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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Went to the park today for the first time this season, and for being some sort of school band day it was actually really dead. The "new" area looks nice, Blast Off looks great, but was still being worked on. It was slowly raised and lowered throughout the day, sometimes with workers going up to the top. Ride of Steel broke down while we were in line, we waited it out for a bit but (luckily) left as it ended up being down for around 3 or so hours.


The Viper train looks nice, and that was actually the longest wait of the day with a full station. Predator was running pretty decent too, but I pretty much only ride in the front, and also am a little biased towards it as my first coaster.


I was surprised to see all the ferris wheel cars on, I thought they were going to group them in threes again.


One other thing, it's going to take a while for people to get used to the fluffy bunnies at Ride of Steel, the employee at the entrance would basically tell people to use it or "Put it in a bush somewhere but I'm not responsible." If it helps speed up the boarding process I'm all for it.


Looking forward to being able to ride Blast Off, hopefully within the next few weeks.

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Probably not my room to talk, but i found this cool looking Zamperla Air Race 6.4 ride that looks rather fitting as a thrilling flat ride for the park. air_race_foto_principale.jpg.b7503df41bbf7fb0f4743c3f829be931.jpg I think it looks cool but you know, nothing too huge

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Hey Folks...finally decide to join this site after being a long time lurker.


It's hard to believe but I will be making my first ever visit to Darien Lake in a couple of weeks. Not really expecting any standout rides other than Ride of Steel. Are there any rides in this park that should be considered as a must ride?

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Hey Folks...finally decide to join this site after being a long time lurker.


It's hard to believe but I will be making my first ever visit to Darien Lake in a couple of weeks. Not really expecting any standout rides other than Ride of Steel. Are there any rides in this park that should be considered as a must ride?


My suggestion on what to ride at Darien Lake besides Ride of Steel, are Viper, Motocoaster, Mind Eraser, and The Predator for coasters. As for flats Giant Wheel, Blast Off, Ranger, and Corn Popper. For the water rides (Including the water park), 'Cuda Falls, Grizzly Run, Thunder Rapids, and Shipwreck Falls. Darien Lake has a lot of "low cards" in its hand of rides, but those are my suggestions for what to ride.

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^In defense of Viper and Predator, they are both actually really good.


And yes, I said Predator is good. Once it got Voyage's old trains, it was a lot smoother. Still quite aggressive in the back, but not painful, and actually has a pretty good amount of airtime. The bunny hops kinda leave a bit to be desired, but overall I now consider it a solid ride.

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Thanks guys....I have a feeling I will be spending quite a bit of time on Ride of Steel as by the looks and sounds of it all the other rides will be one and done.


You should ride Viper and Predator since they're the only coasters in the park that aren't "clones"!

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On Monday I made my first ever trip to Darien Lake......as we approached the parking lot I saw a whole bunch of yellow school buses and thought to myself " Oh Great the park is going to be packed" but alas that was not the case as everything (in spite of one train operations) was around a 10 minute or less wait.


Here is what I thought of the coasters


-Motocoaster- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....provided a good little nap


-Mind Eraser- Standard Vekoma SLC but I did find it smoother than Canadas Wonderlands Flight Deck


-Boomerang-- Been there done that


-Viper--The landscaping around this coaster was pretty good and even though I found the ride itself boring I did enjoy going through the trees and plants.


-Predator ( 3 rides )-- I can only imagine what kind of contorted mess my body would have been in if I rode this wooden beast in one of Minebusters or Wild Beasts trains BUT The Voyages old train made the ride quite comfortable.


Ride of Steel (11 rides )---Very good ride...the turn coming out of the first drop had some force to it and there was lots of airtime to be had on the hills. My only 2 gripes with Ride of Steel are that it had some very noticible rattling and man those Intamin trains were uncomfortable....guess I have been spoiled with those comfy B&M restraints of Behemoth and Leviathan.


All in all it was a good day at the park and as for the park itself....I would give it a rating of 6/10 as it really only has one good ride .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just heard that Darien Lake is closed for the entire day because of a water outage in the county. No working toilets, ect. They haven't updated their facebook yet though so I'm not sure.

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