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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Sean, I would really hope SFGADV does *not* get rid of Stuntman's Freefall. They are so rare nowadays. A "modern tower" can be found anywhere. Maybe if the first gen. falls were lame, but I think they're more effective than the Giant/Gyro Drops. I find the old ones far scarier than the newer ones. Personally, I'd love to see a 200+ foot first gen. tower, but that ain't gonna happen!


That's my $.02




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I don't know how true it is, but I have been told that if you want to ride Freefall anymore, the sooner the better.


Funny, no mention of Looping Starship or the Great Gasp.


Oh yeah, B&M hyper, confirmed.(As if you couldn't tell)


That wink may last you about 3 more weeks.


Brian, who his OWN wink.

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SFOG has announced the retirement of the 30 year old Great GASP (INTAMIN Parachute Tower) and they are having a farewell party:


Enjoy the Last Gasp of Summer at Six Flags Say goodbye to summer and to The Great Gasp with two weeks of special events!


Atlanta - Six Flags Over Georgia is offering some great ways to end your summer on a high note this year. The Last Gasp of Summer marks the end of weekday operations at the park, and the final drops of The Great Gasp. Two weeks of special concerts and events are planned during the celebration!


During The Last Gasp of Summer, guests of the park will have an opportunity to be one of the last riders on The Great Gasp parachute drop ride. Riders on August 13 and 14 will receive a limited edition collector's button commemorating the final drops on The Great Gasp.


Built in 1976, The Great Gasp has been a favorite with guests seeking the thrill of a 200-foot parachute drop. Sporting magnificent views of the Atlanta skyline, the Great Gasp has stood as a local icon, carrying over 15 million riders to lofty heights and back. Final rides will take place August 13 and 14, after which The Great Gasp will be retired following almost 30 years of service.


Six Flags Over Georgia has teamed up with Publix supermarkets to deliver "School Supplies for Cool Kids." On July 31, receive $15 off a daily admission ticket at the park front gate with your gift of school supplies. Supplies will go to underprivileged children in the Atlanta area.


Kids Fest brings one last concert series of the summer to Six Flags Over Georgia! The fun starts Saturday, August 6 with pop star Aaron Carter at 5 p.m. Immediately following is recording artist Christy Carlson Romano. Wrapping up Sunday, August 7 is Atlanta native Raven-Symone at 5 p.m. All concerts are free with park admission.


In addition to the music, kids can drop by the Axis Arena during Kids Fest to play the all-new Kids Next Door trading card game at the interactive treehouse. Over in Bugs Bunny World kids will find balloon animals, games, modeling school tryouts, face painting and much, much more.


It's not too late to pack in multiple days of fun this summer! Get a season pass at Publix for just $54.99 and come both days. Six Flags Over Georgia is open for daily operation through August 14, then weekend operation through October 30. Please visit sixflags.com for a complete schedule.


SFOG.net is hosting a great picture which kinds of sums it up:

Edited by larrygator
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