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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Something these people need to keep in mind is that the parks don't enjoy attractions being down any more than they do. I'm pretty sure whatever is wrong with I:305 is costing KD thousands of dollars to fix.

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I can't remember if this was mentioned before or not, but does anybody know why I-305's top speed of 94 MPH went down to 90 MPH since it's opening even without the trims?


it didn't. it's just listed that way on rcdb I think because the admins there were fed up with altering the field. for a while there was an asterisk on there with a snippy message. i'm sure it is still topping out at the same speed it was on opening day 2010 (which at the time was supposedly 94 mph, although I've always wondered how accurate those estimates are .... someone needs to sneak in a radar gun to some amusement parks! ).

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After riding both I305 and Millenium Force on back to back weekends this summer, I305 was noticeably faster than MF and I thought a much better coaster. Not only would it be costing KD and CF thousands in the repair, I'm curious how it is affecting the gate receipts, if any.

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After riding both I305 and Millenium Force on back to back weekends this summer, I305 was noticeably faster than MF and I thought a much better coaster. Not only would it be costing KD and CF thousands in the repair, I'm curious how it is affecting the gate receipts, if any.


I agree, i305 is a MUCH better coaster.

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Mille & Timmy are similar but no comparison. I love both!




"Mille" Millennium Force----"Timmy" Intimidator305


I know that. Look at the part I put in bold for emphasis



Like I said, I love both..BUT similar stating they are both Giga's.

No comparison far as Mile is a much longer "relaxed/coasting" but awesome experience vs

Timmy is quick and full of intensity, put "tears" in my eyes every time! lol.

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Mille & Timmy are similar but no comparison. I love both!




"Mille" Millennium Force----"Timmy" Intimidator305


I know that. Look at the part I put in bold for emphasis



Like I said, I love both..BUT similar stating they are both Giga's.

No comparison far as Mile is a much longer "relaxed/coasting" but awesome experience vs

Timmy is quick and full of intensity, put "tears" in my eyes every time! lol.


The nicknames are similar LAME.

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Chances are, I'll be going to King's Dominion on the 15th of September (Sunday). Does anyone know what's going on with i305 and when it'll reopen?


it's weird that people can't be bothered to read the last page worth of posts before asking a question.

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Chances are, I'll be going to King's Dominion on the 15th of September (Sunday). Does anyone know what's going on with i305 and when it'll reopen?


it's weird that people can't be bothered to read the last page worth of posts before asking a question.


No reason to be so rude, especially if you aren't going to use proper capitalization.


And for the question, it has been posted that they hope to have it open by Labor Day Weekend. But no one knows for sure.

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Mille & Timmy are similar but no comparison. I love both!




"Mille" Millennium Force----"Timmy" Intimidator305


I know that. Look at the part I put in bold for emphasis



Like I said, I love both..BUT similar stating they are both Giga's.

No comparison far as Mile is a much longer "relaxed/coasting" but awesome experience vs

Timmy is quick and full of intensity, put "tears" in my eyes every time! lol.


The nicknames are similar LAME.



Love the nicknames, or hate the nicknames....they are here to stay.

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Wow, of all the 35 seasons I've been coming to Kings Dominion, I've never saw a picture like that before: what does Lake Charles look like after all that water has been drained? You can say how surprised I was to notice how shallow the bottom surface is once all that water has been pumped out. Without the lake, the Anaconda would look like any other roller coaster, but it needs the lake to make this coaster stand out from the other steel looping coasters.


Thanks once again for providing a rare look at The Anaconda with its lake drained out,



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Thanks once again for providing a rare look at The Anaconda with its lake drained out,

No problem!


I would imagine back in the day when they did the water skiing show the lake had to have been deeper than that. I wonder if they filled it in some when they built Anaconda?

That is true. Even at one point, there were divers along with the ski team.

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From KD's Facebook page today:


We know many of you have inquired about the status of Intimidator 305 and appreciate your patience while the ride has been closed for maintenance. We are working with the ride’s manufacturer and anticipate that Intimidator 305 will reopen later this Fall. We will release additional information as it becomes available on our website at http://www.kingsdominion.com and on this Facebook page




Pleeeeaaaase be open by Sept. 28th!

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Wow I had no idea Lake Charles was that shallow. Thanks for sharing those!


^That's good to hear. I'm trying go to Kings Dominion sometime in October and get some night rides on i305. Hopefully everything goes to plan and opens up soon.

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Now that the Haunt website is officially live, we have confirmation of Zombie High and Miner's Revenge... along with a new show in the theater!


Edge of Darkness

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls step right up and take a seat for the greatest show unearthed. Rock music fills the air as we bring a decaying circus back to life. Get ready as we take you over the edge… the Edge of Darkness.


I like the way it sounds! I can't wait for Haunt XIII.

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From our KD Golden Year page on FB, a POV glimpse of George Spegal from the '77 film "Rollercoaster". Check out Rebel Yell's station, there were no air gates and the loading/unloading platforms were on opposite sides.


Edited by KDGY75
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