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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Earlier today I spoke with an executive at BEC-St Louis and we had quite a chat (good ol days when we both worked at BGW/BGT). I will be planning on visiting the park this summer to finalize deal on job offer with BGW (and possibly BGT as well). I can only add to the rumor-mill fire that a new Dive Machine (B&M) will occupy the New France location in 2007. He/She remains confidential of course out of respect for their job...lol There was even a discussion (among management) about the new S&S 4-D coaster!!! Although I am not inclined to take the latter, I have a new found idea that CP may indeed get a 4D coaster INSTEAD of the Hyper (dueling?) flyer(s). Another way to track this rumor is that there was a person that lives in Ohio close Clermont Steel Fabricators and possibly can be looking at the lot for new track arriving (outside the factory) possibly by mid/end of summer. Although I could not "squeeze" any more information out of him/her, I can be pretty positive a DM will go into the BGW property in '07 (still hoping perhaps a flyer would be quite awesome with the terrain). Look for an announcement perhaps mid-summer (if similar to the Drachen Fire and AP, and Alp. announcements). Exciting news indeed and hope we are ALL in for a nice surprise next season.

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Whooo...that got your attention now..lol

Anyway, here is whats going up:

B&M built the worlds most unique ride.

A DM-4D! With wooden support structure (and peeps wear 3d glasses-perhaps to watch those birds "close-up" when Fabio rides opening day).

The trains (6) are ALL in the FLOORLESS mode and when each train hits the mid-course block brake, each passenger does a Chinese fire drill and enters into a new Flyer-train configuration. After, the train disengages and 'splashes' towards the Rhine river, swoops under Alpie's cobra-roll and heads back toward the station....hmmm I wonder if that covers ALL of the scenarios and perhaps speculation of what coaster-type BGW receives in '07....did this cover ALL the possible combinations?...hehe...Ok, back to work...lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Now here's a little something to bring out the theme-park geek in us all--a change in the queuing procedure for Curse of DarKastle at BGEuroburg.


DarKastle uses as a preshow a short, animated tapestry in the castle waiting room. In the past, small groups of guests would be admitted into the room for the preshow, then ushered through a "secret door" to the castle stable to board their golden sleighs for the ride itself. One cool part: at the end of the preshow, at the words "frozen in time," the room's lighting would switch to an eerie, icy blue.

Not tonight, though. Busch has installed a short roped-off queue in the preshow room; so, guests now shuffle past through the room while the preshow plays in a continuous loop.


I suppose this does speed up the line and shorten the wait. However, it hurts the preshow. Under the old procedure, the small groups of guests would actually become quiet and watch the preshow, thus getting the ride's backstory. But tonight, I presume because they were merely in another "line," guests talked right through the show and gave it no mind. The blue-light effect was gone, too.


Although I understand why this was done (that is, to shorten the waits), from a story perspective, it's not so hot. Of course, this may just be a temporary measure that Busch is trying out.

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IMO, Spiderman never really needed a separate preshow video that you were forced to watch. I don't think being forced to watch a video for Spiderman would add much to the story.


DarKastle though is another story. One, it really does add to the themeing and atmosphere of the experience. Two, it really does give a much-needed explanation of whats going on and if you miss that, you'd pretty much be lost.

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That's kinda disappointing. While I really liked the Preshow with the secret entrance and the fact that you got the whole background story in that little room, I guess it did really slow the line down. Too bad they didn't think of that before they finished the ride originally, they could have done the Haunted Mansion thing and just have 2 rooms showing the preshow and just load each one while the other starts playing. Hopefully they'll find a compromise.

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Spider-Man's story is pretty easy to follow, especially if you're familiar with the comic books (and know Spidey's enemies). But DarKastle's story needs more set up because it doesn't spring from an already familiar source.

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I was there today, and was pleasantly surprised at how the line was continuously moving... opposed to standing still for 5 minutes then moving; the way it was set up last year. Overall I think this has dramatically reduced the wait times for this ride. Plus if the line does get long, it keeps more of the crowd in a shaded area instead of directly under the sun.


It looks like I might be alone on this one, but I really think the pre-show sucked anyway, along with the whole story for this ride.


I can't remember where, but I heard somewhere that Busch made changes to the ride effects during the off-season. I was hoping those changes would include *finishing* the ride, but unfortunately that's not the case. There's still a totally empty room right in the middle that you spin around in for about 15 seconds to distract you from the fact that the room is totally empty. There were some changes to the effects, but nothing dramatic and the story still doesn't make sense to me.


Anyway, I am happy about the queue line change




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  • 2 weeks later...

BGE-just received the GREEN LIGHT for the (200ft+) height waiver to install their next attraction. Here is a link to the article:


Also, I am not only sticking to my personal theory that BGE will install a Dive Machine, but I have also suggested (on other site/links) that they may go one step further and add a floorless chassis to the ride itself. The park will no doubt up the ante in terms of size, height, inversion(s), and so forth, but their will be additional 'surprises' in store for us supercoaster freaks..lol


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^mmmmm, 180ft tall Vertical loop....


Now, make it 2 vertical loops and interlocking and oh baby!


Seriously, I don't think it will be *THAT* big. It may have another inversion or 2, but judging from the markings I saw I don't think its going to be that big a footprint. And considering how girthy the B&M dive track is, I don't expect it to be too much bigger than Shakira, though a loop, zero G roll, or flatspin is feasible.

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  chaos said:
I always thought they should combine the floorless and dive machine concepts, but once this is built, Sheikra won't be special anymore.


How exactly do you mean 'special'? It was the 3rd dive machine after Oblivion and G5.. and there are plenty of coasters that go vertical (or beyond...) Busch always does amazing job with their coasters (save Gwazi) and I'm sure this will be no different.


--J (Who can't wait for the french-themed LeMans-replacing uber-coaster.)

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Okay, someone. PLEASE explain to me what it is about dive-machines? Seriously, I've never had a LESS exciting roller coaster experience than Oblivion and Sheikra. After both, I felt extremely dissapointed, more so than the inital dissapointment I felt after riding X. I really cannot seem to grasp how the whole "vertical drop" thing can possibly make up for an otherwise sub-par riding experience. Unless BGW makes a dive machine that will put an ice cream cone in my hand and shiny new shoes on my feet, I'm afraid I just can't get too excited about it.

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^Awesome, Guy! Well said.


Not everyone has been blessed with riding those horrible dive machines all over the world (but I have, so nah nah! ) and its nice to see another park about to get another one. If you don't like it or care for them, that's one less person in line holding me from riding again.


I like Dive Machines, I LOVE Sheikra, and I think Guy is awesome. Wanna fight about it?

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  DerekRx said:
^ If you don't like it or care for them, that's one less person in line holding me from riding again.


I like Dive Machines, I LOVE Sheikra, and I think Guy is awesome. Wanna fight about it?


I friggin LOVE Sheikra too! I think it is one coaster I could ride over and over and never get bored, sick, or banged around. Plus, I totally love the theming and the splashdown.


Now as far as BGW's coaster, I think you take the best of Sheikra, maybe add another loop, drop, or new element, and you got a winner. They don't seem to be the park who goes for the longest, tallest, etc type of ride since that novelty wears off once someone opens one taller.

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I don't think people should be putting too much on how this could be bigger than SheiKra. It's not always about size, and Busch is a perfect example. Alpengeist is bigger than Montu but I thought Alpengeist was a huge letdown. Instead of thinking about how this may have more inversions, I'd like to hope it may feature a wicked airtime hill or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, just received some pics regarding the new BG ride for 07. Construction markers now appearing within the LeMans/France landscape and soil samples/digging should begin within the month. My theory (based on the height and layout of the ride) is that the track/lift will be heading towards Ireland and have a drop around the Nessie (station-exit) and have its first inversion around that area (most likely over the water before Aplengeist cobra roll). Then, head back towards France section. It wouldn't be wise to post the website on this link, but could direct them to the link via email/private message! The fun is just about to begin-whoo hoo!

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