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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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  Homeboy23 said:
Also, the soft opening of Europe in the Air hasn't gotten any love. No one going to check it out on Friday?


That building has been a waste of space since they removed Questor....Bring that back and I will give it some love.


I am not that excited about a drop tower though.

I would rather have an S&S space shot, the mid-atlantic really needs one, but since they said single tower that would probably mean a gyro drop.



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  pkdcoaster said:
  Homeboy23 said:
Also, the soft opening of Europe in the Air hasn't gotten any love. No one going to check it out on Friday?


That building has been a waste of space since they removed Questor....Bring that back and I will give it some love.


I am not that excited about a drop tower though.

I would rather have an S&S space shot, the mid-atlantic really needs one, but since they said single tower that would probably mean a gyro drop.




Who said it wasn't gonna be an S&S Space Shot? Power Tower is 240 feet so a slightly taller Space Shot shouldn't be ruled out at this point.


The plans just say that Busch is filing a permit for a large single tower. It can mean just about anything at this point since whatever's stated in the permit is very vague. It could even be a large observation tower for all we know.

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Like Robb said earlier, I'd be surprised, too, if this were some standard, off-the-shelf ride like Drop Tower Scream Zone. I'm curious to see what the actual plans are.

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^^ I Agree. If this ride is just a standard, up and drop tower from Intamin I will certainly be surprise. I really think this will be more along the lines of Mystery Castle as so to appease the Kingsmil resident that hate the tall, noisy coasters in their backyards. If it was a Mystery Castle style drop, it would have many thing that Busch Gardens is looking for: Theming, Theming Theming! And some noise reduction. The Mystery Castle video on YouTube has really got me on the Mystery Caslte idea... Though a new contraption would be welcomed... A 260 ft, "Tower of Terror" would be an interesting ride. But isn't the "Tower of Terror's" ride under Disney patent possibly? IDK, just my idea...


Here's that You Tube Video...

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  pkdcoaster said:

That building has been a waste of space since they removed Questor....Bring that back and I will give it some love.



I'm glad that someone else remembers the goodness of Questor. When it was here in Tampa it was one of the best motion-sims I had ever been on... then they replaced it with the abysmal Egyptian themed Martin Short one.... At least that is gone now too at least.

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  cfc said:
^And the verdict is . . .


Ok now that I finished my ice cream I can answer.


First off it is the same ride vehicles as Corkscrew Hill. The premise is that you are on a jet plane that can show you the wonders/beauty of Ireland, England, Paris, The Alps and Italy in ten minutes.


They have installed indutrial fans on the walls and scent machines (although I've never been on a jet where I could feel wind. However, I can overlook that as the ride was well done. No jerky movements and great photography so I'm sure the general public including the older crowd at BGW will love it.


I even enjoyed the "odd" scene where our plane was "driving" in Paris, fighting traffic around the Arc de Triumphe and the Eiffel Tower.

Edited by larrygator
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But they already have an observation tower... it's called Griffon! Of course, it only holds you at the top for six seconds... but it's a great view!


In all seriousness, I would expect the ride's footprint to replace the bumper cars and the queue to be housed in the old Big Bad Wolf station. This would remove several problems for that park and allow further expansion around the side of the tower. Supposedly the new coaster, when it comes, will anchor a new land, probably Spain.



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Just one thing first...as soon as I read that it could possibly (but hopefully not) be an observation tower, I immediately thought of combining the two. I was then very surprised when it was on the next page.


What specifics do you think they would theme it too...I mean they can't really theme it to a castle. They already have a castle themed ride across the way...Darkastle. It would kinda be weird.


Or they could make it an extension of Darkastle...Revenge of Darktower.


"You are led up into one of Darkastle's towers only to have a reanimated King Ludwig push you out a window to fall 260 feet."


As for Europe in the Air, how was the ride score? I'll be there tomorrow to check it out myself.

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