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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Went to BG yesterday. Here are some pics!


It looks so peaceful up there.


I see London, I see France, I see the underside of Cheetah Hunt....


El estación.


Nothing to see here. Just some ruins.


Mohawk bird!


OH NOES!!!1`!Their tareng don another 1! I hop it doznt ruin the titenes and the pulyz!!!


Through the...uh...supports!!!!

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Finally a serious return to actual theme and design of roller coasters and attractions! I thought Manta and Harry Potter were a flub in the new industry system.


This and Raptor at Gardaland are showing what should always be. A total and complete experience from guest watching or waiting for riders, queue and actual ride experience including train theme and blended incorporation of attraction into or beside main walkways. The train is the last extension of the experience. That's what people focus on when waiting around or walking by!


These parks will continue to make money. People remember the experience of immersion, but not always why. It's in the details.

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Finally a serious return to actual theme and design of roller coasters and attractions! I thought Manta and Harry Potter were a flub in the new industry system.


This and Raptor at Gardaland are showing what should always be. A total and complete experience from guest watching or waiting for riders, queue and actual ride experience including train theme and blended incorporation of attraction into or beside main walkways. The train is the last extension of the experience. That's what people focus on when waiting around or walking by!


These parks will continue to make money. People remember the experience of immersion, but not always why. It's in the details.

How do Manta and Forbidden Journey not fit the criteria you just outlined?

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The trains look AWESOME with the decals on them. Just beautiful. I'll be there tomorrow. If they're still doing the pull-through I'll try and snap some photos.


the theming on the load station is looking great too! Looks like a whole new building now. Love it!

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Going down to tampa at the end of april and I can go to BGT either on sunday may 1st or monday the 2nd. This will be my first time there and need some advice from all you experts on how to approach which day to go. On sunday the park is open 9:30-7 and monday 10-6.


Basically, is there extra 1.5 hours worth the bigger crowds I would assume come w. going during the weekend?


(also, I don't know if BGT has single rider lines, but I will be going by myself if that helps w. the advice at all)


thanks in advance for the help!

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Monday will most likely be a lighter day, crowd wise. The good thing is at least spring break is over and crowds overall should be much better till Memorial weekend.



Also, if you get there at opening and stay ahead of crowds, all the coasters should have minimal waits the first couple of hours.

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For the earlier morning and later evening , I would go with Sunday. For one thing it wont be that busy, especially early in the day. In the afternoon take a break and eat and see a couple shows. When the late afternoon comes it will be a cool time to be in the park. Aside from the coasters, Busch Gardens is a world class zoo so dont miss the animal stuff. Lastly, consider the Quick Queue unlimited ticket, if I am in a park I will rarely get to or perhaps just go to once, I always get front line privledges, 44 bucks at most and well worth it if you got the dough. Have fun BGT is awesome.

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I'd probably go with Monday, as crowds on weekdays at BGT really are next to nothing. Weekends you have many more locals out with their families for something to do on the weekend. Just make sure you try your best to be there at opening, as other have said crowds are very minimal at opening. The hours will be more than enough for you to get in multiple rides on whatever you want to ride on either day, so just go and enjoy yourself.

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Was at the park today and got some Cheetah Hunt pull-through shots! They were up to the inversion while I was there.






This would be a great postcard if the full coaster train was there.



The completed jump over the Skyride.



Different angle of how the train looks in the inversion.



Theming over at the load station & Cheetah Run habitat is looking great!




While I was there, I caught one of Charo's shows (she was there this week to close out the Real Music Series). I hope I look half as good as she does when I'm 60.





I might not be in Australia with TPR, but that doesn't mean I can't see Aussie animals!


I'm glad Robb isn't here to probe us!



I'm too cute to be molested!



WTF are YOU looking at??



Tug-Of-War! Loser gets eaten. Yeah I'll put my money on the 500lb kitty.



Sleepy lion is sleepy.

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She's alive and well, Joey. That bitch doesn't age because she looks pretty much the same as she did when I remember seeing her as a guest on Love Boat in the 70's & 80's! She put on a really good show. Can't understand a damn word she says, but she's funny! She embarrassed the hell out of some emo kid in the front row, which was a RIOT!

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