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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I didn't see the photo or video or whatever of what you are all talking about, but standard operating procedure on Manta at SWO is after the trains go into flying position, all ops on platform are supposed to neel down a bit and check the entire train for legs being out of the restraints. In my tenure I had personally seen it happen maybe three times, and only once did they make it around the track. It's actually easier to miss a foot out than you think when checking restraints all day or quickly. Lucky for SeaWorld nobody ever checks restraints quickly. wink_b.gif.6b5f7a3935af02e9b3032c21d427b98e.gif

As a rider, I've had my restraint close on me with my foot out but of course they caught it while checking restraints, without need to mention it to them.

All that being said, if I remember correctly (I'm getting old) there are also light curtains in the station, that, if anything hangs down a certain length below the train (such as a leg), it will trip the curtain and stop the train. Occasionally when someone had REALLY long hair, or a weird long flowing dress that hangs out of the restraints, it would cause the ride to stop in the station. We would actually tell the guest to pull up their dress so we can get it moving again.

I don't know where I was going with this other than it being an interesting tidbit about B&M flyers.

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I doubt iy

5 hours ago, CoasterGuy06 said:

Yeah I would bet if that new Fire & Ice festival at SFOT does well they will do something similar here in the next year or two. 

I doubt it. SFoG doesn't care to do anything new or different. The president just doesn't care. 

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I went to SFOG two Sundays before Christmas and every coaster was running (besides Mindbender of course) with walk ons to five minute waits all day. The only rides that were closed were Acrophopia, Pandemonium, the sky ride, and the water rides. I got on 27 rides (w/o Flash Pass) including Twisted Cyclone four times and Dare Devil Dive and Goliath three times each with day and night rides on most of the coasters. I got 10 new credits and had a great day there, probably one of the best Six Flags Days I've ever had. It was much better than Carowinds the day before where for Taste of the Season they had three coasters open and I waited 30 min for Afterburn (line got longer later on) and 90+ min for Copperhead Strike, and skipped out on Ricochet because it was posting a 90 min wait!



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6 hours ago, CoasterGuy06 said:

Do you really think decisions like that are made at the park level with a company like Six Flags?

I would imagine he has pull but I'm not 100% sure what all he does.  Seems when SFoT got a new President this year he started improving things.  They have different events.  Same for SFFT.  Other Six Flags parks seem to try much harder.

SFoG continually has the worst employee attitudes across the board and the park isn't run very well.  I think new blood would help it.  The place is deserted in December because people in Atlanta don't even know it's open.  And if they did, why go?  It's nothing new. Same lights every year and the same crappy chicken tenders and fries they always have.


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On 1/9/2021 at 2:58 PM, 805Andrew said:

I went to SFOG two Sundays before Christmas and every coaster was running (besides Mindbender of course) with walk ons to five minute waits all day. The only rides that were closed were Acrophopia, Pandemonium, the sky ride, and the water rides. I got on 27 rides (w/o Flash Pass) including Twisted Cyclone four times and Dare Devil Dive and Goliath three times each with day and night rides on most of the coasters. I got 10 new credits and had a great day there, probably one of the best Six Flags Days I've ever had. It was much better than Carowinds the day before where for Taste of the Season they had three coasters open and I waited 30 min for Afterburn (line got longer later on) and 90+ min for Copperhead Strike, and skipped out on Ricochet because it was posting a 90 min wait!



Did they open Blue Hawk and that atrocious wood coaster for Christmas? That's new for this year, isn't it?

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I was wondering would anyone know if Six Flags Over Georgia is normally open on weekends in April? I'm going to Dollywood & Gatlinburg for a week in April for my birthday possibly flying down with southwest. Dollywood for 3 days and Gatlinburg for 2 days then possibly Six Flags Over Georgia on April 17 & 18. Would they normally be open weekends in April? Thanks.

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On 1/11/2021 at 6:25 AM, coasterbill said:

Did they open Blue Hawk and that atrocious wood coaster for Christmas? That's new for this year, isn't it?

Yes. The person I was with said that this was the first year they opened up that section of the park for Holiday in the Park so lucky me. And that atrocious wood coaster had some good airtime moments and was fun riding at night in the fog but I'm not denying it was rough. 

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8 hours ago, tndank said:

Superman ran during HITP 2019. Pretty sure GASM did too. Blue Hawk did not. 

GASM is a good ride in need of work.  Hopefully when they finish in a few years it's back to it's old glory.


Superman was open for Holiday in 2019.  GASM and Blue Hawk were not.  I think the decision to open those two (plus Sky Screamer) for HitP 2020 was a late decision as there were no Christmas decorations in that area.  

I am not sure where all the fuss is coning from but I for one think SFoG did an excellent job operating the park through the pandemic, including the Hallowfest and HitP seasons.  Employees were friendlier - but there were certainly exceptions.  

Had it not been for the pandemic, we might have seen year-round weekend ops begin this year.   Its coming sooner or later.

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I do think SFoG will be doing year round operations at some point. It seems that theme parks in general are realizing that there is a lot of people who would come to parks no matter what the weather was especially if you give them some reason to come. Case in point look at BGW.

As far as Mindbender goes anyone have any idea what trains they will be using? It seems like new trains will be part of the refurbishment. I know that New Revolution's trains were spotted so in-house seems possible however I have also heard that Premier might be doing the work.

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Hey everyone, so this is my trip report of my visit to the park just after Christmas.

This was my #3 most anticipated park in the US (#1 is Hershey, #2 is Fiesta Texas) to visit of the parks that I have not been to yet. I always try to temper my expectations, but I'm like a kid in a candy store so I wasn't exactly able to do that. With that said, the park EXCEEDED my expectations.

As far as travel, I'm from the Detroit area and I flew Spirit and stayed in the Econo Lodge that's on the other side of the freeway from the park. I did this trip solo so I decided to do it cheap.

Normally I'm a travel snob, meaning flying nice airlines and staying in nice hotels. Normally when I'm walking through the airport I'm laughing at the people waiting to get on a Spirit or Frontier flight knowing that my plush could-like Delta seat with 100 miles of leg room is awaiting me. But I wanted to see how bad it really is. So since I was doing this trip solo I bit my tongue and went for the cheapest options. And the verdict is that Spirit sucks, I mean they really suck. The seat was ok, but the leg room sucked. Luckily there was nobody else in my row and I was able to maneuver myself into a decent position.

Econo Lodge on the other hand wasn't bad at all. The bed was surprisingly really comfortable, there was no mirror on the ceiling above it, and surprisingly no shag carpeting. I was basically expecting some seedy whore house like you can find up and down Michigan Avenue in Detroit. Obviously I'm exaggerating, but not by a lot...  Honestly, for my next trip I would not rule out Econo Lodge like I have in the past. 

Ok, so on to the park itself. I arrived 2 hours before the park closed and it was completely dead. I went right for Twisted Cyclone and wow, what an awesome ride. I had heard mixed reviews on it. Some really liked it and some thought it was underwhelming and short. Could it be longer, yeah, but I didn't come off it thinking it was a short ride. Every element delivers and the highlight is that incredible wave turn. I mean, that's what a wave turn should feel like (talking to you Orion). It's definitely a back row ride like most RMC's are. I rank coasters on a scale from 1-4, 4 being elite, 3 being good, 2 being fun, and 1 is I got the credit but I'll never ride again. Twisted Cyclone is definitely a 4. In fact it's my 3rd favorite RMC after SV and Twisted Colossus. Better than Lightning Rod, Twisted Timbers, Storm Chaser, and Goliath. 

Then I got on Goliath and I had some major expectations for this B&M Hyper. It exceeded every single one of them. The first drop actually kind of sucks when compared to just about every other hyper coaster I've been on, but the rest of the coaster is fantastic!  Every hill delivers really good airtime, and that helix is one of my favorite elements on any coaster. Extremely forceful and incredibly intense. That's why I love roller coasters, for moments like that! Goliath definitely get's a 4/4 from me. If it had a better drop it would easily be my favorite hyper, and because it's the most recent one that I've been on right now I'm inclined to say that it is my favorite hyper with Mako and Behemoth right behind. 

The other coaster I rode before the park closed was Dare Devil Dive. This was a good ride. The first half is awesome, starting with a 95 degree drop, which is the best drop in the park IMO. And then it goes through a few pretty intense inversions and this one element where you feel like your about to go upside down, but you don't, it was a weird and fun sensation. The second half though is just kind of blah, it doesn't really do anything. It also only has lap bars which was great because I think over the shoulder restraints could have ruined that ride for me. If the second half was more like the first half I'd probably give it a 4, but I think a 3 is more where this coaster is at. Really fun, but could have been elite. 

The next day I returned and again it was completely empty. Is this normal for the park at this time or was this probably COVID related? I was planning on getting flash pass, but obviously that was a nice surprise. 

First ride was the mine train. It's just an average mine train. It get's a 2.

Then I made my way to the back of the park, I looked at Superman, and said screw it. If you know me, and I don't know why you would because I post like once every 3 months, buy anyway... I HATE flying coasters. I love the idea, but I hate the execution. It's just not comfortable for me. So I skipped it. 

I was surprised to see Great American Scream Machine running because I was under the impression that would be closed, but it was open. I heard this was actually a great coaster before they put the Georgia Cyclone trains on it. After riding that is my assessment as well. Well actually I don't know if it was good before, but it was a very rough and uncomfortable ride. It's better in the front, but still too rough. 2/4 because the layout is actually really good and there were some enjoyable moments. 

I was also surprised to see Blue Hawk running as I was under the impression that this was also going to be closed. This was the surprise of the park for me. I thought it was very comfortable, smooth, and surprisingly somewhat intense. And I also really liked the setting river the water. I give it a 2.5/4. Not good enough to be a 3, but better than a 2. 

I saved the Batman clone for last and I've heard that this is actually the best of the Batman clones. And because of those expectations it was a let down. I mean it was fun just like all the other Batman clones, but not any better IMO. Still a really good ride though. 3/4.

I skipped the stand up. Again, I've heard it was the best stand up but I HATE stand ups. So being the best stand up to me is like being the cleanest prostitute at the corner of Michigan and Livernois...

Overall I thought the park was really fun, and really nice. I think Six Flags overall gets a bad rap that's undeserved. Maybe I just happen to visit their parks on good days, but I've never not had a good Six Flags day. The park was clean, employees were friendly, and the overall atmosphere was enjoyable. 

Overall I'd give the park a 3/4. Obviously I didn't get on Mindbender or any water rides. So it possibly could be even better if I visit in the summer, which I most likely will at some point. As far as how to make it better, I think at least for me, tuning the stand up into the floorless would be nice, and adding a launch coaster. I think that's the most obvious gap in their lineup. But overall I had great time, a lot of the coasters met and/or exceeded expectations, and I'll definitely be back!

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