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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Has anyone done the Rhine river cruise? Debating doing it but was curious to hear some feedback about it first.


This is what it says...


"Date Night on the Rhine

There is nothing nicer than a cruise along the Rhine River in the heart of the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park - unless you add a sampling of food, various wines and beers.

ADULTS ONLY cruises available at 7:00PM & 8:00PM during our Food & Wine Festival"

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Has anyone done the Rhine river cruise? Debating doing it but was curious to hear some feedback about it first.


This is what it says...


"Date Night on the Rhine

There is nothing nicer than a cruise along the Rhine River in the heart of the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park - unless you add a sampling of food, various wines and beers.

ADULTS ONLY cruises available at 7:00PM & 8:00PM during our Food & Wine Festival"


So we did the 6PM version, and lucked out, we were the only ones on the cruise(Wine on the Rhine). You get two servings of beer or wine, and a nice cheese, fruit, and chocolate sampler. The only difference by times is the earlier(4,5,6PM) ones aren't 21+. I thought it was relaxing and you do get a tour guide for the cruise.

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Has anyone done the Rhine river cruise? Debating doing it but was curious to hear some feedback about it first.


This is what it says...


"Date Night on the Rhine

There is nothing nicer than a cruise along the Rhine River in the heart of the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park - unless you add a sampling of food, various wines and beers.

ADULTS ONLY cruises available at 7:00PM & 8:00PM during our Food & Wine Festival"


So we did the 6PM version, and lucked out, we were the only ones on the cruise(Wine on the Rhine). You get two servings of beer or wine, and a nice cheese, fruit, and chocolate sampler. The only difference by times is the earlier(4,5,6PM) ones aren't 21+. I thought it was relaxing and you do get a tour guide for the cruise.


It is a fun little boat ride on top of that. It offers some really good views of rides like Apollo's Chariot that you can't get anywhere else.

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Has anyone done the Rhine river cruise? Debating doing it but was curious to hear some feedback about it first.


This is what it says...


"Date Night on the Rhine

There is nothing nicer than a cruise along the Rhine River in the heart of the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park - unless you add a sampling of food, various wines and beers.

ADULTS ONLY cruises available at 7:00PM & 8:00PM during our Food & Wine Festival"

I always enjoyed the Rhine River Cruise, any time I've done it it's been a nice calm few minute break for the day.

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Has anyone done the Rhine river cruise? Debating doing it but was curious to hear some feedback about it first.


This is what it says...


"Date Night on the Rhine

There is nothing nicer than a cruise along the Rhine River in the heart of the World's Most Beautiful Theme Park - unless you add a sampling of food, various wines and beers.

ADULTS ONLY cruises available at 7:00PM & 8:00PM during our Food & Wine Festival"


So we did the 6PM version, and lucked out, we were the only ones on the cruise(Wine on the Rhine). You get two servings of beer or wine, and a nice cheese, fruit, and chocolate sampler. The only difference by times is the earlier(4,5,6PM) ones aren't 21+. I thought it was relaxing and you do get a tour guide for the cruise.


Awesome thank you! Thanks to everyone else for the comments too. I'm going this weekend mainly for the food and wine festival so was thinking of doing that as well. Figure I'll get some rides in as well but the main focus will be as much food and drinks as possible lol

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Just went to BGW and I had a great time


InvadR is a great family coaster at day, but at night... It's still a family coaster but cooler. Even though griffon is a dive coaster and it loses it's intensity after the first two or three rides, I rode it more than any coaster there. I have a problem Aplpengeist is rough and doesnt have very smooth elements. Loch Ness monster is... well, it's an arrow. And a good one at that

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Just went to BGW and I had a great time


InvadR is a great family coaster at day, but at night... It's still a family coaster but cooler. Even though griffon is a dive coaster and it loses it's intensity after the first two or three rides, I rode it more than any coaster there. I have a problem Aplpengeist is rough and doesnt have very smooth elements. Loch Ness monster is... well, it's an arrow. And a good one at that

Alpengeist is defiantly rougher than it used to be, it's still fun, but I don't ride it as much as I would have in the past.

I know it's not the best coaster ever but Loch Ness Monster is still in my top ten ridden coasters, Arrow quality and all. It may just be my sense of nostalgia for that coaster.

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All B&M coasters technically have a "zero car". The only difference is that some have seats on it and some don't. The first two rows of all B&M coasters tilt at the same angle.


These two picture really explains it better than anything.



Monster - Walygator Parc


Batman The Dark Knight - Six Flags New England


I came to understand that without the zero car, the train would not be level as it traveled. Each car would tilt forward or backwards a little or something like that. With the two front cars unable to "see-saw" or having a zero car on the front or back of a coaster doing basically the same thing, it forces the rest of the cars throughout the train to stay level.


This isn't done on just B&M's, its done on all coasters who's cars only have one axle. This is why some rides have what seems to be a very small zero car or basically a second axel on the rear of the last car while the rest of the cars only have one axel on the front of each car. This extra axle or small zero car does the same as a zero car on a B&M or having two cars connected.


Notice the two cars at the top of the picture below, they are aligned perfectly. That's because they're the first two cars, which are connected. If you take alook at the others, you'll notice how they are all leaning forward. That's because they do trailer off of the first two.



Scream! - Six Flags Magic Mountain


So in general, the zero car is there to give the first trailered car something to hitch to. Each car has only one axle, and hitches to the car in front for stability.

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I just spent 2 days at the food and wine festival over the weekend. I love this park. It has no chance of happening but I wish my home park of great adventure was owned and run by the same people. Once they worked their magic it would be absolutely amazing.



All the food and drinks we had were fantastic. Definitely going to go back next year and I'm already looking forward to our next trip down there.

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So Rikki and I are planning a late-August trip to South Carolina to see her grandmother and view the eclipse. We have a Groupon for up to 7 consecutive days admission to Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Water Country USA. The plan is to spend Aug 19-22 (Sat - Tues) in South Carolina and spend either the Wed-Fri before or afterwards at BGW/WC (Aug 16-18 or 23-25). We figure three days during the week is enough time to be able to experience everything without rushing it. Based on prior years, is there any difference in expected crowds between the two options? I'm not sure when schools let out in the area or whether or not that'll be a factor.

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I'm likely to be at the park in two weeks or so. Any good deals on discounted admissions? Best I've found is a AAA deal for $52 each.


how long are you going for? (ie: how many days are you looking to get admission for) ?

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I'm likely to be at the park in two weeks or so. Any good deals on discounted admissions? Best I've found is a AAA deal for $52 each.


how long are you going for? (ie: how many days are you looking to get admission for) ?


Just a single day, likely next Friday. Will have a total of 4 in my group. Hoping to get in on the food and drink festival too.

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I'm likely to be at the park in two weeks or so. Any good deals on discounted admissions? Best I've found is a AAA deal for $52 each.


how long are you going for? (ie: how many days are you looking to get admission for) ?


Just a single day, likely next Friday. Will have a total of 4 in my group. Hoping to get in on the food and drink festival too.


too bad.. I was going to suggest the Bounce Pass bought thru Colonial Williamsburg, as it gets you unlimited access for there, BGW, and the Waterpark for 7 days, and includes parking for only $144 (and cheaper if you buy online).


but that's only a good deal if you're staying multiple days.

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Hello TRP. I'll be in Busch Gardens tomorow, first time, first time in a US park too. Couple of practical questions:


- What crowds and queues can I expect?

- Which rides get the biggest queues and should I try to do first? Is there a recommended order?

- What are the best seats in every coaster? Front seat for Griffon and Alpengeist I suppose, and I already understood Apollo's Chariot is best in the back. What else?



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^Since you'll be there on a Tuesday, there shouldn't be a huge crowd. I recommend getting InvadR out of the way first, as it still has that "new ride smell" and will draw the longest lines of the day (with possible exception of water rides if it's hot). Definitely backseat on Apollo's Chariot; I prefer the backseat of Griffon, too, but I bet you'll be able to check out all three rows that day.

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Made it to the park today. Aside from the heat and humidity we had a blast. My wife and I bought the deluxe pass for the food and wine festival. It turned out to be a great deal for us as we were able to sample many good foods, desserts and beers.

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Hi. My home park is BGW I've been going since I was a baby. My first rides were Drachenfire and LNM. I rode those when I was maybe 9 and they scared me enough I didn't want to ride them anymore. Fast forward 20 years I had a roommate force me onto Verbolten. I hated it. I though about it slot and eventually got back on it the second time I loved it. I started riding all coasters in the park and I've been to others. This was two years ago but I have an issue. GRIFFON and A.C. scare the crap out of me. I still enjoy them but it seems like anything over 180 ft (about where my ears pop) I freak out. I don't go on drop tower and there's certain coasters I avoid. I know it's not the intensity it's just the first drop. My question is if I ride maybe A.C. 10 times over and over will I possibly get over this? Or do I just know my limit.

When I started riding coasters, riding coasters that were intimidating to me over and over again helped me get used to them and be able to enjoy them more. I think marathoning Apollo's Chariot would be perfect. While it would probably be scary if you're afraid of tall coasters, the forces aren't too intense and it's actually a very nice and calming ride when you're used to tall coasters. That way you can get used to high drops and speed while not getting too worn out from intensity/force.

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Made it to the park today. Aside from the heat and humidity we had a blast. My wife and I bought the deluxe pass for the food and wine festival. It turned out to be a great deal for us as we were able to sample many good foods, desserts and beers.

I completely missed the fact that my family and I will be there on a Food & Wine Festival date. Awesome! Will definitely have to look into getting one of the deluxe passes. How were the crowds last Friday?

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