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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Well I went to Busch gardens Tampa today, and I just figured I would share some pics with you guys Sorry if they are kind of out of order, I would number them right but it's really doesn't matter Oh yeah and some of the Montu pics were taken on another day, but I thought I would just go ahead and share them too


Love some of the shrubbery here



Some falcons fury construction



Big old gator


Big old hippo xD






Good ole Scorpian :)


Trains a little blurry, but still pretty cool :)
















lol I liked how the sun was positioned here :)







xD got my credit for Air Grover :p



Scariest ride in the park :p


And again :p













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I never realized they had a log ride! All these times I've been to the park, and have never been on it!


and usually has the longest line!


You can easily walk around the Stanleyville Theater and ride Tidal Wave with little to no wait, even on a busy day.

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I never realized they had a log ride! All these times I've been to the park, and have never been on it!


and usually has the longest line!


You can easily walk around the Stanleyville Theater and ride Tidal Wave with little to no wait, even on a busy day.


Log rides often have long lines as they're very family friendly.

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So weather sources conveniently expect a rainout the day we go to the park, and while I'd rather not go than go and not get on Cheetah Hunt, it's set in stone for the most part. We're less than ten days out too.


What's the rain policy for BGT? Accuweather says a 65% chance of .31 inches of rain, which sounds like a light mist. Can they run the rides in that? I can't imagine Cheetah Hunt's magnetic equipment unable to run in that.


And anybody going to the park soon, just shoot me a PM if you want to meet up!


And I might try Stanley Falls, but Busch's other flume at BGW is my favorite flume as of now, so I'm sure BGT's is pretty nice. It looks very tropical-y from the pictures I saw. It's like BGW's, a little location goes a long way.

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^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

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^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

How bad was it storming? They definitely can't operate in lightning, but I was wondering if Florida gets day long rainouts like we get here in Ohio sometimes.


I'm honestly debating on canceling now. I'd rather not go at all than go and not get on the coasters. Trying to talk my parents (who spent the hotel points and miles and such) into letting me reimburse them so I don't get dragged onto a plane (I HATE flying and this might be the only thing that could motivate me onto a plane that isn't professional, I actually temporarily called this trip off in the summer after flying to Mexico for vacation and finding out just how scary it is) for nothing.

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^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

How bad was it storming? They definitely can't operate in lightning, but I was wondering if Florida gets day long rainouts like we get here in Ohio sometimes.


I'm honestly debating on canceling now. I'd rather not go at all than go and not get on the coasters. Trying to talk my parents (who spent the hotel points and miles and such) into letting me reimburse them so I don't get dragged onto a plane (I HATE flying and this might be the only thing that could motivate me onto a plane that isn't professional, I actually temporarily called this trip off in the summer after flying to Mexico for vacation and finding out just how scary it is) for nothing.


No offense but that seems a silly reason to cancel a trip, parks located in these areas are used to the weather and know how to deal with it and so are usually pretty good at re-opening rides, if you are going to base a trip on whether or not it might rain or a storm goes over for a while there are lots of parks you could never visit. Hong Kong, Japan, Korea & Singapore are all places where the weather forecast reads 50% chance of storms or rain all summer long, having lived here I can tell you half the time that doesn't happen or if it does its very rarely all day. Pretty much for most of august I carry an umbrella in my backpack because the forecasters say 50% chance of storms despite the fact its sunny and 32C out. Some of my best days have been on days where there is rain or snow since the bigger rides are closed people leave early and then when they re-opened in the evening for a few hours it's empty.


I almost didn't go to tokyo disneyland because of heavy snow meant thunder mountain, splash mountain, autopia and most of fantasyland was closed but in the end I went, all the rides except space mountain and the new monsters inc were walk on and Disney managed to get the outdoor rides open in the late afternoon. I got a day at Tokyo Disney where rides were walk-on due to bad weather and I really doubt no matter how many times I go back i'll ever get a walk-on day at tokyo disney again.


Except Fuji Q.... Never go there unless the forecast is perfect blue skies and 0 wind.

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Lightning 20 miles out, Skyride closes. 10 miles out, all coasters and water rides close. 5 miles out, every outside attraction closes. Rides will operate in the rain as long as it's not too heavy.

Define too heavy, like a total downpour? And how long does lightning close the rides?


^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

How bad was it storming? They definitely can't operate in lightning, but I was wondering if Florida gets day long rainouts like we get here in Ohio sometimes.


I'm honestly debating on canceling now. I'd rather not go at all than go and not get on the coasters. Trying to talk my parents (who spent the hotel points and miles and such) into letting me reimburse them so I don't get dragged onto a plane (I HATE flying and this might be the only thing that could motivate me onto a plane that isn't professional, I actually temporarily called this trip off in the summer after flying to Mexico for vacation and finding out just how scary it is) for nothing.


No offense but that seems a silly reason to cancel a trip, parks located in these areas are used to the weather and know how to deal with it and so are usually pretty good at re-opening rides, if you are going to base a trip on whether or not it might rain or a storm goes over for a while there are lots of parks you could never visit. Hong Kong, Japan, Korea & Singapore are all places where the weather forecast reads 50% chance of storms or rain all summer long, having lived here I can tell you half the time that doesn't happen or if it does its very rarely all day. Pretty much for most of august I carry an umbrella in my backpack because the forecasters say 50% chance of storms despite the fact its sunny and 32C out. Some of my best days have been on days where there is rain or snow since the bigger rides are closed people leave early and then when they re-opened in the evening for a few hours it's empty.


I almost didn't go to tokyo disneyland because of heavy snow meant thunder mountain, splash mountain, autopia and most of fantasyland was closed but in the end I went, all the rides except space mountain and the new monsters inc were walk on and Disney managed to get the outdoor rides open in the late afternoon. I got a day at Tokyo Disney where rides were walk-on due to bad weather and I really doubt no matter how many times I go back i'll ever get a walk-on day at tokyo disney again.


Except Fuji Q.... Never go there unless the forecast is perfect blue skies and 0 wind.

Thanks! I just wanted to know what the patterns were like in terms of on/off rain. In Ohio you can get downpours all day and it would ruin your trip to Kings Island in a heartbeat. Sounds like Charleston, SC, where it just stays wet and nasty for most of the day with a few sprinkles and a thunderstorm that last thirty minutes or so when it gets nasty.


The reason I'd rather not go if I can't ride the rides is flying. I have four major fears that everybody in my personal life knows; bees/wasps/hornets, tight enclosed spaces, heights, and being buried alive. Planes basically combine heights and claustrophobia and I hate them. I'm never going on another unless I absolutely have to.


It sounds like the worst worry we have is a wet nasty day of riding walk ons and a lightning closure or two.


Thanks so much for the help!

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^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

How bad was it storming? They definitely can't operate in lightning, but I was wondering if Florida gets day long rainouts like we get here in Ohio sometimes.


I'm honestly debating on canceling now. I'd rather not go at all than go and not get on the coasters. Trying to talk my parents (who spent the hotel points and miles and such) into letting me reimburse them so I don't get dragged onto a plane (I HATE flying and this might be the only thing that could motivate me onto a plane that isn't professional, I actually temporarily called this trip off in the summer after flying to Mexico for vacation and finding out just how scary it is) for nothing.


Well it was raining badly and very windy. However, everything was still open. The park was still packed for a rainy day so we still had use quick queue for the rides. I wouldn't cancel your plans, the park like other Florida parks are used to getting showers. I would just go to the park regardless of what the weather is. You might end up with a empty park and coasters are fun in the rain. Plus BGT is worth it.

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^10 days away from your day at the park. The weather could change before then. I mean its Florida, it rains almost every day for like like 10 minutes.


From personal experience, I have been to BGT when it was storming. It was still packed because it was a HOS night and yes all the rides were still open. (including Cheetah Hunt)

How bad was it storming? They definitely can't operate in lightning, but I was wondering if Florida gets day long rainouts like we get here in Ohio sometimes.


I'm honestly debating on canceling now. I'd rather not go at all than go and not get on the coasters. Trying to talk my parents (who spent the hotel points and miles and such) into letting me reimburse them so I don't get dragged onto a plane (I HATE flying and this might be the only thing that could motivate me onto a plane that isn't professional, I actually temporarily called this trip off in the summer after flying to Mexico for vacation and finding out just how scary it is) for nothing.


Well it was raining badly and very windy. However, everything was still open. The park was still packed for a rainy day so we still had use quick queue for the rides. I wouldn't cancel your plans, the park like other Florida parks are used to getting showers. I would just go to the park regardless of what the weather is. You might end up with a empty park and coasters are fun in the rain. Plus BGT is worth it.

Thanks! I'd love to ride Cheetah Hunt, especially in the rain! We got launched into a sprinkle on Maverick in 2011 and it rocked, and with me expecting Cheetah Hunt to top Maverick in the top 10 that would be epic! And when we went to Dollywood last year, we roll into Pigeon Forge, it's raining buckets, buckets let up, we walk on Wild Eagle! Hoping for a situation like that!


Thanks! And even if we get lightninged out, a plane full of people still get to see a fat kid freak out all the way to Florida! I'm dreading the flight! So we should likely be fine? Sorry for all the questions, it's just that 2 years and 5 pounds of pretzels (DON'T ask... ) have lead up to this trip for me and I'd like to know how it rains in that state.

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Was at Howl-O-Scream last night and noticed some bright flood lights on in the parking lot adjacent Adventure Island. So upon investigation I noticed some rather large green tubes. Falcons Fury has arrived!


Went by this morning with the good camera and got some photos. So...enjoy!


Not sure if green will be the bottom of the tower or the top.



Large columns








They are about to lift this off the flatbed...




On the ground



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.Thanks! I'd love to ride Cheetah Hunt, especially in the rain! We got launched into a sprinkle on Maverick in 2011 and it rocked, and with me expecting Cheetah Hunt to top Maverick in the top 10 that would be epic!


Yeah, you should probably tamper that expectation quite a bit or expect a massive disappointment.


They may both be Intamin multi-launch rides, but Cheetah Hunt isn't in the same stratosphere as Maverick....

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