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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Kristen doesnt have the awesome Nickelodean shows of the 90s such as Rugrats, Catdog, Rockos Modern Life, Doug...

Why would you say that? Of course she does. That's what the media server is for! She has all the best shows thanks to the modern mavels of digital downloads, iTunes, and Tivo!


I hope I get this right. FAIL, quoting on thos site is hard. Anyway, I dont even know what a media server is but if they have legends of the hidden temple on tivo or itunes I would go insane. BTW, that show would make an awesome Wii game IMO.

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Right, I totally agree there. I'm just looking at it as more of the "normal guest" perspective rather than the coaster enthusiast, I guess. I mean, if Ninja left Magic Mountain, would most people even notice?


But even from the coaster enthusiast perspective, maybe I personally just never found Big Bad Wolf to be that amazing? Night rides, sure, were great...I guess, but I never went out of my way to bother with them.


I just never found this ride to be as big of a deal as people were making it out to be when it was announced it was closing last year. I liked it, sure, but I didn't shed a single tear or care that much when it was announced that it was closing, and remember, BGW used to be one of my "home parks."


--Robb "Maybe it's because after Eagle's Fortress, no other Arrow Suspended even comes close?" Alvey


I think locals were more bummed than tourists, particularly those with kids. BBW was the "big-kids" coaster with the lowest height requirement, so riding it was sort of a rite of passage around here.

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I think locals were more bummed than tourists, particularly those with kids. BBW was the "big-kids" coaster with the lowest height requirement, so riding it was sort of a rite of passage around here.

I think more than anything this is probably the biggest disappointment for me in that ride leaving is that the park now lacks a "decent sized" coaster for the 42" kid to ride.


Both the Wild Mouse and BBW both filled this gap, so I hope it's replacement, or at least a future attraction will take this into consideration.


I guess the kids always have DarKastle!



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I just wish they'd bring back the Yip Yip Martians!




Freakin' yes! That takes me way back - best toddler / dad TV going.


Robb, what's that sexy white wristband you're wearing? Quick queue or endless eats? How'd it work out?

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Rob, what's that sexy white wristband you're wearing? Quick queue or endless eats? How'd it work out?

It's the unlimited Quick Queue. Works GREAT!


I'd say most of the coasters has between a 30-45 min wait...NOT FOR US! We walked on to everything we rode. Except for Loch Ness Monster. The merge point puts you in line about 5 minutes before the loading station.


So yeah, other than Loch Ness I think we had to wait *maybe* a 2-3 train wait at the most.


I highly reccomend Quick Queue (or any other kind of virtual queue/line skipping system) offered at any park!



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^Thanks. That explains the wristband's pure white dazzling hotness. Outstanding! We gave Ultimate Quick Queue a spin at BGT in the midst of spring break. They were definite day savers, getting us through hour to 90 minute lines in 5 to 10 minutes. At $40 per, worth every cent. You can bet I'll sport one of those bad boys when we get back to BGW this summer.

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^^ Is it like an express pass where you can get one ride on everything without waiting or is it unlimited for fourty. The one ride thing was worth it because we only did one day at Universal and IOA but I dont think we would have bought one otherwise, but if its unlimited rides for fourty thats awesome.

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^^ Is it like an express pass where you can get one ride on everything without waiting or is it unlimited for fourty. The one ride thing was worth it because we only did one day at Universal and IOA but I dont think we would have bought one otherwise, but if its unlimited rides for fourty thats awesome.

I paid $33 with my Busch Platinum Pass and it was unlimited as many rides as you wanted all day long.


Totally worth it!



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^^^The $40 I mentioned for BGT was full price for the Unlimited. Regular, the one spin for each major ride flavor, was only $15 less! Why wouldn't you go big? Platinum Passes were good for 10% off those rates.

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Big Bad Wolf is what started my enthusiast career and after my first ride on it in 2006 I found a new appreciation for coasters, something which before I had little interest in.


Agreed. BBW was something at 16-20 I ignored...the "wuss" coaster of Busch's big ones. Rode again, shortly after, man I found new appreciation. There are a couple thrills on it that you could not find anywhere else, quite like it (like the back swinging out at nearly 80 degree "whipping" action while falling down the big drop). EF is the only suspended that appeared to beat BBW, as Robb said. However, the BBW was classic, and even if some of the enthusiest world doesn't feel it affected the park, that whole area is now dead feeling. BBW gave a feeling of something "lurking" in the woods; an energy. People happy, jumping around who had just ridden it, smiling. Yeah, I was a huge fan of the ride. I know a few others that kinged it "best of the park" as well.


Not knocking Robb at all, and he even admitted that it was probably the 2nd best suspended after EF, but he was probably spoiled by EF having ridden it many times. Everyone has their own opinions on everything. BBW likely is "watered down" compared to the thrill EF gave. Its the only suspended I can think about that had wicked S-turns like BBW had at the bottom of the big drop, only EF did that move more. And HOPEFULLY it will come back! Im going to Korea next year!


I feel the jump of the ride in ratings in the poll is more due to a sudden rush of enthusiests riding the ride that may have never ridden it, than people wanting to rate it higher because it was leaving.


BBW and Alpengeist are, and will likely always be, my favorites at my home park!


Damn, too bad Robb was there and I didn't know it though! I missed him at KD opening day too!

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^ Rumor says another coaster or a new land...


A B&M flyer seems to be the most likely result though since that's the only B&M project that has yet to be built at BGW (this isn't counting sit-down because BGW has LNM). Although under new management, the coaster can be anything.


As for the new land, Spain seems to be a very popular rumor going around at the moment.

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