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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Yeah i305 was open when I went during Haunt's last weekend, so there should be no problem with i305 being open next season.


It would be great to see some of these flats brought back to the parks. Also, KD used to be open on weekends only?


We're hoping there might be a chance for a former flat ride or two making a comeback in 2014. We just don't know right now if Kings Dominion has the greenbacks budgeted to do that for next year. They have a pretty full plate right now with general improvements happening in 3 of the 5 areas in the park for 2014.


Given that this commercial is promoting the new "Apple Turnover" (Enterprise) ride and other new stuff for the season, this ad probably ran in the spring when the park was in weekend only operations.



You can always go to Six Flags America for their New Coaster, New Ride, and Re-Themed area.

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^What do you mean? I305 was up and running during Haunt after its extensive downtime last summer.

^That's what I thought from reading this thread. Glad I wasn't mistaken! Maverick and SkyRush are 2 of my favorite steel coasters, and I have a feeling I305 will top them both! I've been wanting to ride it since it was announced.


Volcano also looks really neat.


I hope I can FINALLY get a Dominator credit as well. I sat down on one of the trains to ride it when it was still Knight Flight at Geauga Lake. They couldn't dispatch us because the floor wouldn't drop, it went down and closed for the day, and I never made it back before they closed the park for good, so that credit has been a long time coming!

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Kings Dominion has updated their Facebook site with some 2014 updates from the companies making the old new again. Also, someone came across another 2014 surprise on Kings Dominion's web site. (Sorry, you will need to dig around for that one).


Reincarnation of the Frog and Mushrooms as well as the Apples for CAG update

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I enjoyed watching the video posted on screamscape with Dennis Speigel talking about the zoo animals around the Safari area back in the day....



It became clear to me during the interview that Kings Dominion, (and Kings Island for that matter), contracted with this 3rd party business, Lion Country Safari, to provide for the animal attraction. The park provided the land/habitats and Lion Country Safari provided the animals and zoologists/rangers to care for and watch the animals. Keep in mind that Lion Country Safari at Kings Dominion was originally an up-charge attraction (First 5-6 years of operations?). Sometime in the early 1980's, the animal attraction was included in the park's general admission.


From what I could find on the internet, during its heyday (1970's - early 1980's), Lion Country Safari had 5 animal parks in the US. The original drive-through park in Florida (still exists today). As well as one in California, Texas, and the 2 animal attractions at Kings Dominion and Kings Island.


The animal park in California closed in the early 1980's and the other 3, (Texas, KD, and KI), closed in the early 1990's.

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On the 2nd day of Christmas, #KD40 gave to me: A 40th Celebration Collector Pin Trading Program! Be a part of the celebration by collecting all of the 40th Celebration pins! The commemorative pins will be released on select dates throughout the year for you to collect, trade and enjoy! What pin designs would you like to see?


I'm pretty excited about the park selling pins. It's about time more Cedar Fair parks jumped on the pin trading bandwagon.


- Holding out for new flats and Christmas event next year in the coming announcement.

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On the 3rd day of Christmas, ‪#‎KD40‬ gave to me: Unlimited Dinosaurs Alive visits for 2014 Gold and Platinum Passholders! Travel back 65 million years ago as many times as you’d like with your family now that Dinosaurs Alive will be included for free with your Gold and Platinum Season Pass beginning in 2014!


I'm so excited.

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On the 3rd day of Christmas, ‪#‎KD40‬ gave to me: Unlimited Dinosaurs Alive visits for 2014 Gold and Platinum Passholders! Travel back 65 million years ago as many times as you’d like with your family now that Dinosaurs Alive will be included for free with your Gold and Platinum Season Pass beginning in 2014!


I'm so excited.



I'm waiting for a ride simulating the comet impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.

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For those of you not following Kings Dominion's Facebook site, they are doing a "Twelve Days of Christmas" reveal where the park is sharing "Small Gifts" happening for 2014. It started this past Friday and one "Gift" will be revealed each day through Christmas Eve on their Facebook site. The park stated some of the "Gifts" have been disclosed; but, they will be sharing more details and photos.


So Far we have the following:


Day 1 - Return of the Floral Clock in its original location. [At the Bottom/Base of the Center Walkway just before the Carousel]


Day 2 - New Trading Pins; staggered release dates throughout the 2014 season.


Day 3 - Free Dinosaur's Alive Admission for Gold and Platinum Season Pass Holders.

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On the 4th day of Christmas, #KD40 gave to me: A look at Ruby, the 40th Celebration custom painted Carousel horse. We’re getting our first drawing of what Ruby will look like once she’s completely restored and added back to the park’s historic Carousel in April. A local Richmond artist is restoring Ruby, which is part of a multi-year project to restore and repaint all of the horses on the Carousel.


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On the 5th day of Christmas, ‪#‎KD40‬ gave to me: A fresh, new look to Border Café. The newly renovated restaurant on International Street will feature hand-crafted burritos, nachos, tacos, quesadilla and more next year. Which will be your favorite?


I love these announcements KD is doing. It generates some pretty good buzz for the park.


- I hope Busch pulls something like this off for their 40th. It would be great to have little "new for 2015" announcements leading up to the announcement of their big new Festa attraction.

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Wow wee wow wow wow!!!


Already the park had me sold on BLUE ICE CREAM , RUBY horse on the carousel, the return of the singing mushrooms and Floral Clock, and improvements for Volcano and Anaconda. Now they are offering free tours through Dinosaur Alive if you are a GOLD or Platinum season passholder ( And anyone who knows me and have been reading my recent post will know that I am a Platinum Season Passholder)?


This is great. If Kings Dominion makes an announcement that they will be repainting the Rebel Yell back into its original color scheme, then I wouldn't care whether they will bring back a ride or not because they would have already brought back a classic coaster into its former glory.


"Kings Dominion : Betcha you can't do it all!"

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On the 6th day of Christmas, #KD40 gave to me: Our famous strolling Clown Band! Direct from the 80’s, the Clown Band - one of the most recognized entertainment groups - brings its shenanigans back to the streets of Kings Dominion! Share your memories of the Clown Band below!




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Just in from Kings Dominion:




As part of Kings Dominion’s 40th Celebration, the park will be hosting the Kings Dominion 40th Birthday Bash - its park-sponsored coasting event for 2014 – on Saturday, May 10, 2014!


While more details on this will be released in January, I wanted to get this out to you all so you can mark the date down on your calendars and event listing websites. This will truly be a unique coasting event with dinner, dancing, exclusive ride times, games and more.


Once all the final details of the event are locked up, we will provide you with a website link with all the important information on how to attend this exciting event.


I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Thank you for your support this past season and we look forward to your visit in 2014 as we begin our 40th Celebration!

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