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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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  vacoaster09 said:
Looks like two mushrooms with big eyes.


looks to me like the piano-playing toad from the singing mushrooms, not yet painted??



edit: on their facebook page they have another photo and it is definitely him! i am so excited!



Edited by smallpox
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Press release in from Kings Dominion this morning...



They’re Back! ‘Singing Mushrooms’ To Return to Kings Dominion

Original Family Icon to be Completely Refabricated for 40th Celebration


DOSWELL, VA. (November 14, 2013) — Kings Dominion is excited to announce the iconic ‘Singing Mushrooms’ will make their grand return in the Spring of 2014 as part of the kick-off to the park’s 40th Celebration. This fan-favorite that families came to know and love, will feature the original four colorful mushrooms along with the infamous frog, all singing to their favorite barbershop songs.


“When Kings Dominion announced its 40th Celebration earlier this fall, the response was overwhelming that our guests wanted to see the popular Singing Mushrooms brought back,” said Kings Dominion’s Vice President and General Manager Pat Jones. “As an employee and fan of Kings Dominion since the 70’s, I am excited to see one of my personal favorites return to the park for a new generation of guests to enjoy.”


Garner Holt Productions, Inc. (GHP) from San Bernardino, California was chosen to assist in the refabrication of the Singing Mushrooms. GHP is the world’s largest designer and manufacturer of animatronics for theme parks, museums, dining and retail locations. The company has built nearly 4,000 animatronic figures, hundreds of animated props and show action systems. Most recently, they worked on a restoration of the Timber Mountain Log Ride at Kings Dominion’s sister park, Knott’s Berry Farm in California.


GHP and Kings Dominion are working together to maintain the rich history of the Singing Mushrooms, but also add 21st century animatronic technology to it. The new Singing Mushrooms will have more character to the figures with subtle additional functions not seen in the original animatronics. The Singing Mushrooms will be located in the newly re-themed Candy Apple Grove section of the park.


Kings Dominion’s 40th Celebration will begin when the park opens for its 40th season on Saturday, April 5, 2014. You can reminisce during the off-season by visiting http://www.kingsdominion.com/celebration. The park’s 40th Celebration website includes historical facts, photos and videos and the latest announcements regarding this exciting celebration.


Kings Dominion is also currently offering a limited time special. Purchase tickets at http://www.kingsdominion.com/tickets for just $40. Tickets are valid for any one day visit through Memorial Day 2014.


About Kings Dominion and Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

Kings Dominion is owned and operated by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, a publicly traded partnership that is listed for trading on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “FUN.” In addition to Kings Dominion, Cedar Fair owns and operates ten other amusement parks, three water parks, one indoor water park, and five hotels. Cedar Fair also operates the Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park in California under a management contract.


Original Singing Mushrooms is a picture of the original Singing Mushrooms that were located near the former Sky Ride at Kings Dominion from the 1970’s until the early 1990’s.


Singing Mushrooms Location 2014 is where the mushrooms will be installed, across from the Dodgem bumper cars attraction, in the newly re-themed Candy Apple Grove.


Singing Mushrooms Frog Mold 2014 is the mold of the frog for the Singing Mushrooms that GHP is currently producing. Additional molds of the 4 mushrooms will be released in the future.

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Yes!!! This is awesome news! Enough to make me plan a trip to KD next summer, in fact.


Interesting that the mold of the frog still has his cigar intact. I would have bet they would have taken that detail out. You know:


"Timmy! What are you doing with these Swisher Sweets?"

"It's OK mom! The piano-playing frog with the singing mushrooms at Kings Dominion smokes cigars, too! I wanna be just like him when I grow up!"


At least they're not stereotyping zombie miners this time.

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  printersdevil78 said:
Interesting that the mold of the frog still has his cigar intact. I would have bet they would have taken that detail out.

I noticed that, too. I was actually glad to see if left in for "historical sake", but my bets are on that the final product won't have that piece included.

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ALL RIGHT, THIS IS SO ( your favorite expression inserted here ) GREAT!!!


The singing mushrooms are back and for this long-time visitor who must have visited the park over a hundred times this is great news. I had a speculation on if Kings Dominion brought back the singing mushrooms, then I thought they might put them in the grassy area near the carousel. Instead, they taking out the old store that used to be in the spot across from Dodge "Em and putting the singing mushrooms there. This is going to be wonderful!


But one question still lingers: will the piano-playing frog have that cigar in its mouth, or will they take it out due to today's sensitivities concerning smoking? Back in the 70's, nobody care whether or not the frog smoked cigars, but things are different here in the twenty-first century. For me personally, I don't care either way, but that is a decision to be made by management.


So we have blue ice cream, the return of Candy Apple Grove, the return of Safari Village, new lighting packages on the rides, fountain lights, and the return of the singing mushrooms. Now this Kings Dominion lover ask because I dare: "What's next?"



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  palmerleeberry said:


So we have blue ice cream, the return of Candy Apple Grove, the return of Safari Village, new lighting packages on the rides, fountain lights, and the return of the singing mushrooms. Now this Kings Dominion lover ask because I dare: "What's next?"




Something about Anaconda was happening wasn't it....like a repaint?

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  cfc said:
They should offer commemorative cigarette lighters as part of their 40th-anniversary celebration.


You mean that this area is now a new designated smoking area?


( I can hear the whining now; "If the Frog can smoke, why can't I? )

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The biggest shock of this announcement is the removal of the ugly photo booth outside Dodgem! No more Medieval Macabre photos I guess!


In all seriousness though, they are putting these exactly where I was hoping they would go... so I'm thrilled with this annoucement and can't wait for the other surprise announcements throughout the winter.

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  palmerleeberry said:
ALL RIGHT, THIS IS SO ( your favorite expression inserted here ) GREAT!!!


The singing mushrooms are back and for this long-time visitor who must have visited the park over a hundred times this is great news. I had a speculation on if Kings Dominion brought back the singing mushrooms, then I thought they might put them in the grassy area near the carousel. Instead, they taking out the old store that used to be in the spot across from Dodge "Em and putting the singing mushrooms there. This is going to be wonderful!


But one question still lingers: will the piano-playing frog have that cigar in its mouth, or will they take it out due to today's sensitivities concerning smoking? Back in the 70's, nobody care whether or not the frog smoked cigars, but things are different here in the twenty-first century. For me personally, I don't care either way, but that is a decision to be made by management.


So we have blue ice cream, the return of Candy Apple Grove, the return of Safari Village, new lighting packages on the rides, fountain lights, and the return of the singing mushrooms. Now this Kings Dominion lover ask because I dare: "What's next?"




Well, the park did say surprises (plural).


I wonder if KD is planning to bring back the Floral Clock as well? The land where the clock once occupied is still vacant (bottom of the path from the Eiffel Tower to the Carousel). That could be a possibility.


Course, I don't see any major attractions for 2014. There might be a slim possibility for a former flat ride to make a comeback somewhere. But, I just don't see the money in the 2014 budget to have the return of the Steam Train or Sky Ride cable cars happen.


I know many people want the mountain rides restored and Lake Charles put back; but, I don't think Cedar Fair will blow 100+ million dollars to do all that for one park.

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  eddie200330 said:
  palmerleeberry said:


So we have blue ice cream, the return of Candy Apple Grove, the return of Safari Village, new lighting packages on the rides, fountain lights, and the return of the singing mushrooms. Now this Kings Dominion lover ask because I dare: "What's next?"




Something about Anaconda was happening wasn't it....like a repaint?


Yes, "something exciting for Volcano" as well.


I love this park. I can't wait to see the new re-themed areas next season. Little things like this just make a family's day that much better.

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The Volcano improvements could be those station changes they were talking about a few years ago, which were meant to increase capacity by allowing them to run three trains. I'd be happy if they really clean up the old station--it's a bit funky in there.

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  cal1br3tto said:
Yeah, this is pretty awesome. I liked the atmosphere of the park when I visited last year, and things like this will only make it better. No personal connection here; just an increasing appreciation for attention to detail.



Same here! With the fact I have plans in the works to visit KD again after getting my ride on at KI with Banshee, things look good!


That is, I have to survive climbing Mt Whitney first...

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