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Most Interesting Form Of Transport To A Park???

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Even though there is transport AROUND parks it's interesting to see transport TO a park. At Oakwood there is a Train you have to get on to go from the car park to the entrance which takes you round fields and stuff (i've never been Oakwood i just know ) So what types of transport is there to your local parks or your favourite parks??? Are they interesting???

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I've never been there, but I believe that Ghost Town in the Sky had a chairlift that you had to ride to get from the parking lot to the park itself. And I think one park in Hong Kong has an aerial tramway that takes you from parking to the park.



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  • 2 years later...

^ That's Wonder Rakutenchi. I was actually just going to post that. It was in the last Japan day of my ongoing epic Asia trip report that I posted last week. In fact, that's my picture from the PTR!


There are also two other mountainside parks in Spain with funiculars (but not with cats or dogs on them!) up to the park: Tibidabo and Monte Iguedldo. However, at neither of those parks is the funicular the ONLY way to get into the park, like it is at Wonder Rakitenchi. You can drive or take a bus up to either of those parks also.


As for the comment earlier about th park in Hong Kong, you're thinking of Ocean Park, which technically doens't count, according to the rules of this thread, since both the cable car and the underground train ride are within the park itself, which is in two sections. However, you could almost count it since all of the rides are in the upper section of the park. The lower section is all animal exhibits, mostly marine animals, plus pandas. (And Halloween mazes and shows during their awesome Halloween event.)

Edited by David H
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I've never been there, but I believe that Ghost Town in the Sky had a chairlift that you had to ride to get from the parking lot to the park itself...

They did. I'm almost positive all the infrastructure is still standing.


On the note of Ghost Town, Glenwood Caverns has a similar system (and from what I've heard about Ghost Town, the parks themselves are similar as well):

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I've never been there, but I believe that Ghost Town in the Sky had a chairlift that you had to ride to get from the parking lot to the park itself...

They did. I'm almost positive all the infrastructure is still standing.


Actually the chairlift (And parts of the park) has reopened and operates in the summer.



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The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are:


Alton Towers,

- Monorail from CarPark/Resort Hotels => Theme Park


Ocean Park

- It's not quite from car park to theme park but from lower area to upper themepark and there are two routes, the cable cars (as Wes shows above) and the Funicular which is really cool (literally, air conditioned and have snazzy over the head displays to keep people entertained during the journey)

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^^That reminds me of the Jamaican chairlift through spider hell to get to the mountain coaster!


On the way down, you brushed up against the trees.


These were in the trees! (they look small, but they were as big as a hand!)

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I really liked this monorail they had/have at Alton Towers, that runs

between the hotels and the park.


But I REALLY LIKED this monorail, because this monorail is the one

used for transport through our 1986 EXPO Worlds Fair in Vancouver, Canada!


Alton Towers bought the system after the fair ended... and it still runs good!


This here used to be back there where I'm from. It still looks great on the elevated rail. (Taken first TPR tour 2006, in my more hairier days, lol.)

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Ocean Park

- It's not quite from car park to theme park but from lower area to upper themepark and there are two routes, the cable cars (as Wes shows above) and the Funicular which is really cool (literally, air conditioned and have snazzy over the head displays to keep people entertained during the journey)


They even changed the overhead displays for Halloween.

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