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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Apollo COULD run in the 30 degree range, but it would increase the chances of stress fractures because it would make the track more brittle. The fluids and stuff that keep the ride running could freeze as well. Also, I've ridden it in 45 degree weather and it is not fun at all... I can only imagine 30 with a wind chill.


Somewhat off the subject, we almost had to call the ride down two nights ago because the wind gusts hit 34 mph. We shut down at 35....

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^ That happened to Intimidator. Your new drop tower could be down allot for high winds too since the park is practically a few miles from the river and it winding winds.


Also, I've ridden Griffon during HoS when the surface temperature was 45 degrees. After locking us into the restraint, and giving us the all clear, he said with an evil grin, "I hope you enjoy your ride, there's a wind chill of about 35 degrees at the top of the lift....*evil laugh*" I guess he was in character for HoS. LOL.


It was cold. I was so glad to be back on the ground.

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So I'm planning on going to BGW for a weekend this August and I had a quick question about the park's Quick Queue system. How exactly does it work? Like is it a Q-bot system like six flags does, or an enter through the rides exit type of thing? I know all parks do their fast pass systems differently and was just wondering how this one worked and whether it was worth my money. Also, does it have to be purchased online or can it be bought at the park? Thanks.

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Headed to BGE tomorrow.


Should be good weather. Crossing my fingers that crowds are not horrendous but with cool temps and a holiday w/e I may be in for some long lines



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Was at the park yesterday, and it was fun. The fireworks are good and the extended version they did for the 4th of July was awesome. Rides were running good...AC in the back is still one of the best rides ever. Illuminights is good overall. While I only saw one of the mini-shows for it (Giardino Magico, the Italy one, which was cool with the acrobats) my mom who saw the French one said it was "not up to Busch Gardens standards" so why do it at all? Both were also very short to advertise so much...people were waiting 15 min in advance for a 5 min show. But it was fun, and my sister finally got Alpie (did not like, too rough) and Griffon (loved) credits.


I did see someone with a Club TPR shirt on in the station of AC last night at about 10:30 waiting for the back row.

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Went Friday 7/2/2010 and I am not sure we could have had a better time to be honest.


Weather - perfect, low 80's and was only hot when sitting in direct sunlight with no shade (can you say Sesame Street area -- holy moley they need some shade over there).


Crowds - light in AM, heavy from about 3pm on but not unbearable in any way.


Park - very nice and clean and look pretty damn good considering all the heat and NO RAIN we have been suffering here in VA.


Rides - everything was up and running with no downtime except Dark Castle went down for about 45 mins around 2pm or so.


AC (3 rides) - 20 min wait max, running 3 trains all day - running just fine. Heavily trimmed in the AM but later in the day only trimmed in one maybe 2 spots.


Griffon (4 rides) - 10 min wait to start but got up to about 30 min later in the day as it got busy


Alpengeist (1 ride) - walk on. Rough as hell though. So much so that my sister sustained a major headache from the headbanging. It was very bumpy and rattled badly.


Loch Ness (1 ride) - walk on. Running great especially for it's age.


Dark Castle (1 ride) - fun as always although the movie seemed a little blurry for some reason.


Eurotrip (2 rides) - really really liked this. Way better than Corkscrew Hill. Nice and smooth.



Rode quite a flats as well and all were running just fine.


Fireworks show was quite enjoyable and very well done.


Good Job BGE!!



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^ Sadly Griffon is the only coaster that can brave below 44 degrees... (It closes at 40*)


And considering how cold last winter was, even that won't be open many days.


I kind of have an idea, like how on i305 they have the wheel-coolers, but they could install mini-heaters on the wheels, or the tracks, to keep the track at a good temperature...


That would be expensive to begin with!

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^ Sadly Griffon is the only coaster that can brave below 44 degrees... (It closes at 40*)


And considering how cold last winter was, even that won't be open many days.


I kind of have an idea, like how on i305 they have the wheel-coolers, but they could install mini-heaters on the wheels, or the tracks, to keep the track at a good temperature...


That would be expensive to begin with!


Oh well, it's the internet, nothing makes sense

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And considering how cold last winter was, even that won't be open many days.


I kind of have an idea, like how on i305 they have the wheel-coolers, but they could install mini-heaters on the wheels, or the tracks, to keep the track at a good temperature...


That would be expensive to begin with!


Oh well, it's the internet, nothing makes sense

It was done before on Drachen Fire. They were in the station, at the bottom of the lift, center lift, top of the lift, and MCBR.

I kind of have an idea, like how on i305 they have the wheel-coolers, but they could install mini-heaters on the wheels, or the tracks, to keep the track at a good temperature...

Drachen Fire had those because it failed its first test run (stalled going into the Wraparound Corkscrew) to allow it to run when cold.

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  • 2 weeks later...
BGW has filed a permit with JCC that has a little more info for next year's addition.


Busch Gardens 2011 Attraction Germany Expansion


Applicant proposes expansion to the German Village to include new food buildings, walkway modifications, and major ride and ride locations.





Thanks for the link! I wonder what they mean by 'major', if the gossip on the forum are true (a drop tower) I wouldn't really consider that 'major'...

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It was brought to my attention from enthusiasts local to BGW, that one of the name/theme ideas for Griffon was Iron Eagle and that merchandise exists for it in the German section of the park, with a black and red eagle design on it.


I wonder if they will utalise this existing merchandise/theme idea? It would fit in with the B&M flyer rumour and the fact that this ride is in the Germany themed section.


Just a thought.


Thanks for the link! I wonder what they mean by 'major', if the gossip on the forum are true (a drop tower) I wouldn't really consider that 'major'...

The wording makes it sound like there may be more than one attraction, or relocating of... Though it wouldn't make much sense to open two fairly major (at a park like BGW, I'd consider a drop tower to be major) attractions in the same year. Though saying that, they don't have to worry about what KD will be doing for a while now and BG is one of those parks that will attract guests from afar regardless of new attractions or not.

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I used to have the season passes for Virginia residents for probably three years when I was younger. It's three hours away from where I'm at, but it's always a great trip to make. I haven't gone in three years, but I'm hoping to go next week with some friends. The only really "cool" ride experience I can think of is riding Griffon within the first week of it opening. My favorite roller coaster there is still Apollo's Chariot though. This is truly one of the best themed and most beautiful parks on the East Coast and in the United States in my opinion. After going to Europe this summer, I really see how realistic it is.

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The wording makes it sound like there may be more than one attraction, or relocating of... Though it wouldn't make much sense to open two fairly major (at a park like BGW, I'd consider a drop tower to be major) attractions in the same year. Though saying that, they don't have to worry about what KD will be doing for a while now and BG is one of those parks that will attract guests from afar regardless of new attractions or not.



If they're talking about more than one attraction, I guess they could be getting some new flats? It's been a while since they've added one (excluding the kiddie ones in the Sesame St forest).

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  • 2 weeks later...



This image shows the locations of markings as noted by their numbers. “X” represents locations where it has been visually confirmed that surveying has happened. As you can see, the markings show a rather large area encompassing both Katapult and the swings with the third marking at the center of the currently located markings. It is not clear what this means for the future of the swings but, as pointed out by Nora, the park made recent enhancements to the swings so it is not likely they will be removed. Furthermore, many may not remember that the swings were at one point in the location Katapult currently resides. Perhaps they will be moving back to their old location to open up a large area.
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Passengers on roller coaster hurt during storm


13NEWS / WVEC.com


Posted on August 5, 2010 at 11:16 PM


JAMES CITY COUNTY -- Several guests at Busch Gardens were treated at the park or taken to the hospital Thursday.


They were riding the popular Griffon roller coaster as strong winds blew threw the area, catching hold of a prop that blew into the ride.


Bruce Wilson, Communications Manager for Busch Gardens and Water Country USA released this statement:


"At approximately 7:30 p.m., Thursday, a quickly moving storm caused a weather-related incident at Busch Gardens that caused injuries to several guests riding the Griffon roller coaster. A sudden gust of high winds knocked an inflatable prop from its anchor points as park employees were in the process of deflating it. Winds blew the prop into the path of an oncoming coaster train, which came to a stop at the top of the coaster’s second hill.


Guests were evacuated from the train and treated on site for any injuries they may have suffered. Five guests requested transportation to Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center. Please contact the hospital for further information on the guests' conditions."

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