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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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How many trains has Superman been running, and are they using both stations? Are Superman's trains fixed? When I went last summer some of the seats they wouldn't let you on and they were manually locking/unlocking seats.


Was there on Friday and when I went on superman they were using one station but running two trains. And had to manually unlock/lock a couple cars in my row at least.


Was my first trip to the park. Home park is SFNE and have been to GRAdv a bunch of times. SFOG is definitely the most beautiful of the three and with the nicest employees I've experienced at a six flags park. Goliath is a fantastic hyper. I think I prefer Nitro a tad more but it was great. Mindbender is a gem. Those loops with just a lap at is such a cool experience. Scorcher is definitely much smoother than Green Lantern at GRAdv and maybe that has to do with it being shorter but I definitely liked it better. Daredevil dive is a lot smoother than I thought it would be. That heartline roll at the end is pretty neat. Haven't experienced that before. Thumbs up on Justice League. Great addition. Those two wooden coasters tho.... idkkkkk. Very rough experience for myself. All in all great park and will definitely be stopping by when I'm in the area again.

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High court: Six Flags must pay $32 million to man beaten near park


A young man who was left with permanent brain damage after several men fell upon him at Six Flags may collect the $32.2 million judgment awarded him by a civil jury against the amusement park, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday.


In Martin v. Six Flags over Georgia, the high court reversed the state Court of Appeals, which had thrown out the jury award and ordered a new trial.


Joshua Martin, 19, his brother and a friend had gone to Six Flags on July 3, 2007, to celebrate the friend’s admission to college.


As they waited on a guard rail for a Cobb Community Transit bus after 9 p.m. that night, they noted the approach of a “ganglike” group of nearly 40 young men who were dressed similarly and talking about a fight, according to the court’s summary of the case.


The group included several seasonal employees of Six Flags, according to the court.


Six Flags argued that it was not liable for damages because the beating did not take place on its property. The court disagreed.


In a statement Monday, Six Flags said, “We do not comment on litigation. We wish Mr. Martin and his family well.”




I fail to see how Six Flags is at fault here since it's not their fault and didn't even happen on their property. Maybe someone can shed some light on this? From the outside looking in this seems absolutely ridiculous.

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High court: Six Flags must pay $32 million to man beaten near park


A young man who was left with permanent brain damage after several men fell upon him at Six Flags may collect the $32.2 million judgment awarded him by a civil jury against the amusement park, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday.


In Martin v. Six Flags over Georgia, the high court reversed the state Court of Appeals, which had thrown out the jury award and ordered a new trial.


Joshua Martin, 19, his brother and a friend had gone to Six Flags on July 3, 2007, to celebrate the friend’s admission to college.


As they waited on a guard rail for a Cobb Community Transit bus after 9 p.m. that night, they noted the approach of a “ganglike” group of nearly 40 young men who were dressed similarly and talking about a fight, according to the court’s summary of the case.


The group included several seasonal employees of Six Flags, according to the court.


Six Flags argued that it was not liable for damages because the beating did not take place on its property. The court disagreed.


In a statement Monday, Six Flags said, “We do not comment on litigation. We wish Mr. Martin and his family well.”




I fail to see how Six Flags is at fault here since it's not their fault and didn't even happen on their property. Maybe someone can shed some light on this? From the outside looking in this seems absolutely ridiculous.


That is a lot of money the park has to pay, despite the park having NOTHING to do with the event. It was a group of thugs who are to blame. Sure, some of the thugs worked there, but it is them who should pay.

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I feel like there is something we are missing.. To me, this doesn't sound like a "Random" fight.. did these friends do something in the park to "provoke" this? If so, I can see how six flags might be liable.. with that being said, I stay in the hotels down from, what I assume is the bus stop this happened at.. 90% of people waiting on the bus there are Six Flags Employees, especially at night.. I assume they are holding Six Flags liable due to their employees being involved.. possibly employees that just got off work?


What's strange is there is usually a lot of police patrolling that area and even six flags security.. maybe six flags security was in the area and didn't stop it?


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I feel like there is something we are missing.. To me, this doesn't sound like a "Random" fight.. did these friends do something in the park to "provoke" this? If so, I can see how six flags might be liable.. with that being said, I stay in the hotels down from, what I assume is the bus stop this happened at.. 90% of people waiting on the bus there are Six Flags Employees, especially at night.. I assume they are holding Six Flags liable due to their employees being involved.. possibly employees that just got off work?


What's strange is there is usually a lot of police patrolling that area and even six flags security.. maybe six flags security was in the area and didn't stop it?


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Even if they were employees I don't see how it's Six Flags fault, if someone robs the gas station down the road when they get off work, are they going to sue the park in that case as well?? If it happened on park property then I would understand, I mean I feel awful for the guy, and he should be compensated, just not by the park.

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Exactly, that's what I am saying.. I feel like something more has turned up since the case was originally dismissed. Something we are missing that's not in the article.. I don't think legally, they can hold six flags responsible, it being off-site.. like you said, I could mug someone on the walking trail beside my work in my uniform but I wouldn't imagine my work could be responsible.. that's why I wondering if something happened inside the park between the employees that were involved and the victim?


One question though, are there even guardrails by that bus stop? I know there is a third party parking lot beside it that offers less expensive parking to Six Flags but I personally don't remember the guardrails.. maybe the article has the wrong location and it did happen on six flags property and not at the bus stop?


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I guess we should read the entire article.. (see below) with this being said, why did the three victims "try to distance" themselves when they saw he gang approaching? Why didn't they stay on six flags property where there is almost always a cop sitting in front and with six flags security? I have been going to this park for years and remember cops being there even in middle school (I graduated high school in 2004)


So did they provoke the group in the park?


"“Because the attack that caused Martin’s injuries began while both he and his assailants were on Six Flags property, Six Flags’ liability is not extinguished simply because Martin stepped outside the property’s boundaries while attempting to distance himself from his attackers,” Grant wrote. The evidence at trial showed that the attack did occur outside the boundaries of Six Flags’ property.


“But the evidence also reflects that Martin’s injuries were the culmination of a continuous string of events that were planned on Six Flags property, were executed at least in part on Six Flags property, and were the result of a failure by Six Flags to ‘exercise ordinary care to protect [its] invitee from unreasonable risks’ that Six Flags understood, and even tried to obscure from its patrons.”




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Got to check out one of these Justice League rides for the first time yesterday. I was really impressed! Really fun and engaging. Sure it may feel like a "budget Spider-Man", but I have no problem with Six Flags adding so many of these around the chain, and I'm glad SFOG has one now!


Cyborg selfie.

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^ That's great to hear! It sucks that I have yet to visit the park this year and I only live about an hour away. Hoping to try out the ride later this year.


To stir up some speculation, I came across a few pictures on Instagram showing what appears to be green markers on some of Cyclone's footers, as well as a few more markings on the ground. I can't comment on how long they have been there, but I don't recall seeing them on any of my visits during last season.


As much as I loved Georgia Cyclone over the years, it just got brutally rough to the point where I can't ride it anymore (with the exception of the very front row). The small amount of Topper track really helped the first bit of the ride in terms of smoothness.

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To further speculate on the Cyclone, there were plans originally to re-track the entire ride, not just the first drop. The work was inexplicably halted and has never resumed - which leads to speculation of future plans for this coaster. Could it be that the powers-to-be have plans to RMC this ride after all - and the original topper track work was halted to save further labor/material costs once these plans were known? This would not be the first 'Cyclone' model in the SF chain to get the RMC treatment. SF New England had a Cyclone and it was transformed into "Wicked Cyclone" for the 2015 season.


Whatever announcement the park has planned will probably be referred to as a '50th Anniversary Gift', so it will likely be something major, considering the park has not added a coaster since 2011.

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Oh and speaking of speculation (and this is PURE speculation on my part!) With the new Justice League BFM (and new Metropolis-themed area) getting the spotlight now, and the DC Super Friends which was last year's new area, the only attraction separating these two areas is Splashwater Falls. While this ride seems safe and not likely to go away any time soon, they could follow in the footsteps of SFoT and re-theme this ride to Aquaman. In addition to a fresh new DC theme providing continuity and connecting the aforementioned Metropolis and DC Super Friends areas, they could remove and replace the exit bridge with a new one which would be durable and stand up to the repeated splashes. Back in 2003, this ride lost something - the splash action on the exit bridge. While the park did add new water cannons to this ride (another sign it's here to stay), it would be nice to make this ride a soaker again.


This would be a great additional 'new' attraction, much like refreshing Ninja into Blue Hawk last year. Besides, the name 'Splashwater Falls' is so annoyingly generic. With an Aquaman feature movie in development, this seems like a no-brainer.

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This would not be the first 'Cyclone' model in the SF chain to get the RMC treatment. SF New England had a Cyclone and it was transformed into "Wicked Cyclone" for the 2015 season.


So because another ride that happens to have the same name was RMC'd that somehow means this ride has a better chance of being RMC'd? What?

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Whatever announcement the park has planned will probably be referred to as a '50th Anniversary Gift'

I cannot believe this escaped comment from Coasterbill.

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If we're to believe enthusiast speculation, RMC has about 18 projects on tap for 2018. Not saying Wicked Cyclone south can't happen, but I'll believe when they actually make an announcement.

Pretty much. Although both Cyclones had totally different layouts, I won't believe anything yet until some sort of announcement is made. It's definitely something that bears watching, but now its too early to believe anything. They could just be preparing to tear down completely and build an S&S freespin in its place


But anyways, I may visit the park this coming Tuesday to try out the new Justice League ride. I'll see if the markers around Cyclone are indeed legit.

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Not gonna lie. I'm still a fan of Georgia Cyclone. Sure I do have to ride it defensively to enjoy it, but that ride still has some great moments of airtime, both front and back. However, it looks so bad right now. Paint peeling everywhere, and the track has some splintered wood in a few places. I certainly wouldn't mind it getting the I-Box treatment, but I would definitely get back to the park and ride it a ton if they announce that it's closing.

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Not gonna lie. I'm still a fan of Georgia Cyclone. Sure I do have to ride it defensively to enjoy it, but that ride still has some great moments of airtime, both front and back. However, it looks so bad right now. Paint peeling everywhere, and the track has some splintered wood in a few places. I certainly wouldn't mind it getting the I-Box treatment, but I would definitely get back to the park and ride it a ton if they announce that it's closing.


I actually think the splintered wood and peeling paint fit Cyclone perfectly. As much as an I-Box Cyclone would probably kick ass, I wish they would just build a custom one from the ground up, and leave Cyclone and Scream Machine as is.

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This would not be the first 'Cyclone' model in the SF chain to get the RMC treatment. SF New England had a Cyclone and it was transformed into "Wicked Cyclone" for the 2015 season.


So because another ride that happens to have the same name was RMC'd that somehow means this ride has a better chance of being RMC'd? What?


Uh...no. This ride would be a candidate for an RMC transformation, but not for the naming reason you cite. It is not uncommon though for the chain to physically repeat something in a second park. SF does like cloning ideas - if it has worked once before.... Rumors are in the air of a possible RMC on SF America's "Roar" wooden coaster. The chain did this once already, transforming the almost identical "Roar" at SF Discovery Kingdom into "The Joker". This may or may not happen, but rumors run rampant.

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I absolutely love Georgia Cyclone and would rather see it topper tracked than reprofiled, but I have talked to people in upper management (I won't say who) and while I have absolutely no confirmation or way of proving it, I was told that basically everyone hates Cyclone and that there is a plan to do something about that. I'd say 2018 is a likely year but it could be later.


I love the ride and don't want to see it go but between the tone set by higher up employees and the state of the ride, I won't be surprised if it gets reprofiled. It hasn't had major track work in years, is in desperate need for a repaint, the queue and station are a mess, ops are beyond terrible, it is down to one train frequently, and it seems like just about every mechanical device from the brakes to the tire to the air gates are wearing down. The writing is on the wall in my opinion.


I still hope it stays and the park gets something like a fully custom RMC but that's wishful thinking.

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I absolutely love Georgia Cyclone and would rather see it topper tracked than reprofiled


I was gonna say that if RMC reprofiles Cyclone, I would prefer them to more or less keep the layout the same, but make the lift a little taller and the hills a little sharper. I could see a couple of barrel rolls, but Cyclone's layout is so good and so compact that it almost seems like RMC wouldn't want to change a whole lot.

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Uh...no. This ride would be a candidate for an RMC transformation, but not for the naming reason you cite. It is not uncommon though for the chain to physically repeat something in a second park.


You cited it, and what? Georgia Cyclone and Riverside Cyclone are / were nothing alike. Any wood coaster could technically be converted into an RMC but the name (which you brought up) is not a deciding factor and the Riverside Cyclone was not a "cyclone model", it was a (typical) Bill Cobb clusterf*ck.


Rumors are in the air of a possible RMC on SF America's "Roar" wooden coaster.



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I thought that Georgia Cyclone was supposed to be one of the better Cyclone interpretations (the others being the late Aska and Texas Cyclone).

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^It is a very good coaster. Fast paced, intense, and lots of ejector airtime throughout the course. Only down side is that it is pretty rough. The first two drops are topper tracked and wonderful, the next section has been retracked with wood not too long ago, and the rest is still pretty rough. Lots of shuffling in the turns too. It's all worth it for the insane airtime though.

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Uh...no. This ride would be a candidate for an RMC transformation, but not for the naming reason you cite. It is not uncommon though for the chain to physically repeat something in a second park.


You cited it, and what? Georgia Cyclone and Riverside Cyclone are / were nothing alike. Any wood coaster could technically be converted into an RMC but the name (which you brought up) is not a deciding factor and the Riverside Cyclone was not a "cyclone model", it was a (typical) Bill Cobb clusterf*ck.


Rumors are in the air of a possible RMC on SF America's "Roar" wooden coaster.




Wits notwithstanding, I was referring to the Cyclone at SF New England, which became wicked cyclone, NOT Riverside. Ours has a different layout than SFNE had and may or may not get the RMC treatment. But when rumors and survey markings start showing up, we are going to talk about it. Same is true for SF America. You can laugh about a rumor all you want (it is not my conjecture after all) but constructive posts are far more meaningful (but OK less entertaining) than ^^ this ^^.

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