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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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I've been about for a little while and figured it's time I posted a pic. In addition to theme parks and such I love going to concerts. So, below is a picture of me (far left acting like something's actually happening) and some people I don't know in the front (the catwalk is right next to me) at a late-2004 concert with The Music, Keane, Muse, Jimmy Eat World, and Velvet Revolver. If you're interested in more about me, go to http://www.myspace.com/boyeh and my fledgling Robb-rip-off website with pictures at http://www.amusementridereview.com


I'm the dork on the left. I have a full beard now. And my hair isn't as long so it looks better.

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Nice! I'm sure wearing a mask isn't the most comfortable thing, but I got sick of the makeup and it would always come off and sometimes get in my eyes (it was hot in my house and I had a fairly active scare.) By the end of the month, my shirt was disgusting! (the pic I have posted a few pages back was taken during the last couple days)


I don't want to clog this page with too many pics of me, it might crash the server, but in the next day or 2 I may post a pic of me backstage having a bit of fun.........

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Nice! I'm sure wearing a mask isn't the most comfortable thing, but I got sick of the makeup and it would always come off and sometimes get in my eyes (it was hot in my house and I had a fairly active scare.) By the end of the month, my shirt was disgusting! (the pic I have posted a few pages back was taken during the last couple days)quote]


Actually, the entire thing is glued to my face, so it really wasn't a mask. After being glued, I had orange paint on my eyes, lips, and hands. Took about an hour each day! Everything I owned was orange, and some of it still is! Like the cord on my camera is orange. Good memories though!

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Actually, the entire thing is glued to my face, so it really wasn't a mask. After being glued, I had orange paint on my eyes, lips, and hands. Took about an hour each day! Everything I owned was orange, and some of it still is! Like the cord on my camera is orange. Good memories though!


Nevermind, sounds quite unpleasant!


Did you at least have someone do that (glue mask on, paint you up) for you?


Down here in Tamp we're responsible (except for subs) to apply our own makeup..... which is why mine looks pretty bad. Fortunately, my part of the house was fairly dark.


Goofy picture time. My house was themed to a Victorian Era wedding where everyone was killed. This is me (groundskeeper) wearing the wig of the bride and the hat of the housekeeper.


I apologize in advance for any nightmares this picture may cause.

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^When I saw you, you didn't have the makeup! What up with dat?


I had the makeup on every night. Barry, theres a chance that the night you saw me, at that time my makeup had come off a bit because I was hot and sweaty in my house, and I couldn't help but wipe it off sometimes, lol. Plus, it was pretty dark in my area so maybe my makeup wasn't the easiest to spot (and maybe my glow in the dark stuff had worn off by then)

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Slacking, I didn't have to apply my own make-up. My role was the only one that got my own make-up artist. All the other HoS roles had to apply their own.


It wasn't too bad of a head, just was more comfortable to look down than straight. The bottom part of the pumpkin when down the shoulders.

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