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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at the park today and intimidator was indeed still down and it looks like it will be down for a while. A couple of notes, got a walk on flight of fear after it had broken down and it seemed a lot faster than previous rides this year and it was the same with dominator. I was in the water park for most of my visit and it was nice to see both wave pools open which I haven't seen in a while. Crowds wernt too bad and it was a nice day outside.

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we are visiting on Sunday the 28th. I have a couple questions: how crowded will it be? And Will intimidator be open?


Did you read what Chuck posted two posts above yours? It is estimated to be closed for another week.

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It all depends what exactly needs to be fixed. If it needs a customized part, it could be down for a couple of months. A couple of years ago, Darien Lake shut down the Ride of Steel for the whole season because they were waiting for a part.

I heard it was a problem with the lift cable. Don't take my word for it either, it's just what I've heard.

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If it's the lift cable then it shouldn't be down longer than another week or so. There's other RUMORS that it's a gear box problem which could mean a custom part is needed which ultimately could very well keep it closed for the remainder of the season. Either way, it's a bad situation but the park did the right thing and posted it on their website.

Edited by DJeXeL
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^ If you get there before opening you will be able to ride a few times before the line gets long... then from there go straight to Flight of Fear.


Also, the Volcano line can fool you nowadays because the queue isn't full inside the Volcano since they only allow about 3-4 train loads of people into the Volcano at a time now. This prevents all that claustrophobia and sweltering heat in that narrow walkway...

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Last year I went to Kings Dominion on a very hot (90-95 degree) and sunny Tuesday. I got on all the coasters without a problem. Backlot Stunt Coaster and Volcano had the two worst waits at 20-30 minutes, which is not bad at all. Intimidator and Flight of Fear had two to three train waits. Then the wooden coasters, Dominator, Avalanche, and Shockwave were all walk-ons.

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Does anybody have any advice for a trip here. I will be taking my first trip to the park this year probably during Columbus day weekend. I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope i305 is back up by then. But is there any like time saving tips or ride tips?

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