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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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  Raven Maven said:
^ Very cool, Nic! (Would you mind posting a photo credit - Photos courtesy HolidayWorld.com works great - when you use our photos, please? Thanks.)


Btw, the ride we're moving? Happens this coming week.


I added the logo in the file, I posted the logo in my post and I said in my video description that all photos were from holidayworld.com is that what you wanted?

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The ride that is being moved will be announced Tuesday.


There are pictures that might give some hints to what the ride and new theme will be on the Holiblog



there are lots more stories to be shared, including more information about the trains, the intriguing Will Power building and what it now contains, plus an added “near miss” pair of elements.



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Holiday World is getting better and better! Ride relocation to the Thunderbird plaza! News about the trains! Some new "near misses" on Thunderbird! Even though I've never been to this park before it's going to turn the theme park industry upside down. That's why I'm glad this will be my first visit come opening weekend in April 2015!

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  Raven Maven said:
^ No "announcement" per se; the ride is being moved as we speak (write), if you want to check out our webcams: http://www.holidayworld.com/webcams/


We'll have a timelapse video, hopefully later today.



Thanks for the clarification!

When will we find out all of the near misses for Thunderbird? I know too many questions, sorry!

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  HolidayWorldFTW said:
Also, I'm not convinced it's the sparkler. It would be a cool ride to have right there, but wouldn't they also have to change the light package somewhat to match the new theme?

I doubt the light package would need changing (and even if they did, It shouldn't cost the park an arm and a leg to reprogram it). I think the issues would be the color scheme and the decals on the banners between the arms, though.

The red stump that's at the new location looks very similar to Sparkler's current base. I figured it would be either Sparkler, or the Flying Scooters.

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