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You know you're spending too much time on TPR when.....

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#1) You dream that you've got to get your house cleaned and groceries bought (plain pasta, maybe?) because Robb and Elissa are coming to visit (I actually dreamed this the other night!!) or....


#2) Your child lets out a gasp from the back seat of the car enroute to daycare this morning. When you ask her what's wrong she says "Mom, you forgot to do a Trip Report for Kings Island yesterday!"



Shari "Oh well, it keeps me off the streets" Shoufler

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yeah, WOW, i have a feeling i'm on here a bit much myself



My dream is wierd, and a bit funny. I dream i come on the site to find a photo TR of Cliff's by Robb and Elissa, and i had no idea, that would suck

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- You know you've been on TPR too much when you are desperate to take pictures of your daily life just so you can show everyone else.


- You know you've been on TPR too much when the word Donkey is in every other sentence.


- You know you've been on TPR too much when you faint at the first time you meet Robb & Elissa.

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You're posting in this threat

You have an unusual interest in rodents

You take a camera everywhere you go, such as the grocery store. If you don't have a camera, you do it all in MS Paint

You stay up all night trying to make a perfect avator

You understand the significance of Carrabbas and McDonalds

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-When you start using "Photo TR's" in everyday life outside of the internet right down to the captions

-No day is complete without a trip to McDonalds

-You've worn your TPR shirt everyday the past week (I haven't done that as I don't have a TPR shirt yet)

-You begin dancing on every escalator you see to whatever music is in the background or you do your own music imitating Parque Espana's Escalator music.

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I seriously now see things all the time that I'm like: "damn I wish I had my camera this would be the funniest random TR!"


Although I'm getting a bit behind...I had a great random TR from my Special Olympics conference, complete with me counting lemons!

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You understand the significance of Carrabbas and McDonalds


Hey hey hey...you dont have to be on TPR even to understand the importance of THOSE 2 resturants. Come on now, think about it.


Fine Italian cuisine and fine fast food dining (:p) No seriously, those are like my top picks for the sit down and fast food chains.

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I seriously now see things all the time that I'm like: "damn I wish I had my camera this would be the funniest random TR!"


For me it's "damn, I seriously need to get a digital camera" and I started looking through all the ads in yesterday's paper.


(Oh, and I found out that Sam was really referring to this "complete our survey and you might win $1000" thing that a guest relations lady gave us at PKI yesterday. But when she said "trip report" all I could think of was HERE!)




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-You know you've spent too much time on TPR when you abbreviate "Theme Park Review" into initials .


-You know you've spent too much time on TPR when you dream about meeting Robb and Elissa.


-You know you've spent too much time on TPR when you put school and work out of the way to go to one of the theme park meets.

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you know you've been spending too much time on TPR when...


-something funny happens to you and you think "hmm, I wonder what Robb and Elissa would think about this.."


-you look forward to trips that involve the digital camera so that you can make a photo TR


-you can't see meat, plain pasta or McDonald's without thinking about Robb and Elissa

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