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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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well i dont know which ones to upload hhmmm i will just post away me thinks:





their we go i hope all of u like.

also please comment me on them never really upload them so need ppls thoughts lol


fretless aka. luke the half french half english guy

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^ Do you have dreads there on yer head there? I have always wanted to ask anybody who has them - how do you take care of them?


Just being a curious bear, here.


Welcome to the TPR community, by the way.


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yah i hav dreads and get tht asked all the time lol so its kewl well the answer variers from one person to the next depending on hair thickness etc but the majority goes like this;


when u get dreads they look shit for about the 1st couple of months and in tht time every day or so you add bee's wax to the hair tht keep the "angel dust" down the random strands of hair tht stand up etc like when u get static lol, and anyways after a few months ur hair starts to natrually wash itself sounds gross i know BUT its alot cleaner and nicer and easier on ur hair then using all the products tht u get in super markets and so on, most ppl say they are a bitch to look after the bottom line is, is tht its not hard they juts couldnt b fuckd with them in the first place they thought they were kewl but didnt hav the time to sort them out etc


hope that has answered you question a bit but best bet is to search google tht has loads of stuff just tap in somthing like how to look after dreads or somthing.


hope that answered the question.


Also peeps if anyone has any questions or quieries on peirceings and/or tattoos then feel free to ask im an ex peircer and tattooist so know quite alot about all of it


have fun peeps

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^ How can you be an ex-piercer and a tattooist at the age of 17? Is this like how you can have your Grade 8 practical in bass but haven't done theory, even though you have to do Grade 5 theory before you can do any higher practical grades?

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i can be an x peircer and tattooist because their is no age limit to actually peirce and tattoo but their is to be peirced and tattoed etc also i have a health and sfaty certificate from hampshire county council and also references to that i have been trained etc and with the grade 8 i can play all/ most grade 8 peices but havent actually taken the exam lol like i said im pretty crap and notes and wht not,

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