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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

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Almost every time I rode i305, I've greyed out on it as well. Along with that, I recollect greying out on Batman the ride and Mindbender at Six Flags Over Georgia, Montu at Busch gardens, and the enterprise ride at Kentucky Kingdom. Can't say I know what could prevent it for me other than allowing my body to adjust to the higher forces and summer heat mix. After a few rerides or other rides, I'm usually okay and grey out less.

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  Intimidator305 said:
Some even claim they greyout more with the new turn than the original turn... myself included.

I never rode it before the re-profile. I only greyed out the first time I rode it. The second lap I was fine as I drank some water before hand and kind of prepared for it.


What exactly was causing the damage to the trains? The the sheer force or was it something with the shaping/snap?

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  DougMJr said:
  Intimidator305 said:
Some even claim they greyout more with the new turn than the original turn... myself included.

I never rode it before the re-profile. I only greyed out the first time I rode it. The second lap I was fine as I drank some water before hand and kind of prepared for it.


What exactly was causing the damage to the trains? The the sheer force or was it something with the shaping/snap?


I believe the track put too much friction on the wheels, causing them to basically melt away.

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  Coaster_Fanatic said:
  DougMJr said:
What exactly was causing the damage to the trains? The the sheer force or was it something with the shaping/snap?


I believe the track put too much friction on the wheels, causing them to basically melt away.


Pretty much, yup. It's the combination of the high forces and the duration they're applied - plenty of coasters pull 4-5G's, very few of them do so for more than a second or two at a time. I305 pulls that straight through that entire turn, and before the reprofile that was probably somewhere around like 7-8 seconds worth. Now it's probably closer to 4, and then the forces begin to decrease a bit as the train loses speed. It's still enough to force all the blood in your brain down and cause the greyout, but it's done wonders for the wheel longevity!

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I am new here. My name is Grace and I'm 17.

I have been going to KD since I was a little girl.

But here's the catch. I am a vintage KD junkie! I've been scrolling through the post on here and seeing all the pictures and information has really inspired me- I really want to write a book for KD's history. Would anyone want to help me? I know the basis of most stuff but I would need a general time line of which rides came when. I also want to add pictures, but I need to ask to use them from who ever owns them, so If you have any pictures I an use lemme know!





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  glaze700 said:


I am new here. My name is Grace and I'm 17.

I have been going to KD since I was a little girl.

But here's the catch. I am a vintage KD junkie! I've been scrolling through the post on here and seeing all the pictures and information has really inspired me- I really want to write a book for KD's history. Would anyone want to help me? I know the basis of most stuff but I would need a general time line of which rides came when. I also want to add pictures, but I need to ask to use them from who ever owns them, so If you have any pictures I an use lemme know!






this would be really cool and i'd buy it! i'm 35, so all the ancient KD history like the singing mushrooms, yogi's cave, the apple turnover and king kobra are indelible elements of my childhood.


one thing you might try is searching your DVR for upcoming airings of "Rollercoaster", a movie from 1977 that occasionally gets aired (it was on a few months ago, i think on WGN). it's a B-movie about a mad bomber blowing up roller coasters, but it has some awesome footage of what the park looked like in '77. There's several minutes of on-ride footage of Rebel Yell when it was brand new. Lake Charles is beautiful with an enormous fountain where Anaconda currently sits, and of course took up the entire area where the water park is now. you get decent glimpses of the aforementioned mushrooms, the skyride, and many other attractions as well. (even in some scenes that are supposedly taking place at other parks, you can tell they filmed it at KD)

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  smallpox said:

one thing you might try is searching your DVR for upcoming airings of "Rollercoaster", a movie from 1977 that occasionally gets aired (it was on a few months ago, i think on WGN). it's a B-movie about a mad bomber blowing up roller coasters, but it has some awesome footage of what the park looked like in '77. There's several minutes of on-ride footage of Rebel Yell when it was brand new. Lake Charles is beautiful with an enormous fountain where Anaconda currently sits, and of course took up the entire area where the water park is now. you get decent glimpses of the aforementioned mushrooms, the skyride, and many other attractions as well.



Yes! It also has great footage of Magic Mountain. The finale involves a newly opened Revolution. Good stuff.


CoasterRadio did a hilarious audio commentary podcast for this movie. I highly recommend watching it a second time with the commentary if you are a fan of the show.

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smallpox stated -

oh also i suppose i should mention that Windseeker was up and running.oh also i suppose i should mention that Windseeker was up and running.


The next sound you'll hear are tons of riders and amusement park flyers rejoicing.





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Any rumors floating around on the "BIG Surprise" that is being revealed at the end of SnoopyCON? Another big box of chocolate chip cookies perhaps? I havent been to the park so i don't know if there is a big present looking box on display like at Cedar Point a few years back celebrating Snoopys birthday.

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Speaking of Snoopycon, here's ah announcement from the park:


In 2013, Kings Dominion is excited to announce SnoopyCON: A Coaster Enthusiast Family and Friend Event! This park-sponsored event will take place on Saturday, July 6th, just a few months after the opening of our bigger, better Planet Snoopy – the world’s largest PEANUTS-themed children’s area!


The price for the event is $59.99 and that includes a PEANUTS character breakfast, early ride time in Planet Snoopy, behind-the-scenes tours in Planet Snoopy and Intimidator 305, lunch and much more.


In addition, we are providing a HUGE surprise at the end of the event. While I won’t give away the exact surprise itself just yet, here’s a hint: it certainly will make the day at Kings Dominion amazing and full of more thrills than ever before for you and your family!


Your group members can purchase tickets by visiting www.kingsdominion.com/snoopycon. There is also a tentative itinerary posted on that site, along with additional information you’ll need to make SnoopyCON the best day possible.

SnoopyCON_Flyer_FINAL.pdfFetching info...

SnoopyCON Event Flyer

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Kings Dominion is celebrating the U.S. Military this weekend.


This weekend, for Memorial Day and Military Days at Kings Dominion, we will have fireworks on Saturday and Sunday night at the park. The firework show will start at 9:45pm. The park is open until 10pm. The best place to view the fireworks is in the Drop Tower Plaza in the Grove section of the park.


This is all part of our new nighttime experience called “Dominion at Dusk” on all 10pm closes, which features the fireworks at 9:45pm, a new high-energy music show called “Street Beats” at 9:45pm on the International Street Bandstand and more than one million LED lights turning on at dusk for “Snoopy’s Starlight Spectacular”.


Military Days will run from Sat-Mon May 25-27 as we pay tribute to our nation’s heroes. Kings Dominion will offer FREE admission to all active and inactive US Servicemen and Servicewomen with a valid military ID. Up to 6 family members and friends can get into the park for discounted admission, bought at a military installation or at the park this weekend. For Military Days, we’ll have music, military vehicles and more.

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I would just like to compliment Kings Dominion and Cedar Fair on the great job they have done just "sprucing" up the park since opening weekend. Planet Snoopy looked really impressive when I was there over Easter weekend, but it looks absolutely fantastic now thanks to all the minor additions such as flags, banners, lights, signage, landscaping, ect. Without a doubt the best Planet Snoopy I've been to now in the chain and that's saying something since KidZville was way outdated this time a year ago.


Not only in Planet Snoopy though, other areas in the park are looking nice just getting those little touches here and there that I really appreciate. The landscaping looks incredible with bright flowers throughout the park, many buildings are continuing the receive new paint (including the Eiffel Tower), the parking lot is getting redone close to the gate and on the main access routes from the parking booths, new signage, ect.


The park is always adding something and it is really nice to see how so much as been done in less than 2 months. I'm glad the park is fortunate enough to get the funds to do this and it seems like Kings Dominion is only getting better and better, and I can't help but to think a part is this is because of Matt Ouimet.


I can't wait to see what the park has up their sleeves in the coming seasons.


As far as my visit went, it was a great time. My girlfriend and I were there for only 4.5 hours and got 20 total laps taking our time and enjoying ourselves. It would have been my dream for re-rides today as there were only walk-ons... but let's just say she's not the biggest thrill junkie. It about broke my heart to only ride Intimidator 305 one time all day with no line at all, but it was all I could do to ride it once (she was a first timer). Of course I had to dish out the 25 bucks on those ride photos!


If you can, get to the park while schools are in session (no lines) and while it is hot! The rides were running great today because of the heat and there were no breakdowns at all (even the Intamins B&M fanboys). Oh and Woodstock Express was hauling ass today! I don't know if it was because it was just us on the train or what.

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I went to Kings Dominion today (May 31). Perhaps half of the people in the park were with various school groups. Most of the coasters were walk-on or close to it, except for 305, Volcano and Dominator. 305 was running one train but wasn't a very long wait. Dominator was walk-on (except for the front) an hour before closing. It was hot but the rapids ride had a short line. I didn't go into the waterpark, perhaps that was more crowded. It was a good day to visit.


All of the wood coasters were running one train but the lines were not long. Grizzly and Hurler were walk on around 1 pm. Rebel Yell was a little more popular, probably since it is not as shaky. The trim brake at the bottom of Hurler's first drop was very noticeable. I wonder how long it's been since its queue has been full ...


Drop Tower never seemed to have a full group on it. Most cycles seemed half full, sometimes less. Windseeker was down most of the day because of wind. It came back online for the last half hour. There's an emergency evacuation device immediately backstage, visible while riding.


I rode I-305 in late 2010 -- version 1.1 (trim brakes on drop and soft restraints). Today was my first ride with version 2 -- no brakes on drop and new curve shape after drop. Now I know what the "greying out" is about, it happened a couple times, mostly while riding in the back of the train. I like 305 more than Millennium Force but I agree with those who thought a MilF style overbank curve after the first drop would have been a better design. Version 2 has much better airtime than version 1.1 but I like SkyRush's airtime more than 305.


I didn't take pictures since all of the big rides seem to have had their photos taken enough times and my camera doesn't fit in my pocket.

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Two more random observations:


I went through the dinosaur exhibit. One of the subtle things with it is they've done a nice job planting native plants (native to Virginia) along the path. There's enough there that it looks like the landscapers did some botanical restoration when the exhibit was installed. It's the part of the park that is the most natural and they could have something posted about native ecology. (In contrast, a new clearcut on the other side of the highway is visible from the Eiffel Tower).


Black asphalt is not a good surface on a hot day. I hope that KD / Cedar Fair will replace more asphalt with pavers or at least paint it a color that is not the maximum for collecting solar energy. Parts of the park have nice shade and part need more trees and awnings.

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