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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Talked to a friend. Its something RMC, but im not sure if its Freefly or Raptor, but Poison Ivy is the theme.
A 3rd Golden Lasso/Railblazer clone?

That'd be cool, but capacity would suck.



Free Fly? That's not really RMC. And only 1 built in 10 yrs? Doubtful.

Edited by TEDodd
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Talked to a friend. Its something RMC, but im not sure if its Freefly or Raptor, but Poison Ivy is the theme.
A 3rd Golden Lasso/Railblazer clone?

That'd be cool, but capacity would suck.



Free Fly? That not really RMC. And only 1 built in 10 yrs? Doubtful.



Eck meant Freespin, stupid Green Lateran is on my mind

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Talked to a friend. Its something RMC, but im not sure if its Freefly or Raptor, but Poison Ivy is the theme.
A 3rd Golden Lasso/Railblazer clone?

That'd be cool, but capacity would suck.



Free Fly? That's not really RMC. And only 1 built in 10 yrs? Doubtful.



Eck meant Freespin, stupid Green Lateran is on my mind


Freespin is still S&S, not RMC. Likely since SF already has 7.


RMC T-Rex would be the alternate to raptor, but there aren't any yet and I doubt this will be the first. A 3rd raptor clone is the only likely RMC option.



We'll know soon I guess.

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The only thing Six Flags Over Georgia has done consistently over the past 20 years is built the smallest of everything. I don’t expect that to change. As long as the intensity is there I don’t care but just pointing that out. Our region has little competition so they can afford to downsize every addition. That being said, we have had pretty good additions!


I would love to see a launch coaster in our future.

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Talked to a friend. Its something RMC, but im not sure if its Freefly or Raptor, but Poison Ivy is the theme.
A 3rd Golden Lasso/Railblazer clone?

That'd be cool, but capacity would suck.



Free Fly? That's not really RMC. And only 1 built in 10 yrs? Doubtful.



Eck meant Freespin, stupid Green Lateran is on my mind


Freespin is still S&S, not RMC.



RMC makes Freespin track

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Freespin is still S&S, not RMC.


RMC makes Freespin track


Not the same. As far as I know it's S&S designed so built to their specs.

That's like calling the 737 a Sprit Aero (who builds the fuselage) instead of Boeing.


To count as RMC (to me) it needs to use one of their track designs. Topper, I-Box, T-Rex, or Raptor.

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another flash pass question (sorry!)


Is Flash pass worth it at six flags over Georgia on Sunday 9/2 (labor day weekend?) I would normally buy it no thought at all since I'm traveling from Cleveland (carowinds + SFoG trip), but there are several rides that say "one time only" on their site, even with the most expensive platinum option, is this true, or does that "one time" apply to the regular / gold options?


Batman, dare devil dive, and twisted cyclone one time only... at that point not sure if the pass is worth it. thoughts?



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I can give you my thoughts. I've been a good amount this year. If you are at the front gates 30 minutes before they open, you'll be able to knock out all the credits by noon or 1:00pm. Twisted opens 30 min before listed opening most days. Ride it a few times before rope drop. Then just knock everything out one by one. At rope drop, Scorcher will be a walkon. Dare Devil Dive will be next and a near walk on. Then grab Mindbender and Batman. You wont have any lines. Head back to Superman next. You might have to wait a 20 minutes or so depending on when you get there. Then GASMachine, Blue Hawk, skybuckets over next to the mine train and grab it. Then, knock out Goliath. That's optimal but prob not even necessary.


If it's anything like Memorial day weekend, the park will be dead in the mornings. We were surprised how long it took people to show up that weekend.


Yesterday was free military day at SFOG. Active and up to 3 guests were free to get in. 45 minutes after the rope drop I was sitting on Goliath taking re-rides without leaving the station. It was dead until 1 or 2 pm.


Heavy church areas. Sundays are usually light for much of the day.


The bad news is food ops were terrible yesterday. Chicken wing place wasn't even open at noon. JB Sports Grill wasn't open at 12:30pm. Understaffed and not opening on time or very delayed.

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I can give you my thoughts. I've been a good amount this year. If you are at the front gates 30 minutes before they open, you'll be able to knock out all the credits by noon or 1:00pm. Twisted opens 30 min before listed opening most days. Ride it a few times before rope drop. Then just knock everything out one by one. At rope drop, Scorcher will be a walkon. Dare Devil Dive will be next and a near walk on. Then grab Mindbender and Batman. You wont have any lines. Head back to Superman next. You might have to wait a 20 minutes or so depending on when you get there. Then GASMachine, Blue Hawk, skybuckets over next to the mine train and grab it. Then, knock out Goliath. That's optimal but prob not even necessary.


If it's anything like Memorial day weekend, the park will be dead in the mornings. We were surprised how long it took people to show up that weekend.


Yesterday was free military day at SFOG. Active and up to 3 guests were free to get in. 45 minutes after the rope drop I was sitting on Goliath taking re-rides without leaving the station. It was dead until 1 or 2 pm.


Heavy church areas. Sundays are usually light for much of the day.


The bad news is food ops were terrible yesterday. Chicken wing place wasn't even open at noon. JB Sports Grill wasn't open at 12:30pm. Understaffed and not opening on time or very delayed.


Thanks for the advise but I do have a question. You’re saying they open the park / twisted cyclone 30 minutes early? Do you need a special membership or anything to get in early?? I have the basic gold season pass from six flags great America and I’m not sure if my friends will have a good pass or not.

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When I've gone this year I've been with my little guy and we haven't ventured into Gotham City as although he is only 3 - he wants to ride all of the big rides and gets upset that he isn't tall enough for Batman. He's just hit the 42" mark and I'm debating on taking him on Mindbender. Not because he would be scared (he is fearless,) but because of the super heavy g forces at the bottom of the "2nd loop - downward helix" and the last loop. Thoughts??

The kid is tall enough and wants to ride and you're worried about some measly g-forces? What the hell kind of coaster dad are you?


You are right. He's already a little adrenaline junkie. Took him to White Water this weekend to switch things up a bit. He had a blast but damn was it exhausting.

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Oh maaan I wouldn’t care if it were themed to batboy if it’s a raptor. I’ve ridden a couple of freespins though and they felt like 2 totally different experiences. I found one not that great but the 2nd at Great Adventure was pretty decent! Either is a go for me!

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