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Comprehensive Coaster Credit Conversation

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I dunno, I just really have a serious problem with "backyard coasters." And it goes back to what I said about how you can't have a coaster "close" because the guys not home or something.


surely using that logic, any coasters at theme parks where they have off seasons wouldn't count either?? That would leave just disney and a few others..

Don't be an a$$hole. You know what I mean.


In a way - but I just think that "because it might be closed" is a poor reason...


ps. You might also REALLY want to focus on your spelling and grammar a bit too.


Yeah - it's more my typing and proof reading skills!!



changes would need to be significant (eg steel phantom) or have a big impact on ride style (complete change of car style

So, out of curiosity, would you count The Voyage before and after the Timberliners as different credits?

probably not - but maybe i'd just be controversial (haven't ridden it in either form yet though!)

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^^Yeah, that's insane, it's a dark ride-period.


Just to throw in my two cents for the backyard coasters argument, for me if the coaster is gravity driven as a result of some sort of motor powered chain/rope/fishing line lift hill, is full circuit, and has a train that is actually attached to the track then I would count it. If a guy rides a wagon down some boards and off a ramp it doesn't count, but if some guy actually fabricates a train to fit on a custom built track that runs a full gravity powered circuit then I think it counts. By those qualifications there are all of about two actual working backyard coasters in the world so the rarity of the credit alone should make it count as a credit, in my opinion.


I am by no means a credit whore, I've personally never seen the point in traveling hour out of your way to ride a miner mike just to say your rode it and add it to your count, but that's just me. If I'm at a new park and I've ridden everything I want to ride and have time to spare then I might waste 20 minutes waiting for a random wacky worm credit, but kiddie coaster credits for me are always last (and usually after I've re-ridden the good stuff).

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Don't be an a$$hole. You know what I mean.


In a way - but I just think that "because it might be closed" is a poor reason...

You obviously have some serious reading comprehension disorder, because that's not what I was saying at all, and I think you know damn well.




I actually had Elissa pull up my coaster count last night (which hadn't actually been updated in about 7 months!) and it was interesting to see that I had about 1,200 "real" credits, and about 1,500 if I counted everything. (Powered, relocated, stupid stuff, etc....)


Thinking more about it, I guess it's just my priorities about riding roller coasters and visiting theme parks is different from other people, and have changed quite a bit over the years. I'd say my priorities, in about this order are...


- Having fun at a park with a good group of friends.

- Traveling to new places and seeing new things.

- Having a good time with friends...hanging out...doing whatever.

- Getting footage of rides where we can.

- Organizing really kick ass theme park events so other people can have an awesome time!

- Relaxing, hanging out, having a good time with friends.

- Adding roller coasters to my count.


While I do realize it's important to a lot of people, and we will go out of the way on a trip to get a credit somewhere, I think we're the type of people we wouldn't go *that* far our of our way. Like, if there was a kiddie coasters en route or close by somewhere we're already going, and especially if it could make for a fun update or video, we'll stop by. (That little park in Lake George comes to mind.) But we're not the type of people to drive hours out of our way, or fly to a destination, specifically for small credits. We may do that for something large, interesting, or significant, but not for minor, small coasters.


The other thing I realized is that I probably stopped religiously counting, because I believe there is a number that, once you pass it, to the average person, anything more doesn't really matter. It's like if you heard that some dude owned 50 cars, or 90 cars, or 140 cars. All of those seem insane to the average person who owns 1, maybe 2 cars if they have a family!


I kinda feel that number, for roller coasters, is somewhere between 500 - 1,000. And at one point, I absolutely counted and kept track, but at some point I stopped caring as much. I think it was at the point where I realized that the high "number" didn't matter to me as much as just having a fun day out with friends. And it was when I realized this, and stopped worrying as much about counting, I think I actually started to have more fun at parks!


And sure, I still have a list, and while I'm not sure I'd actually keep track myself if it wasn't for Elissa, is it a good way to see where we've been. If anything, I probably would be more interested in keeping a list of parks I've visited versus roller coasters I've ridden as I think (for me), it's far more interesting to think back to the parks I've visited, and if I missed a couple of small credits here or there, it's not going to impact my park visit at all. For example, at La Ronde last year, I think there were two or three coasters I didn't bother to ride because the lines were just too long, I had an opportunity to mount cameras on other coasters, and it was more important to me to hang out with friends and film stuff than it was to stand in line for the mouse or the kiddie coaster. And if one day I make it back there, the mouse or kiddie is still operating, and there isn't a line, I might consider riding it!


Still, on our TPR trips, we do make sure we can get as many credits in for our people, because we know it's very important to most of you. But I guess if there was a message I was trying to send here, it's simply "Just have fun at parks...relax and enjoy yourself...make an effort to get all the credits, sure, but don't stress if you miss something...there will always be another time, and as long as your memory is good times and awesomeness, that's what's most important!"


Hope that all makes sense!



Edited by robbalvey
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This will be one of the times that I agree with Robb, and his response on the first page of this thread is pretty much exactly what I think.



There are a lot of LAME things in this hobby of ours, but counting roller coasters twice because it's been relocated is pretty damn lame. I also think it's pretty lame for an adult to ride kiddie steel coasters, unless you're with a kid. I skip them when I'm at a park without my kids. Not interested - and my all-important count has "suffered" because of it - having left over 40 rides unridden by my estimation.


I'm also willing to skip boomerangs, SLC's, wild mice, and relocated rides (that I've already ridden elsewhere) when I visit a new park. If there's time, I'll give them a spin. But, I'm much more interested in the park's more unique attractions.


I think part of the problem, if there is such a thing, derives from calling a roller coaster a "credit". I don't use the term. This isn't a game, it's a hobby. For some, it's an unhealthy obsession to attain as many "credits" as possible - like you're ever going to catch Alvey or Bannister or some others. Odds are that you won't, so just go out and travel, and enjoy these rides, and stop worrying about how high you count is.


If your count is full of relocated coasters, kiddie steel coasters, and a lot of other crap that's been mentioned, then your number really means little to me.

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Thinking more about it, I guess it's just my priorities about riding roller coasters and visiting theme parks is different from other people, and have changed quite a bit over the years. I'd say my priorities, in about this order are...


- Having fun at a park with a good group of friends.

- Traveling to new places and seeing new things.

- Having a good time with friends...hanging out...doing whatever.



I've had this frame of mind for several years now, and I couldn't be happier about it. I may have reached 200, and I may not have. I really don't know or care. In fact, this goes along with how I feel about polls too....I don't bother with 'em (not that there's anything wrong with taking part in them though). There's enough knowledgeable enthusiasts who it still matters to, and they're able to give me a general idea of what's good and what's not. I don't give a flying rat's arse what my count is, or if anyone laughs at me for having WDW Space Mountain as my favorite steel coaster.


I simply do what's FUN to me. Nothing more, nothing less. And when I get to be around good friends, then that's just a cherry on top.

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Interesting discussion going on here, might as well jump into the fray. Personally, I count whatever Coaster Fanatics counts because, well, I'm too lazy to make a spreadsheet or anything else. So, in that case, I would count dueling coasters. However, of all the dueling coasters I have ridden, I have only ridden one side (Gwazi, Lightning Racer), as only one side was open at the time of my visit. However, I don't think I would count relocated coasters, as they are the same ride. I also don't go out of my way to ride coasters just to raise my count. The one time I went to Hersheypark, I skipped Trailblazer and Wild Mouse. Though they would have raised my count to 100 significantly sooner, I preferred to spend my limited time getting extra rides on Storm Runner and Fahrenheit. I've also never ridden a kiddie coaster, and will only do so once my children are old enough to ride them (or if I ever go on a TPR trip and am not the only filthy whore). In short, while I do care about my count, I don't care THAT much.


-Doug "Felt a twinge of dorky pride when my count hit 100" Heim

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This isn't a game, it's a hobby. For some, it's an unhealthy obsession

Couldn't have said it better myself! I think if there is something we like to pride ourselves on, is not the amount of coasters we have ridden, but the amount of parks and coasters we have been responsible for taking other people to, that probably would not have traveled to them on their own.


I know some people who have stopped others, or given wrong information about a park or a coaster to try and stop someone else from riding it, as though it's the Amazing Race or something and there is money at stake. But we are just the opposite. For YEARS we were told how difficult Japan was to get around by some of the more die-hard enthusiasts, and were warned not to go there, it would be expensive, impossible, difficult, etc, and we were really worried when we visited Japan for the first time since 2004, only to find out it was exactly the opposite! I actually heard from someone that told me "Yeah, I know a bunch of people who tell people horror stories about places just to deter them from going and riding those coasters." That's just insane to me. If anything, we would rather share our experiences with others, take them places, help them out, rather than try to horde all the "credits."


Funny thing is, none of the coasters on our list are ones we went particularly out of the way for. It was more based on our love for traveling to lots of different places, and having parks as a focal point of where we travel. But we don't hit up everything. I mean, we've done lots of trips to Japan, and skipped over tons of kiddie coasters, powered coasters, and even full sized Jet Coasters, and we've still managed to get to 1,200 without even trying *that* hard!


But you DO have to be willing to travel a bit, go to lots of places, and again, I need to stress, HAVE FUN!

Edited by robbalvey
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Note - I will add that doing a "credit whoring" report can lead to some good, funny photos & video. For example, there isn't a report to Uncle Bernie's that I don't find amusing...BUT...would I drive out there specifically for that place? No. Would I stop by there if I happened to be in Miami on the way to the cruise ship port? Yes.


And would I rather go out there with a group of friends so we can post some funny pictures when we find trans-gender porn at the flea market? Absolutely!

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I use coaster counter as well.


While I would like to see my number higher (because that would probably mean I would be able to take more TPR trips ), I am more about the experience and having fun while doing it. I still haven't gotten the Nascar Speedpark credit yet and I live less than an hour from it! Also, I just got the kiddie credit at Dollywood last year after going there for the umpteen time. It took having a kid old enough to ride it before I would actually get on it. But believe me, I am going to milk that for all it is worth in the future!

Edited by ernierocker
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While my coaster tally is not "that" high (316 to be exact) it's not as important imho as it used to be before. Moreover, out of those 300+ coasters, I have a feeling than more than one third of those credits were just "for the list", at a time figures still mattered to me. There are now rides I won't take just to concentrate on more important coasters at a park that's new to me. It's only on my 4th visit to Cedar Point for instance, that I bothered to ride Wildcat, iron Dragon, Cedar Creek Mine ride, and I still haven't ridden Woodstock Express or Gemini Jr (although I hear this one's hard to get). Quality over Quantity, I guess. It's just like this "most coasters at a park" title, which really, to me doesn't mean a lot. I don't keep track of the missed credits, but there is still one I regret I had to skip: the Scenic Railway at Vidam Park. I visited the city with my class 20 years ago and needless to say my history teacher didn't want to modify our day schedule to let me take a spin on it. I HATED her (only for a couple of hours though LOL). Now, what I like is having some defunct coasters on my list, like Psyclone, Flashback, GASM, Hercules or older Arrow or Schwarzkopf coasters. It's not all about the figure on one's list. It's also what those credits represent for you... Anyone feels the same ?

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It's not all about the figure on one's list. It's also what those credits represent for you... Anyone feels the same ?


It's exactly this - well said.


The problem is, that is all about the figure for way too many people - which is kinda' annoying to me. (re: my signature)

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In my mind, it doesn't matter how many coasters I have been on, but what matters is who I went on the coaster with and how much I enjoyed it. While coaster counts are good, I don't use one since I see no actual point in having one. It's not like I'm going to win an award, get a scholarship, or be amazed by the people around me for having one. It's all about the love of roller coasters and having the chance to ride it that makes it special. I don't need a count to tell me that.

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Honestly, when I joined TPR, I think I had 23 credits to my name. I jumped to over a hundred in a couple of years, and then just didn't care about counting anymore. I was in it for the people.


Met way too many cool people through TPR to worry about counting coasters.

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I still keep track, but definitely don't go out of my way to credit whore anymore. I slept through a few of the credit whore days on TPR trips in the past few years. I don't even care to ride powered coasters unless there is something unique about them.


I heard putting your coaster count on your resume works great though.

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The only reason I bother updating mine is so the statistics list changes. I like seeing which coaster I've ridden has, for example, the longest track. My count always just reminds me I haven't been on nearly enough wooden coasters.

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Credits don't count when you're dead.

False. When I'm gone, I'm going to make my children carry my ashes with them on whatever future credits they get. I'll be gaining credits long after I'm gone!


what would they carry them in? most parks are quite strict about taking things on rides!


I can see it now - "can I take my bottle of pop on please??" (note - in england "pop" is a slang word for soda/lemonade as well as a informal word for dad!)

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The only reason I bother updating mine is so the statistics list changes. I like seeing which coaster I've ridden has, for example, the longest track. My count always just reminds me I haven't been on nearly enough wooden coasters.


That's another reason why I like mine. I now have a centralized list of where I've been. For example, I know how many B&Ms I've been on and can look at different statistics that way. I find those things to be interesting.

Edited by chickenbowl
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Don't be an a$$hole. You know what I mean.


In a way - but I just think that "because it might be closed" is a poor reason...

You obviously have some serious reading comprehension disorder, because that's not what I was saying at all, and I think you know damn well.


Ok - maybe I overgeneralised a bit, but I couldn't really see why your argument for not counting backyard coasters is particularly valid (at least in my mind - particularly with something like oklahoma land run or blue flash)


(just a reminder for the rest on here - back to page 1, you did say "Personally, I wouldn't count his coasters. I'd ride them and have fun on them, sure. But I wouldn't put them on my personal list. Any ride that could be closed because the dude "isn't home", isn't a countable roller coaster to me!!)


but - despite the fact my list may have a few coasters which other people wouldn't count, I'm not a particular credit whore! - I won't rush for big apples or circus clowns (although I'm quite partial to zierer tivoli's!), I just like to keep a record of what I've done.


Thinking more about it, I guess it's just my priorities about riding roller coasters and visiting theme parks is different from other people, and have changed quite a bit over the years. I'd say my priorities, in about this order are...


- Having fun at a park with a good group of friends.

- Traveling to new places and seeing new things.

- Having a good time with friends...hanging out...doing whatever.

- Getting footage of rides where we can.

- Relaxing, hanging out, having a good time with friends.

- Adding roller coasters to my count.


I really enjoy the escapism you get at a park - whether it's an immaculately themed place like Europa Park or a real dive.


- Organizing really kick A$$ theme park events so other people can have an awesome time!

and hopefully I'll get to attend one someday!

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