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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I completely agree with Julie in that I think that the media's ability to put all news out to all sources in real time has had a profound effect on how much more we hear/read about now as compared to 5, 10 years ago.


I think it's pretty safe to say he died as a result of riding Goliath


That's the same as saying "It's pretty safe to say he died as a result of mowing the grass/shoveling the snow/climbing that hill in the heat/being upset at the news of his child's death, etc, etc".


Realistically, any kind of unusual stress or strain on a person's body can bring about a worsening or fatal heart episode. As someone said on another post, the heat in Georgia/Florida etc is probably a greater factor in as far as getting someone sick enough that then, when they board the coaster, that becomes the final catalyst to things that are already in play.


My dad was diagnosed in July of 1975 with an aortic aneurysm. It was an irrepairable condition at the time. Within weeks of his diagnosis, he was riding coasters at Americana, Kings Island and the Ohio State Fair. We kids knew nothing about his condition, but my mom did and this probably scared the crap out of her at the time. But those rides didn't harm him. Nine months later, he keeled over on the golf course, on a cool spring day.


I completely think the media and even sites like ours here are adding to the sensationalism of the situations that are occuring. Heart disease is the #1 killer in America, and so the likelyhood that people have heart attacks or failure on amusement rides isn't that surprising.



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If it were all about height and intensity on the human body, then why wouldn't TTD and KK have claimed victims by now? The recent wave of deaths is no different than a couple years back when people were being attacked by sharks every other week. It just happens. This year just more often than others, I guess.


I still feel that waiting for hours in extreme heat plays a big role, but I could be wrong.


A) Its not about height that much. Its more about intensity. KK and TTD arent very intense, they are just a rush. No intense G's sustained for long periods of time, and no inversions. Also they are very short rides.


B) Rides like Goliath, Titan, and the other Goliath have long sustained G's especially in all the helixes they have. This can cause blackouts, and parts of the body not to function for a quick second or seconds.


C) Waiting in heat does not necessarily pose a problem. At SFOT, where in the summer its in the 100s for weeks in a row, there have only been 2 deaths, none caused by heat. (That I know of) 1 was when roaring rapids flipped over and the girl couldnt swim, and 2 was when a ride op was run over by el sombrero.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just to alert fans of Six Flags Over Georgia, there's a new book debuting this Fall celebrating Six Flags Over Georgia's 40th Birthday, written by author Tim Hollis. I got a chance to see an early version (I contributed a photo or two) and it looks like it will be something really special. It primarily focuses on the early years of the park, and it is amazing how much the place has changed over the years. There are a lot of behind-the scenes photos and images of memorabilia from the park. Look for it at Six Flags Over Georgia, or if you live in the south, at your local bookstore.

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^Yeah. Basically it's a day for us white people to celebrate the fact that we killed millions of Native Americans. Pretty cool, huh?


end sarcasm....



Yeah, the park is completely abandoned. We went last year and the only real line was for S:UF, which started at the base of the stairs into the station and was inside the station once they put on the second train (don't know why they did-everything else was on 1 train ops with walk-ons). Overall, it's one of the best days to go to the park, because it's not too hot or cold and no one is there. I'll probably go this year and just ride Goliath all day.

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It's a legal holiday, but the local schools are in session.


We'd gone on Columbus Day a few years ago and the crowds were relatively light because of schools being open. BUT, since this is Six Flags, management made sure the park operated to that low crowd expectation. Only about half the food service vendors were open by 1pm and all coasters were on one train operation (except Superman, which ran 2). Still, in the space of 4 hours, we got to ride all that we'd wanted that day at least once each and snacked on chicken fingers, once we'd found a food stand that was open!


But to be fair, that was before the new general manager came on board so I don't know if operations will be exactly the same. I'd guess though that at least Goliath and Superman will operate two trains all day long no matter what...


The Fright Fest stuff was up but I don't remember any of the costumed staff and events going on early in the day (we had to leave by 2pm). I think one of the issues was that their high school aged workers couldn't work during school hours, so shorter staffing may be what made for reduced operations the C-Day we went... Whether newer management will address this issue this year I couldn't tell you though.


Hope this helps...

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Basically, most Georgia schools don't get Clumbus Day off, but some colleges and my high school get the day off. It's a good day to go, but there will only be one train on everything and only a few stands open. DV and Acro will be closed (DV b/c of staffing and Acro due to lightning I guess).

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It's a legal holiday, but the local schools are in session.


Some of the outer county schools are out that day, for fall break. Yet the crowds wont get that big. I usually go during the day to meet up with my little brother and co. just to hang out and finish some homework before my night classes and get a couple of rides in as well.


EDIT: I repeated everything that was said twenty times already.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes, SFoG is closed for the 2006 season.


Goliath is AWESOME! My Goliath count is currently 282!



i got six laps in two trips, but - without q-bot - never waited longer than 20 mins, excluding a night ride where I waited for - and was denied - a front ride but settled for a very back ride and sick air. I waited probably 40 minutes. Tremendous coaster, and as it was the first ride of the year, up front no less, it was a heck of a dive into the deep end.



The key to SFOG is going on Monday.

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