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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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  DonkeysWaffles said:
  DrachenfireOP said:
I rather like Grizzly personally. I find that rough old wooden coasters is half the charm of them. The reason I hate Mean Streak is because it's rough AND boring. Grizzly I find fun though!


If they did topper track for Hurler, but left the same layout, I'd be down. I like the layout because it's kinda different from most woodies, but it has not aged well at all, that's for sure.


As I've said before, my gripe with Shockwave is the capacity. If it loaded faster I wouldn't mind it. I also like Anaconda, though it is from the dying breed of coaster you need to be taught "how to ride," which is definitely falling out of favor.


Then again, considering there are people complaining that rides like Alpengeist and Rougarou are too rough, I'm convinced that if we got rid of any coasters less rough than Banshee, people would be out complaining how rough Banshee is...


Alpengeist is brutal. It needs those vest restraints BADLY. I've never head anyone say Rougarou is rough, just a slight rattle at the end like Dominator.


I went to Cedar Point and rode Rougarou in June and was really disappointed. I must say Dominator is a much better floorless coaster! Believe it or not, Rougarou was as bad as a headbanger as Anaconda and was a really rough ride expierence. The restraints on Rougarou were in a much higher position than they should be for a comfortable ride!

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^Well, of course Dominator is better than Rougarou! It was actually created with the intent of being one of the best Floorless Coasters in the first place!


I was actually very impressed with the first half of Rougarou, all things considered! After the MCBR, it did get rougher, however, with plenty of head-banging moments, like you mentioned...

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  DonkeysWaffles said:

Hurler is boring still even with topper track. It's not like the Phoenix where it's restraint system allows for tons of airtime. I think Hurler eventually needs to be either torn down or given the iron horse treatment, which is still less expensive than most coasters.


How do you know? And apparently I haven't ridden a woodie with a decent restraint system since the 70s. I still like them.


I LOVED Hurler until they put the brake on it. It might indeed be less exciting with topper track, but they won't run it and maintain it as it was and everyone complains, complains, complains. It was a very good airtime coaster, for one thing ... the people complaining about airtime at KD must have a very strict definition.


KD has too many coasters which they kind of bend the idea of a family or beginner coaster to, but not any actual great ones. Hurler is now very family in thrills, but too rough to not be thrilling. Shockwave is going away. I went with a friend to KD once and got there and THEN he announces he doesn't want to go upside down or 200' ... good thing we didn't go to BGW, we'd be riding Grover all day (this was few years back). I don't want a family coaster myself, but can't say that area isn't improvable or wanted.


P.S. Cedar Fair has yet to RMC ... but KD is one their more "experimental" parks, so the first would most likely would be here or at CP.

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  bill_s said:
  DonkeysWaffles said:

Hurler is boring still even with topper track. It's not like the Phoenix where it's restraint system allows for tons of airtime. I think Hurler eventually needs to be either torn down or given the iron horse treatment, which is still less expensive than most coasters.


How do you know? And apparently I haven't ridden a woodie with a decent restraint system since the 70s. I still like them.


I LOVED Hurler until they put the brake on it. It might indeed be less exciting with topper track, but they won't run it and maintain it as it was and everyone complains, complains, complains. It was a very good airtime coaster, for one thing ... the people complaining about airtime at KD must have a very strict definition.


KD has too many coasters which they kind of bend the idea of a family or beginner coaster to, but not any actual great ones. Hurler is now very family in thrills, but too rough to not be thrilling. Shockwave is going away. I went with a friend to KD once and got there and THEN he announces he doesn't want to go upside down or 200' ... good thing we didn't go to BGW, we'd be riding Grover all day (this was few years back). I don't want a family coaster myself, but can't say that area isn't improvable or wanted.


P.S. Cedar Fair has yet to RMC ... but KD is one their more "experimental" parks, so the first would most likely would be here or at CP.


hurler was mediocre from day one. lousy layout. terrible construction and it's aged awfully. please do not waste money putting topper track on that mess, Cedar Fair. nobody likes Hurler, and nobody will be excited to ride what the GP will see as a slightly modified version of a coaster they already hate.

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^ Hurler was fine when it came out. It was a fun, fast ride, and a novelty since it was in the Waynes World section of the park. It wasn't common at all to have a low to the ground fast ride, and it gave a real sense of speed because of it. There was some nice airtime on it too. Also, at the time it was built, the only other true thrill rides were Anaconda, Grizzly, Rebel Yell, and Shockwave. I remember waiting in some damn long lines for Hurler before FOF opened.


Hell, even after FOF opened, Hurler, Grizzly, and Anaconda would often have lines just as long. The public didn't receive FOF well when it had OTSRs. Those lines didn't start to taper off until Volcano opened.


I don't recall starting to dislike Hurler until more recent years. I was definitely still waiting in lines for it when Hyper Sonic XLC was there, as I remember watching Hyper Sonic from the Hurler line.

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  DILinator said:
^Well, of course Dominator is better than Rougarou! It was actually created with the intent of being one of the best Floorless Coasters in the first place!


I was actually very impressed with the first half of Rougarou, all things considered! After the MCBR, it did get rougher, however, with plenty of head-banging moments, like you mentioned...


I also rode Rougarou when it was still Mantis and it is a huge step up. It was a much needed upgrade!

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So, I was on the Kings Dominion website and noticed the "Mysterious" B&M track from the season pass ad is even more visible in the new coaster campout ad. This new ad shows a lot less of Hurler and Anaconda and more of the mysterious B&M track. The other mysterious green coaster is not in this ad!

If this is what Kings Dominion recieves next season, i'm wondering if they're purposely showing more and more of a new coaster off in these ads as it gets closer and closer to the 2016 announcment?? They did give hints last year through the hidden Soak City logo!



Edited by Bmanscool
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  Bmanscool said:
So, I was on the Kings Dominion website and noticed the "Mysterious" B&M track from the season pass ad is even more visible in the new coaster campout ad. This new ad shows a lot less of Hurler and Anaconda and more of the mysterious B&M track. The other mysterious green coaster is not in this ad!

If this is what Kings Dominion recieves next season, i'm wondering if they're purposely showing more and more of the new coaster off in these ads as it gets closer and closer to the 2016 announcment?? They did give hints last year through the hidden Soak City logo!


I'm actually hoping we don't get a hyper in 2016 and that we instead get an RMC of Grizzly/Hurler in 2017 or 2018. But a hyper would give some nice airtime.

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  DonkeysWaffles said:
  Bmanscool said:
So, I was on the Kings Dominion website and noticed the "Mysterious" B&M track from the season pass ad is even more visible in the new coaster campout ad. This new ad shows a lot less of Hurler and Anaconda and more of the mysterious B&M track. The other mysterious green coaster is not in this ad!

If this is what Kings Dominion recieves next season, i'm wondering if they're purposely showing more and more of the new coaster off in these ads as it gets closer and closer to the 2016 announcment?? They did give hints last year through the hidden Soak City logo!


I'm actually hoping we don't get a hyper in 2016 and that we instead get an RMC of Grizzly/Hurler in 2017 or 2018. But a hyper would give some nice airtime.

At first I saw this and thought that you were blowing off steam, but then I saw that the Shockwave and the purple track in the background appeared to be removed intentionally and I'm inclined to think that this might not be a mistake.


Or someone in KD's PR department reads this forum and is just screwing with us.

Edited by certifiedcoastergeek
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The image was just stretched, making it look like there "revealing" more of the coaster. All they did was remove the green coaster which is presumably Shockwave. You guys have looked too far into this way too many times. It's filler, just as other CF parks have in their images.

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  Tee1999 said:
Can anyone tell me or show me how a hyper would work in shockwave's spot???


With a B&M hyper, I think Kings Dominion could put an underground tunnel underneath the path behind the Effiel Tower that leads to Candy Apple Grove. It could be similar to Fury 325's underpath tunnel. That way the hyper could go in- and out- and use part of Shockwave's soon- to- be- former site.

However, from the picture there is a huge hill behind the Effiel Tower on the "mysterious" hyper coaster, so it could as well be a hill going over that same path instead of a tunnel.

Edited by Bmanscool
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  Bmanscool said:
  Tee1999 said:
Can anyone tell me or show me how a hyper would work in shockwave's spot???


With a B&M hyper, I think Kings Dominion could put an underground tunnel underneath the path behind the Effiel Tower that leads to Candy Apple Grove. It could be similar to Fury 325's underpath tunnel. That way the hyper could go in- and out- and use part of Shockwave's soon- to- be former site.

However, it looks like from the picture there is a huge hill behind the Effiel Tower on the "mysterious" hyper coaster, so it could as well be a hill going over that same path instead of a tunnel.


Yeah I was kinda thinking about that too.. But what i'm really saying is where would the airtime hills go?

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