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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Hyper is just the easiest way to describe a tall non looping coaster no matter what the company.

Correct. There isn't any right or wrong defintion, but all I know is that when I speak to people within the industry (parks and manufacturers) they all refer to your 'really big, non-looping coaster' as a "Hyper."


If you want to get right down and tear it apart with a fine tooth comb and debate it, that's fine, please do it on someone else's board!


--Robb "Let's just talk about the fun stuff, not the over-the-top details!" Alvey

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I've always understood "hyper" to be anything over 200', regarless of inversions, or track type, but that is beyond the point (and quite frankly, it not that important).


The point is, SFoG possibly could have a kick ass ride on their hands. Initially I was dissapointed at the "small" first drop, but the layout looks decent enough to compensate, that is, as others have mentioned, if the airtime is good enough. I'll be sure to stop by next year.

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I don't really have a problem with the name, it's one of the few gerneric names SF uses that I actually liked. I've also liked that color scheme since it was used the first time.


I for one, am happy to see Georgia (or any state in the Southeast for that matter) get a B&M speed coaster... between Florida and Georgia they have one of everything in the B&M catalog.

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It seems that Goliath got no mid-brake course (or block brake)... Sure it will be better thant SFMM's Goliath (mid-brake ruin everything...)

does it means that it will be able to run only one train in the coaster..the other being in the station loading passenger or waiting for the train on the coaster to end his ride ?

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Yeah, the size doesn't bother me so much especially after riding Goliath at Walbi World. What I'm more curious about is how the train will take those hills. Will it be more like Bull or Nitro where you get some really great air, or more like Silver Star or Apollo where it's gentle floaty air?


--Robb "I'm hoping for Bull or Nitro!" Alvey

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Hooray for no block brakes!! Ok, the two train operation will probably make the line move a little slower, but no biggie. No complaints. I think that this might turn out to be a really excellent ride. I'm really excited that they don't have the midcourse brakes. That will really help with the pace. I can't get over how excited I am about that.


The reuse of the name Goliath doesn't really bother me because its not like it's been used that much. It's been used twice (one of which isn't owned by SF anymore as we know), once in Europe, and once on the other side of the country. No big deal. I just hope they make an attempt to put some theming into this.

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Yeah, the size doesn't bother me so much


So size doesn't matter???


Anyway, the ride looks sick! I love how it has that "Nitro" look to it, and I *love* how they basically used Nitro's helix but backwards. I really think this is going to be an amazing ride and I can't wait to ride it next year!


BTW - Great GASP was removed because of the location of the station... Not due to "red tape."[/i]

Edited by rollocoast
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Im hoping for a ride similar to nitro as well. No MCBR is going to keep the ride intense!!


The only thing I was kind of hoping for was for the first drop to be more similar to AC with the dip and straight track. It seemed like we took the first drop much faster compared to Nitro because of the way ACs first drop was designed.

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I think the placement is horrible... It just goes over Scorcher??? I think that's stupid! And it barely goes close to the ground except for the helix! Terrible placement! But Georgia needs a hyper coaster. We needed something new. If it was behind Ninja and GASM, on the other hand, then I would probably be sayin something different other than "Placement, placement, placement!"

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Yes great looking ride SFOG is getting, the Name and colors are perfect IMO I have always liked them since SFMM Goliath.


The only thing worries me is if B&M is going to put trims on almost every Bunnyhop like Sliver Star especially since this one doesn't have a MCBR. I also don't know how true it is but in the video the trains looks like it slows when it goes over the bunnyhops, I'm hoping it just the video and my connection.


Anyways if B&M hasn't over engineered this coaster it looks like it will be a solid airtime producing ride.

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I think the placement is horrible... It just goes over Scorcher??? I think that's stupid! And it barely goes close to the ground except for the helix! Terrible placement! But Georgia needs a hyper coaster. We needed something new. If it was behind Ninja and GASM, on the other hand, then I would probably be sayin something different other than "Placement, placement, placement!"

All I have to say is that living down the street from where Scream, Goliath, and X were placed, and having been to SFOG many times, this rides placement is 100 times better than those three coasters at SFMM!


And think about it, Goliath and SFMM goes over Colossus and it's REALLY COOL that it does that! There's something about being a good 100 feet up in the air and looking down on the ride, and equally as cool being on Colossus looking up at it.


Personally, I think the placement is just fine, and it could have been a LOT worse!



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The one thing that bothers me most about the coaster is... the supports. They're everywhere!! Of course they need the supports to keep the coaster standing, but they could've at least put the supports in better spots... maybe somewhere other than pathways. "Watch out for that bird!" "Watch out for that Goliath support!" One of those just doesn't sound right.

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Ah it's just a pet peeve of mine I guess haha. It just bothers me in a way. I mean the ride looks good... Georgia needs Goliath. It's just the supports... placement... and everything else other than the actually enjoyment of riding the coaster that bothers me.

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BTW - Great GASP was removed because of the location of the station... Not due to "red tape."[/i]


Looks to me like it could have been saved:



OK now for my thoughts. The ride looks even better than I had imagined. This morning, they also hinted at a USA-section revamp, which is cool I hope its as good quality wise as the Golden Kingdom. Oh how I cannot wait until next April 8) [/url]

Edited by ParkTrips
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