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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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My personal thoughts on SFOG's ride collection:



You should havestopped at maybe I am biased.


Goliath Top 3 B&M hypers?

Twisted Cyclone the best RMC? Not even close, not even top 5, around 8 or 9.


DDD best eurofighter? LOL!


Superman v=best flyer? Again..lol. Tatsu is many times better.


GA Scorcher top-2 Stand-Up (w/ Riddler's Revenge at SFMM)? Green Lantern as Gadv is better, there aren't many stand ups left.


I won't go thru the rest but, the SFOG rose colored grasses are glaring.Can you even see straight with the distortion they are creating.


Sven what part of "personal thoughts" don't you get? Who cares if you rate something higher or lower than someone else. It's a personal opinion. It looks so bad to force your take on someone else as if it's the law.

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Six Flags Over Georgia has a knack for building smaller coasters that pack more punch than most bigger coasters.


Goliath is my #1 B&M hyper (have yet to ride Mako or any of them outside of the US but have been on the rest)

Georgia Scorcher is the only stand up I really love.

Dare Devil Dive is the most comfortable of its kind.

Twisted Cyclone seriously shocked me. Yes it is short and I hate that but it has the best ending of any RMC I’ve been on.


I’m like Lightning Rod, Outlaw Run, and Wicked Cyclone better but I much prefer Twisted Cyclone over Goliath (SFGAm) and Storm Chaser. All RMCs are amazing though. Goliath at SFGAm is the only one that has disappointed me slightly. I just figured a custom RMC of that proportion would be more memorable.

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^ I agree with most of your list but I can not let you get away with trashing GASM lol


It’s an ACE Landmark for a reason for crying outloud! Back before they switched the trains, to the ‘magic’ seat (2nd to last row, last car) gave the best ride. But now the back row is actually the best row to ride- which is odd because the back row on the old Georgia Cyclone literally tried its best to knock your back out of place before it hit the brakes. I don’t know how it’s possible but the old Cyclone trains have made the back row rideable again at GASM. The airtime is insane, especially after the 180 degree turn around back by Hurricane Harbor. And you can tell the train switch added intensity because they added a trim after the 45 degree turn headed back into the brake run.


For anyone doubting my words, take a ride in the back row and see for yourself.


Maybe I'll have to give GASM another try. I can't remember the last time I got any airtime at all on the ride. But thinking back, it's possible that a lot of the times I've ridden it in recent years have been with a Flash Pass, which dumps you into the middle of the train. Thanks for the tip!

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I'd say for sure avoid Blue Hawk (unless you are into pain from horrible transitions). . LOL. . . .anything else was OK to "mildly fun", tho your mileage may vary on DareDevil Dive (I hated it) . . but above were our highlights.


So maybe I'm biased from growing up with the awfulness that was the Ninja, but when they did the track work and replaced the trains to convert Ninja into Blue Hawk, the coaster literally moved up 300 spots in my steel ranking list. Yes, there are still a couple spots where if you aren't careful you might smack your head back into the headrest, but overall I have found it to be infinitely improved over what it used to be and what most Arrow & Vekoma looper experiences are.


DDD isn't my cup of tea, personally, but I do think it's by far the smoothest of the Eurofighter coasters (even if it has the worst ops/capacity). It's not an overly extreme ride, but I find it to be generally enjoyable provided I don't have to wait more than 15-20mins for it (which is rare due to the aforementioned awful ops/capacity).


Other than that, I generally agree with the rest of your review. SFOG is a quiet gem with a lot of really great rides.


My personal thoughts on SFOG's ride collection:


Goliath: top-3 B&M hyper (w/ Mako & Diamondback)

MindBender: best steel coaster built before 1980 (if not 1990)

Twisted Cyclone: best RMC (IMHO, even though I know most people are drinking the Steel Vengeance Kool-Aid)

GA Scorcher: top-2 Stand-Up (w/ Riddler's Revenge at SFMM)

Batman: an excellent cloned model that holds its own with the best of the inverts

DDD: best Eurofighter

Blue Hawk: best Vekoma sit-down looper (& in the convo w/ TN Tornado, which is my favorite Arrow looper)

Superman: best US flying coaster (has the terrain interactions the other clones lack; Tatsu just floats about aimlessly above the trees; Manta is good but I think Superman edges it out)

GASM: can go die in a fire. the most boring wooden coaster I've ridden outside of CGA's Grizzly. No airtime. No laterals. No 'classic nostalgia'. Just pointlessness.

Mine Train: meh.

Justice League: I've had worse luck on this one than any of the others, and it doesn't have an externally-accessible single rider line, which sucks

Joker: best family coaster I've seen at a SF park

Acrophobia: very good drop tower (if you can get over the uncomfortable seating position)

Monster Mansion: stay out of the marsh. STAY OUT OF THE MARSH!! OH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


You should havestopped at maybe I am biased.


Goliath Top 3 B&M hypers?

Twisted Cyclone the best RMC? Not even close, not even top 5, around 8 or 9.


DDD best eurofighter? LOL!


Superman v=best flyer? Again..lol. Tatsu is many times better.


GA Scorcher top-2 Stand-Up (w/ Riddler's Revenge at SFMM)? Green Lantern as Gadv is better, there aren't many stand ups left.


I won't go thru the rest but, the SFOG rose colored grasses are glaring.Can you even see straight with the distortion they are creating.


I'm happy to elaborate and give some context to my opinions, and I welcome hearing your perspective. One of my favorite things about being a coaster enthusiast is that we all have different things we enjoy about rides, and so the way we look at different rides is shaded by that point of view. I enjoy contrasting my perspectives with others'.


For Goliath, I think it gives good airtime in every seat, though the nature of that airtime changes as you move through the train (front is a strong pop as you crest the hill, back is a strong yank as you start down a hill, middle is floater all the way over the hill). The lack of a MCBR keeps the pacing up. The layout has good variation, including a nice helix, and doesn't have too many back-to-back parabolic hills (Intimidator & Behemoth come to mind), which tend to make me a little dizzy for some reason. Downsides are that for some reason they can't keep it running like the wheels are actually round, so it can rattle a bit; it is a bit short, both in height and in ride length; and overall Six Flags ops tend to drag the whole experience down a bit.


With RMC's, I've now ridden all of them except Wildfire & RailBlazer (though I have ridden Wonder Woman). As a general rule, I do not particularly enjoy really short strong pops of ejector airtime. If it's sustained ejector air that's entered into smoothly, I'm fine with that. But a lot of RMC airtime is fractions of a second of getting slammed into the restraints, and I just don't find that enjoyable. I also don't enjoy strong laterals in the middle of airtime, which RMC's do a lot. Thirdly, I'm not a fan of super slow barrel roll or in-line twist inversions as I find flopping around in between the restraints and the seat to be not very fun, but I find straight hang-time to be enjoyable, so long as you get to that full-inversion point relatively quickly.


So given all of the above, I actually do reasonably enjoy most RMC's, but most of them have at least a handful of elements that I really don't like. How much a pile of good stuff balances out against a pile of stuff I really dislike is a maddening question, which makes ranking a lot of RMC's a challenge for me.


I really really loved the GA Cyclone and was very sad they decided to RMC it. I firmly expected Twisted Cyclone to be a good ride and very popular amongst the general populous, but figured that I wouldn't love it as much as I had loved the original based on my prior experience with RMC's. Then I rode it and was completely blown away. It so far exceeded my expectations that I can't help but gush about it.


What makes Twisted Cyclone so great for me is that it does all the things I love about RMC's with none of the stuff I hate. The inversions are enjoyable, and I think the 'reverse cobra roll' is excellent. That's followed by probably the best wave turn RMC has ever made. The ejector hill after the next turnaround is great because it pays tribute to the ejector hill on the original GA Cyclone (which I really loved). The smaller pops of airtime throughout the ride aren't sharp enough to cause the kind of discomfort I experience on other RMC's. The fact that they didn't try for a third lap is a huge asset to the ride, as that tends to be where RMC will resort to manufacturing 'cheap' airtime by using tiny, sharply profiled hills, and I really really do not enjoy that. In fact, the last element of the ride is kind of a slalom sort of thing that gets you up into the brake run. It isn't trying to be a trick-track or some other nonsense, and it isn't awkwardly shaped and jarring. The whole ride experience is excellent, with literally nothing I would change. And that's why it's my favorite RMC.


For what it's worth, #2 is Iron Rattler. #3 is Goliath at SFGAm. #4 is New Texas Giant. #5 is Twisted Colossus (when dueling). Most of the rest of the RMC's fit into the 'have a bunch of good stuff and a bunch of stuff I don't like' situation, which makes them hard to rank against each other. For instance, Twisted Timbers to me is just Storm Chaser 2.0 (it does all the best stuff of SC, except more and better, but it also does more of the worst stuff of SC that I really really disliked). How does that balance out? Medusa didn't really get a fair shake due to being slowed down for VR when I was there. I found Joker to be not very memorable in any fashion, good or bad. Outlaw Run is absolutely my least favorite RMC, hands down.



For DDD, I've ridden a lot of Eurofighters, and almost all of them have OTSR's and bad headbanging problems. There are chunks with bad track/transition shaping, and they tend to just not be terribly fun for me. Dare Devil Dive has lapbar restraints, is butter smooth, and has an interesting (albeit forceless) layout. I don't enjoy the barrel roll ending, but overall I think it's a solid ride. That being said, this weekend I rode Hydrus at Casino Pier, and Hydrus may be the best Eurofighter I've ever ridden (despite being short and $10/ride).



For Superman, the thing I like is that it has really good terrain interaction. I prefer the one at SFOG over the 2 clones for this reason, particularly since the other two were basically just plopped on flat land. I don't have Tatsu ranked as highly because I don't feel that it interacts with the terrain really at all. Other than the pretzel loop, it feels like it's just meandering around above the treetops, with the occasional inversion. In a lot of ways, Tatsu reminds me of Volcano, which I also feel is kind of a wasted ride that starts off great but then doesn't go anywhere. But I know a lot of people love these rides, and they probably enjoy the swooping around way up high more than they would tight terrain interactions. I have Manta in the middle.


For Scorcher, it's short & sweet, which is great for stand-ups. It was also my first looping coaster, so there's at least somewhat of a nostalgia factor. It's widely regarded as one of the best ones, so I don't think I'm too far off. Depending on whether I'm in the mood for a short or long ride, that will affect whether I lean towards Scorcher or Riddler's, but Green Lantern is my #3. I don't have anything against it; I just prefer the other two a little more.



I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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For me, SFOG's ride collection really shines on a good day as it's all pretty understated. They don't have flashy record breakers or a giant giga. A lot of the rides to me are in the better echelon of their respective categories, without being the outright frontrunner.


What this does on a good day is make you say "oh wow that was way better than I expected. What a 'hidden gem'" in a sense. On a bad day with heavy crowds, bad operations, or just bad luck getting on things, that charm is gone, and the experience pales a little bit, imo.


I totally agree that Goliath is on the top 5, maybe top 3 for hypers. I rank Behemoth and Mako above it, but when it's running well, I prefer it to most everything else. But I've also had rides on it where I've said "that was not nearly as good as it could be."


I agree that Georgia Scorcher is the most enjoyable stand up outside of Riddler's, given your preference. I personally loved Riddler's and used to love Mantis and Chang in their heyday. No way does Green Lantern stand up to that now. Georgia Scorcher is never going to top any lists, but it's a pleasant ride with a solid layout.


Twisted Cyclone is similar for me. It's rather small, understated, and doesn't have the stats, big name, or "destination ride" hype. But it rides like a dream, and pound for pound is one of the most enjoyable RMCs without requiring a "That was somewhere between amazing and a car crash" defensive riding style. It's really hard for me to compare it to the bigger RMCs, but in the mid-range size category, it for sure holds its own.


"Solid in their own right" is how I'd describe most of the other SFOG coasters. I might just be too young to fully get the Mindbender love, but I can surely appreciate it.


On a good day, SFOG's line up works really really well.

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Goliath: top-3 B&M hyper (w/ Mako & Diamondback)

MindBender: best steel coaster built before 1980 (if not 1990)

Twisted Cyclone: best RMC (IMHO, even though I know most people are drinking the Steel Vengeance Kool-Aid)

GA Scorcher: top-2 Stand-Up (w/ Riddler's Revenge at SFMM)

Batman: an excellent cloned model that holds its own with the best of the inverts

DDD: best Eurofighter

Blue Hawk: best Vekoma sit-down looper (& in the convo w/ TN Tornado, which is my favorite Arrow looper)

Superman: best US flying coaster (has the terrain interactions the other clones lack; Tatsu just floats about aimlessly above the trees; Manta is good but I think Superman edges it out)

GASM: can go die in a fire. the most boring wooden coaster I've ridden outside of CGA's Grizzly. No airtime. No laterals. No 'classic nostalgia'. Just pointlessness.

Mine Train: meh.

Justice League: I've had worse luck on this one than any of the others, and it doesn't have an externally-accessible single rider line, which sucks

Joker: best family coaster I've seen at a SF park

Acrophobia: very good drop tower (if you can get over the uncomfortable seating position)

Monster Mansion: stay out of the marsh. STAY OUT OF THE MARSH!! OH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!



SFOG is my home six flags park and I'd like to agree with this very biased review of these rides I've rode a hundred times but I just can't. I've visited other parks that just have better rides. So here is my response to these.


Goliath: I agree

MindBender: I agree

Twisted Cyclone: I've rode all three new hybrids this year, and Steel Vengeance and Twisted Timbers are a lot better than Twisted Cyclone. Twisted Cyclone is a great ride, but it's the low man on the totem pole when it comes to RMC hybrids. I might put it above Storm Chaser and Joker but that's about it.

GA Scorcher: It is the best stand up but it's also the newest...And it's still an uncomfortable ride.

Batman: I agree that it is an excellent cloned model but it's nowhere as good as Alpengeist, Montu, or Banshee.

DDD: If SFOG could figure out how to load this coaster properly, then it might be the best Eurofighter. The ops on this ride is a downright shame. But the ride itself is great, but not worth the wait.

Blue Hawk: This ride is still painful. It was a good effort by SFOG to make this ride better, but I still skip it when I go.

Superman: Tatsu and Manta are better but that's just my opinion. I actually enjoyed SFGAm and SFGAd's better than SFOG's but that's also just my opinion.

GASM: I would say that every other coaster in SFOG can go die in a fire before GASM. This coaster was the very first coaster I ever rode and it holds a very special place in my heart. I will agree that SFOG needs to retrack the whole coaster and I miss the old trains...But GASM is my favorite in the park no matter how bad it gets.

Mine Train: I agree.

Joker: I agree.

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Georgia Scorcher is never going to top any lists, but it's a pleasant ride with a solid layout.


I know I am in the far minority but I would actually place Georgia Scorcher in my top 10 somewhere. The layout is so well orchestrated; all of the maneuvers flow really well while still having a strong sense of purpose and great forces. Really left a good impression.

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Is there usually a significant back up trying to leave the parking lot around closing on a weekend? I have a 10:30 flight and the park closes at 7:30, so I'm trying to gauge when to leave.


I'm leaning towards yes to be safe, but some parks can get people out of the lot much more efficiently.

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Is there usually a significant back up trying to leave the parking lot around closing on a weekend? I have a 10:30 flight and the park closes at 7:30, so I'm trying to gauge when to leave.


I'm leaning towards yes to be safe, but some parks can get people out of the lot much more efficiently.


your issue is not going to be the traffic leaving the park. . it's going to be Atlanta Traffic headed towards the airport.


considering how crowded the Atlanta Airport is (for getting thru security), and how crowded the Atlanta freeways *always* are?


to be safe, I'd head out of the park (ie: walking towards the gates) at 6pm.


that's just me, i'm in the better early than late group of folks.

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that's just me, i'm in the better early than late group of folks.

Agreed. One or two more spins on a coaster is not worth cutting it close for your flight.

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Hi, New Here. anyone know the status of Acrophobia at the moment or the reason why its down?


Acro has been closed for atleast a month now. I rode past the park yesterday on the way to and from work and the hook/gondola carrier/lift was at the top of the tower so I'm sure it was closed yesterday as well. My guess is that it was hit by lightning during one of the many storms we had last month. Considering how long it has been closed, I'm assuming that they are either waiting on a part to come in from Intamin or they may have just decided to leave it closed for the remainder of the season.


I am also saddened by how long it has been closed. Acro is usually my first ride after entering the park.

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So I am planning my 3rd-ever trip to the park in Mid september (on a sunday)... I haven't been there since 2001, so I think they built a ride or two since then. Based on what I was reading, it sounds like we should go to Wicked Cyclone first and then DDD. Any other advice on this? There will be some rides I can't ride, but the wife can. Does anyone know if the train has re-opened? I would hate to miss it.


I have a six flags great adventure gold pass, (Even though I live in Ohio) and I want to renew it, but if I renew, does that mean I have to go back to SFGrAd and renew it, or is it automatic? I ask, because I might just buy a whole new pass during the sale and just process it in Georgia.


That takes me to my next question....


Does SFoG have any passholder perks (early ride times especially)


Also to you locals... any advice on Lake Winnie is appreciated, too... again, it's been since 2001 since I was last there.

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So I am planning my 3rd-ever trip to the park in Mid september (on a sunday)... I haven't been there since 2001, so I think they built a ride or two since then. Based on what I was reading, it sounds like we should go to Wicked Cyclone first and then DDD. Any other advice on this? There will be some rides I can't ride, but the wife can. Does anyone know if the train has re-opened? I would hate to miss it.


I have a six flags great adventure gold pass, (Even though I live in Ohio) and I want to renew it, but if I renew, does that mean I have to go back to SFGrAd and renew it, or is it automatic? I ask, because I might just buy a whole new pass during the sale and just process it in Georgia.


That takes me to my next question....


Does SFoG have any passholder perks (early ride times especially)


Also to you locals... any advice on Lake Winnie is appreciated, too... again, it's been since 2001 since I was last there.


I agree I would ride Twisted Cyclone and DDD first.


Yes, the train has reopened.


I would just buy a whole new pass at SFOG as they don't automatically renew.


You're probably too late in the year for Passholder perks, but it's possible they could add something that hasn't been posted yet.


I can't help you with Lake Winnie, sorry.

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So I am planning my 3rd-ever trip to the park in Mid september (on a sunday)... I haven't been there since 2001, so I think they built a ride or two since then. Based on what I was reading, it sounds like we should go to Wicked Cyclone first and then DDD. Any other advice on this? There will be some rides I can't ride, but the wife can. Does anyone know if the train has re-opened? I would hate to miss it.


I have a six flags great adventure gold pass, (Even though I live in Ohio) and I want to renew it, but if I renew, does that mean I have to go back to SFGrAd and renew it, or is it automatic? I ask, because I might just buy a whole new pass during the sale and just process it in Georgia.


That takes me to my next question....


Does SFoG have any passholder perks (early ride times especially)


Also to you locals... any advice on Lake Winnie is appreciated, too... again, it's been since 2001 since I was last there.


Not a local, but I was just at Lake Winnie this past weekend. Definitely ride the Boat Chute first. I was the first rider of the day and within a half hour, it had a full queue already. I then recommend hitting Wacky Factory next since it had a full queue shortly after opening as well.


Cannon Ball opened 2 hours late due to mechanical difficulties but if you go there third I think you should be able to get a few rides before people get back there. Also do not miss Conestoga or OH-Zone. Both are insane.


SFOG opened Twisted Cyclone a half hour before the posted opening. I was on the first train. If you don't get a Flash Pass, I'd say run over to Dare Devil Dive after since it quickly built up a big wait.


And Acro is running, yes?


It was down all of Sunday.

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is it a full train?


or still that sad little 2 car thing they were running when I was there last month.


that's not a train..that's a glorified Trolley.


I don't usually ride the train but if I remember correctly it had at least 4 or 5 cars the last time I saw it running.

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Answering questions from above as a local...


Acrophobia is still down for the count as of Sunday. The Six Flags Railroad is running though. I believe there are 3 cars attached to the engine (if not two - cant remember as its been a couple of weeks since I've been out there).


Visiting on a Sunday should do you a favor as the crowds are normally light but definitely hit Twisted Cyclone, Dare Devil Dive, and then Superman as those rides usually get the longest lines.


Other than that, you should be fine and no Flash Pass should be needed to enjoy your day at the park.

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