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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Yeah, no. SFFT had one legitimate moment of strong airtime in the entire park before Iron Rattler, and that was on a mine train.

As for SFMM, they didn't have much airtime either.

I see your point about Dollywood, but they're still getting improved by getting Lightning Rod.


Plus, getting the Iron Horse treatment is generally always an improvement. Even if the wooden coaster it replaced was decent and not terribly rough or boring, an I-box conversion is still going to be better.


Have you ridden an RMC?


Even KD would be better with an RMC, even if it was fine already.


I meant it in a sense that KD should get an RMC even though they have a good coaster lineup. And no, I haven't ridden an RMC yet but I'm trying to go to Dollywood next year to ride Lightning Rod.


But I do have to say that the treatment shouldn't go to really good wooden coasters. Rides like The Beast or El Toro wouldn't be the same with it.

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Rides like The Beast or El Toro wouldn't be the same with it.


Yeah, I'd be against RMC in either of those cases. Although I agree that any park that can get RMC on a mediocre woodie should. El Toro, The Beast, etc aren't mediocre

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RMC beast would be the best ride on earth.


RMC Hurler/Grizzly would be pretty close.


Do you really think there's any chance of that happening?



You shouldn't.


Honestly, this thread right now is pretty painful to read. I know, we all want a new coaster at KD very very badly. The reality is, the next coaster will probably come in 2017 and it will be a B&M of some sort. That's even if we get one in 2017. KD has a really solid lineup already, and is quickly becoming CF's most aesthetically pleasing, family friendly parks.

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RMC beast would be the best ride on earth.


RMC Hurler/Grizzly would be pretty close.


Do you really think there's any chance of that happening?



You shouldn't.


Honestly, this thread right now is pretty painful to read. I know, we all want a new coaster at KD very very badly. The reality is, the next coaster will probably come in 2017 and it will be a B&M of some sort. That's even if we get one in 2017. KD has a really solid lineup already, and is quickly becoming CF's most aesthetically pleasing, family friendly parks.


As much as I'm not a fan of them, it will probably be a wing rider. Launched wing rider might be more palpable though.

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.


Well they don't have to copy them but they're overdue for a new entrance as well. But I think kd needs to step up their game because carowinds seems to be getting all the attention now that they have fury and since they're the "cedar point" of the southeast. i'm surprised kd haven't lost most of their attendants. Hopefully this will change by 2020.

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.


If they can squeeze in a coaster at the front of the park, I'm all for it. Since the majority of people will not go to all three parks in their life times it would be unique enough.

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.


Well they don't have to copy them but they're overdue for a new entrance as well. But I think kd needs to step up their game because carowinds seems to be getting all the attention now that they have fury and since they're the "cedar point" of the southeast. i'm surprised kd haven't lost most of their attendants. Hopefully this will change by 2020.


KD is a much nicer park though. Carowinds is kind of dirty, their operations aren't very good, and there' s no theming whatsoever.

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I understand the frustration of not having a new coaster built since 2010 (I-305). But, there were other issues that have and are being addressed with the park.


Kings Dominion has been dinged time and again for being "an asphalt coaster park for teens". Cedar Fair has worked with KD to address these issues; especially for the last 3-4 years. Sorely needed infrastructure improvements throughout the park, (which I think will still go on for another 2-3 years); totally revamped kids area with new rides and amenities; revamped and expanded water park this year; entertainment has been worked on over the last 2-3 years (this year was light on entertainment); food variety and quality, as well as experimenting with food events during the season (Chef Paul).


My best guesstimate for 2016 is a flat ride package for Kings Dominion; in maybe a expanded and/or reconfigured Candy Apple Grove area. Hopefully, a coaster of some sort is coming in 2017. I have a feeling it will be placed on the western side of the park (west of center walkway; probably in/along the Old Virginia section). This would help somewhat to balance out the major coasters within KD; since most are on the eastern side.


Kings Dominion will "step up their game" when corporate gives them the budget to do so. Cedar Fair leadership has been quite clear, over the last 2-3 years, that they want to focus on those parks that are undersized for the regions of the country that they cater to. They identified Carowinds, California's Great America, and Valley Fair. By expanding these parks and offering new amenities, they can draw more folks to visit and spend money. Carowinds was their main focus with a 3 year accelerated development plan; which should wrap up next year with whatever water related attraction(s) are coming for 2016. They have received attractions/amenities in 3 years, what other Cedar Fair parks would take 5-6 years to get.


Given, what the park has received while under Cedar Fair Management, I don't think we are being neglected. Just hang on, that next coaster is just around the corner.

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.


Well they don't have to copy them but they're overdue for a new entrance as well. But I think kd needs to step up their game because carowinds seems to be getting all the attention now that they have fury and since they're the "cedar point" of the southeast. i'm surprised kd haven't lost most of their attendants. Hopefully this will change by 2020.


KD is a much nicer park though. Carowinds is kind of dirty, their operations aren't very good, and there' s no theming whatsoever.

You gotta be trolling right now . . .

Carowinds has a themed water park an awesome themed carolina boardwalk area with a boardwalk down the middle, a great themed planet snoopy. The food at KD pales in comparison at carowinds and let's not talk about operations, 6 minute intervals between cycles on the flyers yesterday. Just look at how csrowinds is doing their beer and bbq festival compared to kd's. Not trying to start a fanboy flame wars but those statements were kinda incredulous to say the least.


Anyway, I'm gonna be at the park today for some last rides on shockwave, look for the black guy with the red/orange/yellow hair (sounds a bit much I know lol)

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Tbh I wish Kd would just get a new entrance and tidy up the park a bit more. Also if anyone hasn't noticed, near dominator there appears to be "moving bricks" on the ground and i've seen people trip because of them.


I don't want them to copy Cedar Point or Carowinds. It needs to be unique to the park.


Well they don't have to copy them but they're overdue for a new entrance as well. But I think kd needs to step up their game because carowinds seems to be getting all the attention now that they have fury and since they're the "cedar point" of the southeast. i'm surprised kd haven't lost most of their attendants. Hopefully this will change by 2020.

Most people who aren't enthusiasts don't want to drive several hundred miles just to go to a theme park.

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