential and were certainly forgotten when inverts came out. The swinging cars provide forces that are unique and much different than inverts. It would be nice to see a modern version of one of these.

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^ Agreed. Ninja at SFMM is the only suspended I've ridden, but it's one of my very favorite rides at the park for the reasons you mentioned. Arrow's original suspended design did include a corkscrew inversion, but they wisely cut it when they realized what could happen should the train stall in the inversion.


The problem with suspended coasters is that they really need to be terrain style coasters (like Big Bad Wolf at BGW and SFMM's Ninja), and not many parks have such terrain to work with.



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Am I the only one that thinks that Magnum is a total bottom 5 coaster? What is the appeal? The restraints are awkward, the trapazoid airhills suck, and the whole thing rumbles like crazy along the course.


Sure, in '89 it must have SEEMED like it was the best thing ever but every time I bring that up some pointer is all "Well, you just don't know how to ride it, burp!"


I call shenanigans, I've ridden that coaster every trip to the point a few times and I still get smacked by the lapbar from the stupid air-trapizoids and shaken like a paint-can. I mean sure, the view of the lake is nice but people make it seem like Jesus himself rode it to the easter egg patch, what gives?


ehh, I put it between Manhatten Express and Desperado which I think is an offramp between Yermo and Zyzxx.



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Am I the only one that thinks that Magnum is a total bottom 5 coaster? What is the appeal? The restraints are awkward, the trapazoid airhills suck, and the whole thing rumbles like crazy along the course.

You're not the only one. I used to really love it in '95 and '96, and then the brakeless Morgan's came along and they were smoother and better then Magnum, and then the Intamin's and B&M's came along and it was all "Magnum who?"


There are still some people out there who love it (Hi Brent!) but we all know those people are sick, twisted, masochistic psychos who eat brains and feed on mustard gas! :shock:


--Robb "Meh, it's not that bad, it's just nowhere NEAR as good anymore..." Alvey

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