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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Well, some lawyer is trying to sue:



Police in Georgia are ruling out reports that Ferguson had been trying to retrieve a hat inside a restricted area near the Batman Ride at Six Flags.





b/c he obviously didnt need one


Lord, i apologize....


You know, Corey, I didn't even really think of it that way. That's the only way this story could've been even funnier to me. Oh, the sweet irony it could've been.

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Wow. That was a deep story.....
Well, there's nothing much to say. The ride opened, and then it said why it was closed. Might as well quote some losers while they're at it.


So with it being open again, I guess that means the department of labor finished inspecting it. Now we just have to see the rest of the investigation. The other person with him was his cousin. I wonder if we'll hear his side of the story. So far, all we're really getting is they were trying to find a shortcut to the ride.

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Hmmm.... if I was a lawmaker of a state (or country) with budget woes, I might propose an "amusement park attendee license" [and quickly lose my election, I'm sure]...


People who want to visit amusement parks would have to file for this license... renewable every 5 years... and pass a simple test about park safety at the DMV to prove you are not an idiot AND to limit the liability of parks that operate in the state. The $10 per license would be yet another revenue stream into the state.


eviiiiiiiiiiiill.... take it away, democrats....

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One of the articles I read today had a statement from the mother of the boy. She stated that her son did nothing wrong, and that he was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time!! Geez, ya think?? He was 100 percent at fault, and he paid with it with the ultimate penalty, his life!! It just peeves me to no end that people just can't ever take responsibility for their own actions. Its just like smoking and drinking. People tend to blame the cigarette and alcohol companies for their cancer/accidents! HELLO...you smoked/drank. No one forced you to do it. It's the same concept with the boy, any normal person with half a brain would realize the danger, regardless how high the fences are or how many signs are posted.


I would imagine the park would go higher with the fences along with more signs that they were told to put up. I took a drive by Six Flags over Texas today, I noticed that all the fences around Batman:TR that run parallel Copeland Road and the strip mall beside it must be at least 10 feet high, some even look higher in spots. The have a slick mesh on the out side of the fence, which would make it pretty hard to climb. The top of the fence is barbed wire. I hope SFoG does something similar to this.

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I hope and pray that Six Flags fights any lawsuit, if one is filed. I also hope they counter sue and fight with everything they have. As this was the kids fault !!!! I would say the kids family and church are at fault, as well, as they were not supervising him. Six Flags did nothing wrong here!!!!

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^ The guy was seventeen years old. Do you think the parents were going to put him on a leash or something? Sure he wasn't "legally" an adult, but it's not like if he had just had his 18th birthday the day before, the magic Grown-Up Fairy would grant him common sense and maturity. Neither the church nor his parents were responsible for the [dumb] decision he made. He was old enough to know 1) how to read the warning signs 2) not to jump fences because (duh) they are there to KEEP PEOPLE OUT and 3) right from wrong. At 17 years old, as long as you are mentally competent, the only one responsible for you IS YOU.

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I also hope they counter sue and fight with everything they have.


That would kill their reputation.


The public wouldn't see it as suing for damages. They'd see it as a big corporation suing a grieving family.


It's really a lose/louse situation for Six Flags. They'd be better off just trying to brush this incident off, and hope that people start to forget about it. Soon enough people will start focusing on some other injustice, and this will be ancient news.

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I'm going to guess that this news about a lawyer is why Batman was closed on Monday until the ride was investigated by a gov. group. Standard procedure in these cases, but it does help bolster the park's argument if sued.


I'm guessing a settlement.

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I hate to be the one to bring this up, but is it just me, or has this story somewhat fallen off the news? It seemed like last year's incident stayed on the news for a good week or two after the fact. I realize this is a totally different situation, but it's still a death at an amusement park. Seems like there would be more news on the investigation... or maybe I'm missing all of the reports and need to watch more TV.

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^You pretty much answered yourself:


I realize this is a totally different situation...


There really is no need for extra media attention. Last year's incident was obviously a severe ride malfunction, while this year's incident was obviously the victim's fault. There is no reason to discuss it to death. They can't really find out for sure why the kid went into the area, so what is the purpose in speculating? A stupid kid went into a restricted low zone and was killed when he was hit by the coaster... that's the story. Not really much else to add.

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Well, some lawyer is trying to sue:


CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - The lawyer representing the family of a teen who was decapitated by a roller coaster in Georgia is looking to find out if they can file a lawsuit against Six Flags Theme Park.

According to the lawyer's investigation it's been discovered that the teenager isn't the first person to be killed by the same roller coaster.


The death of 17-year-old Asia Leeshawn Ferguson has been ruled as an accident.


Police in Georgia are ruling out reports that Ferguson had been trying to retrieve a hat inside a restricted area near the Batman Ride at Six Flags.


They say Ferguson may have been trying to take the shortest route to get to the ride.


Attorney Lamar Flatt thinks warning signs and fences placed near the ride weren't enough to prevent this tragic death, citing the death of a maintenance worker who was killed by the same ride in 2002.


The ride was closed after he was killed. Investigators say the coaster will stay closed until the Georgia Department of Labor inspects it.





America needs a new law system.


"Well ok so he trespassed into the park illegally, then jumped fences and illegally entered a restricted area, BUT it's the parks fault for having a chunk of steel going 40mph that might just hit someone who is illegally entering the park and illegally trespassing into a restricted area.


Funny thing is the family will win that lawsuit.

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^ I totaly agree, It's not the parks fault that people don't follow the rules.


People are just sue happy.


I remember a few years ago on SUF @ SFGAM a guy lost his cell phone over by the pretzel loop and he wanted some body to go get it right away, and the park staff said they would get after the ride closes. And they said why can't you get it now and ride opps said they would have to shut the ride down to get it.

After arguing for 20 min. he took it upon him shelf to go get it, Needless to say they shut the ride down and security escorted him out of the park.


When somebody says no to them they think that does not apply to them.



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I knew this was coming. If this family wins i hope they walk under a coaster as well.


Seriously if the family tries to get money out of this then they are no better than the kid who got killed and maybe the same will happen to them.


Atleast now i know if i need money all i have to do is jump a few fences and stand in front of a coaster. Maybe just stick my arm out to get hit that way i survive. I might not have an arm but i'll be enjoying a few million dollars.


Not that i would i was just stateing that this is the message they are sending people.


Just let it go for god sakes and deal with you stupid sons death.

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I knew this was coming. If this family wins i hope they walk under a coaster as well.


Seriously if the family tries to get money out of this then they are no better than the kid who got killed and maybe the same will happen to them.


Atleast now i know if i need money all i have to do is jump a few fences and stand in front of a coaster. Maybe just stick my arm out to get hit that way i survive. I might not have an arm but i'll be enjoying a few million dollars.


Not that i would i was just stateing that this is the message they are sending people.


Just let it go for god sakes and deal with you stupid sons death.




I agree, Why point the blame at the park it's not their fall people are morons, All they have in their minds is the money. Sue happy

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^ The family won't win. The park is clearly not at much fault, and it SF can prove that the boy's own actions were more than 50% responsible for his death, then Six Flags will not have to pay any damages. However, they may provide some goodwill to the family, and help with the arrangements, which would be a good gesture on their part.


-James Dillaman

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the family should not get money. if it was a flaw in the ride then there would be reason to sue. but the poor kid died of his own accord. I remember when some kid died on the shockwave (togo coaster at kings dominion) because he was dared to get out of his restraints while the ride was in motion. although i feel bad for this family knowing that their son died in one of the stupidest ways possible, but they should not be able to sue. B&M did a fine job on the coaster and SFOG did a good job of maintaning it

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What cracks me up is the part about the family saying the boy did nothing wrong, so what else has their 'little angel' done I wonder...robbed a store, shot somebody? No he didn't do anything wrong. The fence didn't kill him it was there to protect him he DID WRONG by jumping it. I wish they would see that. Did they even know their own kid?

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*Blood Boiling*


We really do need a new law system - this one we have is like selling bullshit to the highest bidder. "He did nothing wrong' - 'It was an unfortunate accident' - 'He was at the wrong place at the wrong time'.


BULL-SHIT He was at the wrong place at the wrong time because he was trying to cheat Six Flags out of a days admission to the park. How I was brought up, that's called stealing. It was an unfortunate accident for the people on the train witnessing the horrifyingly gruesome way Ferguson died. He did nothing wrong but trespass on private property through a dangerous, mechanical "NO PERSONNEL ZONE". Come on already...are we so far gone that we can't see right from wrong anymore?


The family claimed that the park wasn't responsible...yet once the prospect of millions of dollars came up, suddenly it wasn't the kid's fault. Six Flags should have had better security measures? So what does it come down to - guard towers on the perimeter with tranquilizer guns to save people from their own stupidity? Everybody wrapped in bubble wrap to make sure that no one gets hurt if they trip and fall? Pregnancy test booths at the entrance of every aggressive roller coaster to make sure people aren't damaging their potential children? Cardiologists to make sure your blood pressure isn't too high to ride? Janitors to wipe your ass?


Where does this 'blame somebody else' mentality end? Have we become so delusional that we can't see the consequences of our actions? Will we be happy replacing lives with 7 or 8 0s? Will we become so litigious that our vocabulary will only consist of words that do not offend any major races, religions, political parties, animal rights organizations, educational boards, environmental agencies, persons that perform beastiality and other abnormal sexual fetishes, cross dressers, home wreckers, NAMBLA members and so forth and so on...?


We need a new law system that eliminates this bull shit. Sadly though, we won't get one - as long as there is greed in the world, there will be lawyers.


I really hope the people involved enjoy their riches here - If they are who they say they are, they'll have some explaining to do - and there won't be a lawyer to bail them out this time.



EDIT - LOVE the auto filters here...haha

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^I know and I totally agree with all that you said. This so called 'Christian' family has become greedy and made this go way beyond rediculous. I may be wrong but isn't greed a sin? Apparently not to them. At first I had sympathy for the family and the pain their stupid-ass kid caused them and they even said they didn't blame the park. But now since they have flip-flopped and themselves become rediculous that sympathy is fading fast. I dare to say it would not surprise me in the least if the greedy family put the kid up to it so they could get millions out of the park. Oooh what a bad thing for me to say...I dont' care. Just look at how these people are acting. Too bad Six Flags can't sue THEM for having a dumb child, I would be all for that. What about the riders and witnesses that experienced this? They should sue the family for the horrific terror their idiot son caused them to be a part of. As long as it's getting this retarded they might as well do it and I would support them all the way.

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