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The "Rant" Thread


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My rant is when someone smells bad...I mean pure funky, but they don't seem to notice...I have to sit in this security office Tues-Sat..smelling all kinds of rank smells from my co-workers. I know people are gonna smell sometimes, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. Maybe bring Deodorant or something...

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ok what I really hate is the way a lot of the arab/indian/idk people from these other countries, expecting to get along with us, and they act like total jerks. No offense to anyone of these races who isn't like that, I am not racist in anyway. It's just that when I was in NYC a few weeks ago, There were a lot of times when people of these races tried to get ahead of me in lines, and really annoying stuff like that. So I guess its not really a matter of any specific race, but acting like that doesnt really give your origins a good rep.

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I'm tired as all hell and it's Friday at work. Is there any other possible combination that could make this day drag on anymore?


11:00 a.m., 6 hours to go. UGH!

Edit: 12:00 p.m. 5 hours to go. Meh

Edit: 1:00 p.m. 4 hours to go. Days half over

Edit: 2:00 p.m. 3 hours to go. Length of a long movie

Edit: 3:00 p.m. 2 hours to go. Almost there.

Edit: 4:00 p.m. 1 hour to go. Yay, Supervisor left at 4!!

Edit: 5:00 p.m...

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^ Psh, were paying 3.17 in DC.


But thats sure as hell not as much as the UK is paying and what not.


Uh. Rant. Lets see. Freaking customers that walk in to Petsmart and dont speak english. Sheesh. This is America, the national language is ENGLISH. SPEAK IT!



  Darien Laker said:
^Aren't there like over 10 Supermans?


13 to be exact.

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I hate when I walk in somewhere, and people don't know anything about their job.

For example, if you walk into best buy and ask what's the difference between these cameras? Then they wither say "I don't really know" or they give you a random answer thinking that you don't know anything.

I also hate when I walk into PetsMart to get my lizard crickets and the lady is too scared to touch the crickets...COME ON LADY!! What the heck did you think you were gonna do when you picked up an application?? It really makes me mad!

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  okinawaboy11 said:

Uh. Rant. Lets see. Freaking customers that walk in to Petsmart and dont speak english. Sheesh. This is America, the national language is ENGLISH. SPEAK IT!


another thing i hate is when people get mad because your speaking another language. You're right, it IS america and we're free to speak in whatever language we like. Si yo quiero hablar en espanol, then I will!

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  MissBenilda said:
  okinawaboy11 said:

Uh. Rant. Lets see. Freaking customers that walk in to Petsmart and dont speak english. Sheesh. This is America, the national language is ENGLISH. SPEAK IT!


another thing i hate is when people get mad because your speaking another language. You're right, it IS america and we're free to speak in whatever language we like. Si yo quiero hablar en espanol, then I will!


So America should bend to fit your language then? Every business in this great country should spend whatever it takes to have every piece of literature reprinted in spanish to satisfy you. They should also screw over worthy English speaking job applicants to find a bilingual one? Should I go on? Bottom Line: Yes, it is America, and yes you are free.....so respect it by speaking the national language. It's the least you can do after overpopulating the place (oh gosh, did I say that? Wait, yeah I did).


That's my rant for the day.


Scott "nothing personal, I think " B.

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  MissBenilda said:
  okinawaboy11 said:

Uh. Rant. Lets see. Freaking customers that walk in to Petsmart and dont speak english. Sheesh. This is America, the national language is ENGLISH. SPEAK IT!


another thing i hate is when people get mad because your speaking another language. You're right, it IS america and we're free to speak in whatever language we like. Si yo quiero hablar en espanol, then I will!


I work in a hospital, and we have many people who come into the ER for emergencies, and cannot communicate effectivly because they speak no english at all, so time is lost tracking down an intrepeter so they can relate thier emergency



no disrespect intended at all, but I think it is best for everyone to learn to speak and write english, not because "this is america yeehaw", but because your life might be saved

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Okay so get this:

Lastnight the power went out around 9:20 PM. My dad called PG&E and they said it should be back between 9:40 and 11:40. I stayed up until 1 AM (I need my internet.. ). Anyways, it just came back around 10:55AM, the next day. I didn't think I was scared of the dark until lastnight...

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I hate it when people doing their jobs act like your stupid.


For example, today I bought my phone in to try out a new battery after I had washed it on accident. The phone is rejecting the battery, so I figured it could just be a bad battery because everything else on the phone works. Me and my dad give the guy the phone and told him the story and asked if we could try a new battery. He goes "Well, when phones are in water, they sometimes don't work". Well DUH, all I want is to try a new battery. He said it lke he thought we were stupid for "assuming" washing the phone wouldn't hurt it. I am NOT stupid enough to wash the phone thinking it will be okay, and I don't know anyone who is...



EDIT:Another rant...


Why do people try to push you into the pool with your clothes on without making sure you don't have anything you can't get wet in your pockets. I have recently talked to people who have been pushed into the pool with their cell phones in their pockets and other stuff you wouldn't want to get wet. Sure, it's fun to do to someone, but is it worth ruining your friends stuff and getting them in trouble with their parents?? I mean, you never know, what if they have a new Ipod in their pocket?? It i just very rude to me...

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So America should bend to fit your language then? Every business in this great country should spend whatever it takes to have every piece of literature reprinted in spanish to satisfy you. They should also screw over worthy English speaking job applicants to find a bilingual one? Should I go on? Bottom Line: Yes, it is America, and yes you are free.....so respect it by speaking the national language. It's the least you can do after overpopulating the place (oh gosh, did I say that? Wait, yeah I did).


That's my rant for the day.


Scott "nothing personal, I think " B.


News Flash- America is a country of Immigrants. If they want to speak Spanish they can and will. Would it hurt you to try and learn their language? It isn't that easy to suddenly learn a language. That really is one of the most disrespectful things I've read in a long while.


I hate it when people don't think before they post things like that.



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I move to spanish speaking country....I learn spanish.


You move to The United States of America..... you learn ENGLISH. Anything less IS disrepectful. IMHO, naturally.


By the way, chief....I have studied Spanish. And yes, I have attempted to learn the language. So before you assume that I haven't, you should probably ask. And furthermore, I have the utmost respect for anyone who learns english as a second language. It is possibly the most difficult to learn, considering the amount of slang used in daily conversation.


With that said, I also have ZERO respect for any immigrant who feels it is owed to them that The United States of America should become a bilingual nation. If you don't like a country for what it is before you choose to live in it, then you should reconsider where you choose to live. If I decide to move to Italy, I'm not gonna start a revolution to have the Italian government start speaking English because I wanna feel more "at home." That's not how it works.


Once again, yes we are free here. Yes, you're free to speak your native language. It's simply disrespectful to believe your new country of residence should cater to your way of life outside of the home you live in. Speak in your native tounge as much as you want while at home with family and friends, but don't go around expecting to see every written word (billboards, menus, traffic signs, etc.) in your native language. That was my point.


I am now through with this thread for discussing this topic. If you feel the need to continue, please start a new thread about it. End Rant.


Scott "I know I'm not alone on this one" B.

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  BeemerBoy said:


I move to spanish speaking country....I learn spanish.


You move to The United States of America..... you learn ENGLISH. Anything less IS disrepectful. IMHO, naturally.


By the way, chief....I have studied Spanish. And yes, I have attempted to learn the language. So before you assume that I haven't, you should probably ask. And furthermore, I have the utmost respect for anyone who learns english as a second language. It is possibly the most difficult to learn, considering the amount of slang used in daily conversation.


With that said, I also have ZERO respect for any immigrant who feels it is owed to them that The United States of America should become a bilingual nation. If you don't like a country for what it is before you chose to live in it, then you should reconsider where you chose to live. If I decide to move to Italy, I'm not gonna start a revolution to have the Italian government start speaking English because I wanna feel more "at home." That's not how it works.


Once again, yes we are free here. Yes, you're free to speak your native language. It's simply disrespectful to believe your new country of residence should cater to your way of life outside of the home you live in. Speak in your native tounge as much as you want while at home with family and friends, but don't go around expecting to see every written word (billboards, menus, traffic signs, etc.) in your native language. That was my point.


I am now through with this thread for discussing this topic. If you feel the need to continue, please start a new thread about it. End Rant.


Scott "I know I'm not alone on this one" B.


Here! Here! Well said. No one could say it any better.

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Holotype -as for now- is Splitsville. It may be temporary, I dont know.. But it seems unlikely things will continue. Its highly frustrating because its been a very demanding 5 years of my life doing everything I could for this group.. And we were so close to getting somewhere, and making this our careers.. Ironically, the thing that we were working for -which of course would be a record deal- tore the group apart. There are so many specifics I could rant about, but I would rather just express something positive to you guys because it makes me feel better than ranting about the negatives..


There are a few of you that took interest in my band on this site, and I want to say thanks I really appriciate it. It was alot of hard work and it was good to hear some good feedback (and a little constructive criticism ) from a community I really like being a part of.


Maybe you will hear more about my musical expeditions in the future. Maybe I will just throw in the towel.

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  Imhotep said:
Holotype -as for now- is Splitsville. It may be temporary, I dont know.. But it seems unlikely things will continue. Its highly frustrating because its been a very demanding 5 years of my life doing everything I could for this group.. And we were so close to getting somewhere, and making this our careers.. Ironically, the thing that we were working for -which of course would be a record deal- tore the group apart. There are so many specifics I could rant about, but I would rather just express something positive to you guys because it makes me feel better than ranting about the negatives..


There are a few of you that took interest in my band on this site, and I want to say thanks I really appriciate it. It was alot of hard work and it was good to hear some good feedback (and a little constructive criticism ) from a community I really like being a part of.


Maybe you will hear more about my musical expeditions in the future. Maybe I will just throw in the towel.



That is a major bummer, sorry


AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T THROW IN THE TOWEL, you are a very good drummer

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