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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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The only Busch Coaster that has been cloned so far is Sheikra. Everything else is pretty much original layouts.

Some of the smaller ones are clones- Scorpion, Cheetah Chase, Tempesto (Williamsburg), and Great White at SeaWorld Houston. Not sure if you mean that none of Busch coasters have ever gone on to be cloned for other parks (sans Sheikra), in which case you're right.

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I was at Busch Gardens Tampa yesterday and here's what I rode!

SheiKra-1 time front row

Scorpion-1 time

Montu-2 times once back row

Kumba-1 time front row


The non coasters are

The train-2 times one if them was waiting on the train for over a hour because of a medical emergency in the park

Bumper cars-this was my first time on a bumper car type ride I usually skip them

Ill upload images as soon I figure out how to upload them from my device but I did buy a awesome new t shirt

6x the fury and includes scorpion, falcon fury, cheetahs hunt,kumba,month, and sheikra!!

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The only Busch Coaster that has been cloned so far is Sheikra. Everything else is pretty much original layouts.

Some of the smaller ones are clones- Scorpion, Cheetah Chase, Tempesto (Williamsburg), and Great White at SeaWorld Houston. Not sure if you mean that none of Busch coasters have ever gone on to be cloned for other parks (sans Sheikra), in which case you're right.


Journey To Atlantis in San Antonio and San Diego I believe are clones, but I'm not sure those were built by Busch. Manta (Orlando) however, was cloned at Nagashima Spaland but Busch still had the original. I'm guessing Cobra's Curse will be basically too unique to clone!

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What a waste of money and space this new coaster will be! They should have retracked Gwazi instead or put in a new animal exhibit. With this new coaster you might as well be riding teacups, that's how queasy Cobra's Curse is probably going to make riders with the spinning. Without doubt it will be the worst coaster at any Busch park!

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What a waste of money and space this new coaster will be! They should have retracked Gwazi instead or put in a new animal exhibit. With this new coaster you might as well be riding teacups, that's how queasy Cobra's Curse is probably going to make riders with the spinning. Without doubt it will be the worst coaster at any Busch park!

I can't even imagine your thought process. Are you serious? I'd much rather have a "first of it's kind" coaster by MACK then have an RMC which are rapidly increasing in a number of regional parks. Yes, I do hope BG converts Gwazi into an RMC, but I feel like I could wait for that. They cannot always be adding a thrill ride, especially since they literally just added Falcon's Fury a year ago. This coaster is mainly aimed at families and to be honest, it appears to be nothing like riding tea cups because the cars will lock forward AND spin. I firmly believe this won't be the worst coaster at any Busch Park and even it if were, that would still be a compliment considering how many amazing coasters the Busch family of parks has.

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What a waste of money and space this new coaster will be! They should have retracked Gwazi instead or put in a new animal exhibit. With this new coaster you might as well be riding teacups, that's how queasy Cobra's Curse is probably going to make riders with the spinning. Without doubt it will be the worst coaster at any Busch park!


Wow! What a Negative Nancy you are! This will not be "the worst coaster at any Busch Park" by a long shot. I think you might be "the most ungrateful guest at any Busch Park" though...

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So, I couldn't find this anywhere on their website. Does BGT do souvenir cups with cheap refills for the day you buy it? I know they had one last year shaped like Falcon's Fury, but I just wanted to make sure. I like to have a drink to carry around with me throughout the day and I'm going for the first time next Friday.

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Everything Busch does coaster wise is always world class. I don't see this as a waste of money at all. I guess this means there will be one less person in line I have to wait behind then. How about waiting and riding for yourself before you judge this coaster. The majority including Robb and Alyssa don't seem to think this is a waste of money. And if they think it's going to be a winner, with their impressive coaster track record, then I'm with them.

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What a waste of money and space this new coaster will be! They should have retracked Gwazi instead or put in a new animal exhibit. With this new coaster you might as well be riding teacups, that's how queasy Cobra's Curse is probably going to make riders with the spinning. Without doubt it will be the worst coaster at any Busch park!

Obvious troll is obvious.

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So, I couldn't find this anywhere on their website. Does BGT do souvenir cups with cheap refills for the day you buy it? I know they had one last year shaped like Falcon's Fury, but I just wanted to make sure. I like to have a drink to carry around with me throughout the day and I'm going for the first time next Friday.

Even better. Busch (and SeaWorld) has $10.99 souvenir cups with free refills for the day you buy it, and $0.99 refills for any day after that. They just put up a stand selling blue ones at the entrance, but they are also sold at practically every restaurant and snack stand if you want a different design or color.

Edited by rcrider4
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^Busch Gardens rarely gets busy enough to strategize your trip but the only rides that get really long lines are Cheetah Hunt which averages I'd say about 50 minutes and Shiekra which can get around 20 minutes but Falcons Fury, Kumba, Montu, Scorpion, and the others rides are usually a breeze. The water rides can also get rather long too.

Edited by Skiebs
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Yeah. About the only thing I can say is, unless you get to it in the first 15-20 minutes of park opening, wait to ride Cheetah Hunt until at least after 2pm. Everyone goes there first, so the line stays very long for the first part of the day, but after people stop entering the park and the existing people move to the back, the line dies down dramatically. It will be about 45-75 minutes until about 12, and by 2-3pm, it will be below 30 minutes. It happens every day like clockwork. Also, seems like common sense, but water rides are busiest during the middle of the day. If you want to skip the lines, go do them while everyone is at Cheetah Hunt, then catch a ride on SheiKra (or vice versa. Either way, dothe water rides and SheiKra first to avoid lines). Won't be as effective at cooling you off. But you can always just go stand under SheiKra's splash zone if you really want to get wet in the middle of the day. As Skeibs said, everything else won't have too much of a wait, and if it somehow does, just come back to it later. Usually just means you got unlucky and some big tour group went in before you and the line will be back to normal within an hour.

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No, this coaster will be LOUSY!! The layout is total crap plus the fact that the seats spin will make park guests very dizzy. Which means Cobra's Curse will be their last ride of the day. Busch Gardens should have taken Lion And Tiger Gwazi, merged them together, retracked it and made a very large airtime filled hybrid coaster. Instead they gave us a ride which will be at best a letdown and at worst a liability. Very poor decision by park management.

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No, this coaster will be LOUSY!! The layout is total crap plus the fact that the seats spin will make park guests very dizzy. Which means Cobra's Curse will be their last ride of the day. Busch Gardens should have taken Lion And Tiger Gwazi, merged them together, retracked it and made a very large airtime filled hybrid coaster. Instead they gave us a ride which will be at best a letdown and at worst a liability. Very poor decision by park management.


So the layout that hasn't even been released or construced yet is total crap? Okay..............

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No, this coaster will be LOUSY!! The layout is total crap plus the fact that the seats spin will make park guests very dizzy. Which means Cobra's Curse will be their last ride of the day. Busch Gardens should have taken Lion And Tiger Gwazi, merged them together, retracked it and made a very large airtime filled hybrid coaster. Instead they gave us a ride which will be at best a letdown and at worst a liability. Very poor decision by park management.


Haters gonna hate!


Taters gonna tate!


Masters gonna bate!

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No, this coaster will be LOUSY!! The layout is total crap plus the fact that the seats spin will make park guests very dizzy. Which means Cobra's Curse will be their last ride of the day. Busch Gardens should have taken Lion And Tiger Gwazi, merged them together, retracked it and made a very large airtime filled hybrid coaster. Instead they gave us a ride which will be at best a letdown and at worst a liability. Very poor decision by park management.


Thank you for your opinion. It has been duly noted and logged.

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