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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I for one don'⊥ give a shi⊥ abou⊥ ⊥hese ⊥easers since we already know i⊥'s RMC Hurler. I can'⊥ be ⊥he only one, can I?


PS: Regarding that picture it looks great, please, please, please have a barrel rolling first drop.

Edited by coasterbill
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I was not impressed with Storm Chasers barrel roll drop


Seriously? I thought it was absolutely insane. On a larger RMC like Mean Streak I'd prefer a super-steep, insane drop with sustained ejector airtime but on these smaller ones I think it's a really clever way to make the first drop completely awesome.


To each his own I guess...

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I for one don'⊥ give a shi⊥ abou⊥ ⊥hese ⊥easers since we already know i⊥'s RMC Hurler. I can'⊥ be ⊥he only one, can I?


I think it's fun to play along with the park's teaser campaigns. I think this is way better than Knot's which has only posted one 5 second clip as their whole teaser campaign.


PS: Regarding that picture it looks great, please, please, please have a barrel rolling first drop.


I really hope it's not one. Medusa Steel might have been my favorite RMC if it wasn't for the first drop, which is the only 'mehh' part of that whole ride, to me. Storm Chaser's drop also underwhelmed me the same way. They look cool, but they're pretty forceless in reality, especially in the front. Straight, simple, super steep drops are far superior.


I'm sure some will disagree though

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I for one don'⊥ give a shi⊥ abou⊥ ⊥hese ⊥easers since we already know i⊥'s RMC Hurler. I can'⊥ be ⊥he only one, can I?


I'm mostly amused by the fact that they decided to go with "The Matrix but red" for a teaser campaign in 2017.

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Count me in the group of folks who want a straight down drop. Ive not ridden Storm Chaser or Medusa but I am hoping for a wonky turnaround to a pop that leads straight down. I'm sure whichever it turns out to be its gonna be awesome.

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Count me in the group of folks who want a straight down drop. Ive not ridden Storm Chaser or Medusa but I am hoping for a wonky turnaround to a pop that leads straight down. I'm sure whichever it turns out to be its gonna be awesome.


Yeah, I think I'm just hoping for the greatest volume of that amazing RMC AIRTIME™


Their inversions are great, but airtime is where they really excel.

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PS: Regarding that picture it looks great, please, please, please have a barrel rolling first drop.


I really hope it's not one. Medusa Steel might have been my favorite RMC if it wasn't for the first drop, which is the only 'mehh' part of that whole ride, to me. Storm Chaser's drop also underwhelmed me the same way. They look cool, but they're pretty forceless in reality, especially in the front. Straight, simple, super steep drops are far superior.


Ah, so this is why enthusiasts like to talk sh*t on the barrel roll drops? Figures. I couldn't care less if these drops are forceless, the drop on Storm Chaser is different and a ton of fun. And every RMC is so packed with better airtime that it doesn't really matter that the first drop is forceless and doesn't have airtime.


The pics look great! Thanks for posting, I'm excited to see the layout of this one. Hopefully I'll make it out to VA in the next few years to ride this and I-305.

Edited by jonskinny12
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Count me in the group of folks who want a straight down drop. Ive not ridden Storm Chaser or Medusa but I am hoping for a wonky turnaround to a pop that leads straight down. I'm sure whichever it turns out to be its gonna be awesome.


Yeah, I think I'm just hoping for the greatest volume of that amazing RMC AIRTIME™


Their inversions are great, but airtime is where they really excel.


I'm all about them going for tons of air. From the looks of it, after the drop and initial turn, we are going to get three ejector airtime hills. And that is just the run back towards Grizzly. There is probably room for at least 3 more ejector hills later on in the course. El Toro only has 3 super stand out ejector hills and it's an amazing ride. If RMC Hurler has 5-6, I'll be in heaven. Between this and i305 I'll just go back and forth until my shoulders and thighs are bruised.

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I for one don'⊥ give a shi⊥ abou⊥ ⊥hese ⊥easers since we already know i⊥'s RMC Hurler. I can'⊥ be ⊥he only one, can I?

Why so bi⊥Ter? Seems like an awfully pe⊥Ty complaint about some teasers on twi⊥Ter are wri⊥Ten.




Glad to see someone spo⊥Ted some new construction. Do we know if the park will be doing an announcement in-park? If so, is anyone a⊥Tending?

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I'm glad that KD is getting the airtime machine it needed. They now have a very well rounded lineup.


I completely agree. I was very impressed with my visit last weekend, and the park has a really solid and well-rounded ride lineup. RMC Hurler is just icing on the cake.


Something tells me they are announcing more than just RMC Hurler though, considering it's their "biggest announcement in history." August 16th really cannot come soon enough!

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PS: Regarding that picture it looks great, please, please, please have a barrel rolling first drop.


I really hope it's not one. Medusa Steel might have been my favorite RMC if it wasn't for the first drop, which is the only 'mehh' part of that whole ride, to me. Storm Chaser's drop also underwhelmed me the same way. They look cool, but they're pretty forceless in reality, especially in the front. Straight, simple, super steep drops are far superior.


Ah, so this is why enthusiasts like to talk sh*t on the barrel roll drops? Figures. I couldn't care less if these drops are forceless, the drop on Storm Chaser is different and a ton of fun. And every RMC is so packed with better airtime that it doesn't really matter that the first drop is forceless and doesn't have airtime.


The pics look great! Thanks for posting, I'm excited to see the layout of this one. Hopefully I'll make it out to VA in the next few years to ride this and I-305.


I totally agree inversions do not have to be forceful at all. I LOVE the first inversion on Hydra - very slow and on forceful but still fun.

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Something tells me they are announcing more than just RMC Hurler though, considering it's their "biggest announcement in history." August 16th really cannot come soon enough!


I really think people put way too much stock into completely arbitrary terms. I highly doubt this will be a "bigger announcement" than Intimidator 305 in the eyes of anyone on this forum but it doesn't have to be for them to claim that. Maybe this comes with some general upgrades (a new parking gate seems likely since the chain seems to be in the process of renovating those) but I don't think the phrase "biggest announcement in history." is something people should get hung up on since it can mean whatever they want it to mean.

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Something tells me they are announcing more than just RMC Hurler though, considering it's their "biggest announcement in history." August 16th really cannot come soon enough!


I really think people put way too much stock into completely arbitrary terms. I highly doubt this will be a "bigger announcement" than Intimidator 305 in the eyes of anyone on this forum but it doesn't have to be for them to claim that. Maybe this comes with some general upgrades (a new parking gate seems likely since the chain seems to be in the process of renovating those) but I don't think the phrase "biggest announcement in history." is something people should get hung up on since it can mean whatever they want it to mean.


You're absolutely right. Even if they only announce RMC Hurler, that's still plenty for me!

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I really think people put way too much stock into completely arbitrary terms. I highly doubt this will be a "bigger announcement" than Intimidator 305 in the eyes of anyone on this forum but it doesn't have to be for them to claim that. Maybe this comes with some general upgrades (a new parking gate seems likely since the chain seems to be in the process of renovating those) but I don't think the phrase "biggest announcement in history." is something people should get hung up on since it can mean whatever they want it to mean.


Agreed I've been noticing people assuming this must mean more than one ride. People we're getting an RMC. Most parks are lucky to get a Troika.

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Something tells me they are announcing more than just RMC Hurler though, considering it's their "biggest announcement in history." August 16th really cannot come soon enough!


I really think people put way too much stock into completely arbitrary terms. I highly doubt this will be a "bigger announcement" than Intimidator 305 in the eyes of anyone on this forum but it doesn't have to be for them to claim that. Maybe this comes with some general upgrades (a new parking gate seems likely since the chain seems to be in the process of renovating those) but I don't think the phrase "biggest announcement in history." is something people should get hung up on since it can mean whatever they want it to mean.


"Biggest announcement in the park's history" is a direct quote from park marketing materials released to

. Considering that they have to top Intimidator 305 ($30M when added, about $34M in today's dollars), that's a pretty high bar to clear assuming that RMC Hurler should cost no more than $10-13M in today's dollars. Even if they're not counting money as a qualification for "biggest announcement", I would still anticipate at least one of the following, from most to least likely:

1. Winterfest. CF has begun to roll this out to more parks.

2. Revamped Hurler plaza, possibly including back entrance to waterpark and new restaurant, among other additions. Maybe a flat ride or two?

3. Knott's Boomerang, if they haven't sold it already. Unlikely, since construction would have already started on this.

4. Removing RMC Hurler in sections and installing it at Carowinds, then building Camp Snoopy in its place with three new family-friendly thrill rides!

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