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Phantasialand Discussion Thread

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I'll say it again. This ride looks awesome! I just wish I could speak German so I would know what all those people are talking about.


Guy "I'm half German. You would think I could speak it." Koepp


Hehe, Guy, never mind. Looking through these german forums you'll mostly find exaggerated discussions about:


- disassembling the lifhill again, for adding more theming

- B&M introducing 2-seater trains, because of the tight clearance

- Will be finished in Jan. 2006. Will not yet be finished in 2006. Both for sure!

- Construction work secretly happening on Sundays & during the nights.

- Will get flyer trains, because of some estimated layout.

- Trains getting stuck due to air friction in the tight ravines.

- Evacuation platforms for various part of the ride.

- Rants: Boring construction site, nothing to see, no pics available.

- My dad / uncle / dad's uncle is working there, and yes, he told me...



Hope this helps (for finding the demand on speaking german not that urgent, coaster-wise). But, in case you now feel you missed something though, better get some language course, quick!



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^and now it's you who's the one exaggerating. Even though these examples given have all been discussed in the German forums, I've got to admit, there is also normal and sometimes even informative discussion going on.

But you've got to agree that the posts about air compression and 2 seat trains were very entertaining to read.


@ Guy: Go for it and learn German if you dare. Won't be that easy though, I assume. Wouldn't want to learn German if it wasn't my native language.

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German is a diffcult language to speak and to write but it's quite a simple language to read since if you konw the basic vocabulary and grammar, you'll be able to understand nearly anything since most of complex words are just two simpler words stuck together... Speaking english well can help since the root is about half the same so you can recover the meaning of some words with that... i'm native french speaking and I learned english and then german and If I'm quite useless at writing or speaking but I can understand it averagely well... I don't know if it's THAT difficult, you know there are very few exceptions so once you've got the rules, there's barely anything you need to know except vocabulary, and the use of those hellish prepositions...


I don't read german forums because I still can't enough german to read it fluently, but if I were a little bit more motivated, I'm sure I would

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^and now it's you who's the one exaggerating. Even though these examples given have all been discussed in the German forums, I've got to admit, there is also normal and sometimes even informative discussion going on.


Of course, lots of quality there. But it's so much fun to make fun... 8)


BTW: small, tiny, blurred pic, nevertheless: :shock:


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