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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Since I lasted posted, i have really given this alot of thought, what i really liked about Will, although I never had the pleasure to meet him were the Holiblogs that were on YouTube. It was, as if he was speaking straight to me, as well as everyone else. It was nice to have him explain things, to show off that smile of his, and just speak to the viewer like he were friends with everyone. There was a kind of warmth you don't see too often, and I wish the Koch Family tonnes of good tidings, and as was already mentioned...hoping he's enjoying those Timberlines in Heaven.

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Wow, this is really sad news. I never had the chance to meet any of the Kochs, but I finally experienced Holiday World for the first time last week. The park that Will and family put together is one of the best in the world, and wouldn't have happened without his dedication, enthusiasm and hard work. Holiday World and Splashin' Safari are a great legacy to leave behind. My condolances go out to the Koch family right now.

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This is unbelievable. I've never met him, or even knew that much about him, but I've always heard wonderful things about the Koch family and their park. I was really looking forward to meeting him this summer. This is about as sudden as death gets. RIP Will.

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Reminder to donate to the Koch family's chosen charities in honor of Will:






It's not all about the monetary donations, be sure to keep the Koch family and Holiday World staff in your prayers.



While money donations are nice Wes, it's more about encounters and the memories.


What you're doing is nice, no doubt about it. But this is one of those occasions where talking about him helps people to remember him more then money ever will.


That's what remembrance is all about, not money, but the memories.

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I'm not discouraging anyone from posting their feelings or memories, merely also saying that donating to the causes the Koch family posted is a great way to honor him. The money you donate to the JDRF may help find a cure or other effective therapies and treatments, so a family doesn't have to lose their father/mother/child or whoever in the same sudden and deeply saddening way we are all experiencing today with Will. There's no better gift than helping someone lead a full and productive life, and (in my humble opinion) there's no better way to honor someone you cared deeply about than to be able to give to an organization *they* cared deeply about.


I will continue to post the links to the charities every few pages as a reminder to posters who may only read the new pages. You can all continue to post your memories and condolences as we have.



Edited by Wes
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I'm not discouraging anyone from posting their feelings or memories, merely also saying that donating to the causes the Koch family posted is a great way to honor him. The money you donate to the JDRF may help find a cure or other effective therapies and treatments, so a family doesn't have to lose their father/mother/child or whoever in the same sudden and deeply saddening way we are all experiencing today with Will. There's no better gift than helping someone lead a full and productive life, and (in my humble opinion) there's no better way to honor someone you cared deeply about than to be able to give to an organization *they* cared deeply about.


I will continue to post the links to the charities every few pages as a reminder to posters who may only read the new pages. You can all continue to post your memories and condolences as we have.



This is the most intelligent thing that has been posted in this thread. Thank you Wes.


My condolences go out to all the parties involved. It really bums me out when something so sudden like this happens.


But...Wes is absoultely right.


If you want to do something proactive that may actually do SOME GOOD. Donate to those organizations that Wes posted the links to.


This type of thing will actually HELP. Riding a coaster by yourself and buying your onride photo will not. Not to mention that solo front seat ride will also just decrease the capacity of that coaster by one more person forcing someone else to wait in line just a little bit longer. Do you honestly think this is the kind of thing Will would have wanted?


I had many conversations with Will over the years and this is a great loss to the industry. So do something that would help other people. Just like Will would have done to help other people.


And like Wes said, I would never, ever discourage someone from posting their emotions and feelings, but to be honest, in addition to the emotions, I'd rather see our members be more proactive and charitable and not just melodramatic and weepy. Do something that will make a difference for other people. And do it in Will's honor of that personally makes you feel better about this situation.


--Robb "Thank you all for your understanding." Alvey


ps. Here are the links to those organizations again:





Edited by robbalvey
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I am a type 1 diabetic who's disease is very well managed. I always got the impression that Will took very good care of himself. This tragic loss is proof that you don't have to have a poor health history for this disease to take a sudden turn. Donations will help find a way to stop this from happening and helps ease the fear that we and our friends and family live with.


Will was a great man. And I hope his intelligence, enthusiasm and kindness will live on long after us all.

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I've never met Will, or even been to Holiday World for that matter. But I definitely made sure to donate to such a great cause in honor of such a great person!

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To think, my first time to Holiday World was no less than a week and a half ago after wanting to go there for years and I finally got to witness and ride the wonderful creations he and the family had made basically in the middle of nowhere. I even rode the modified Raven train on Voyage and that was the first thought that came to my head when I heard this sad news, as I pictured him talking about the articulation that was needed for the train in that recent video he posted so that the Raven train could run on it. He wasnt even that old either and it just shows you how precious life really is. My thoughts and prayers to the Koch family during this very difficult time and it is indeed a very sad day for the amusement industry.

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What a tragic shame. I have not had the pleasure of visiting Holiday World and Splashing Safari. However, anyone whom has ever been there has had nothing but wonderful things to say about it. Mr. Koch, you will be sadly missed. My prayers go out to your surviving family members.

may god bless you all.

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We were just at Holiday World for the HWN event. Talked with Will and Pat at dinner. Listened to Will jam with the Beach Combers during Saturday evening dinner. He was an enthusiastic ambassador to the amusement park world. His hospitality surpassed any other park that we've been to as a family. He will be missed.


Kris Leach

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I was shocked when I found out about his death this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. I never had a chance to talk with him. The only memory I had of him was during a band trip to Holiday World. My group decided to eat a Plymouth Rock Cafe, and while I was getting my food, I saw Will. I was just excited to see him in person. He will truly be missed.

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... I'd rather see our members be more proactive and charitable and not just melodramatic and weepy. Do something that will make a difference for other people...


I agreed. It's a loss but let live the legacy of what Will has done in the past. I just contribute money to one of the listed charity of what I can out of my college budget but I made it do. That's all I got to say. It's a loss in the Industry and I hope people/industry will follow his path that he has started and be able to continue the path of the awesome success. Robb is already doing it. He is making people (us as TPR member) happy and moving forward with adding new things to the site and on the tour from what I'm hearing/seeing. No need to brag but Wes and Robb are 125% right on the ball.

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