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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^ I think the only Intamin that any busch park owns is the Phenox at BGT. But I think another dive machine would be awsome for the US. They should have enough knoledge about what it can do now to add maybe a vertical loop or a zero-G-roll or something. It would also me cool if it hugged the ground a little more than SheiKra does, as those wide trains would look pretty cool 3 feet of the ground. But who knows, it could be a rocket for all we know!


Colin C

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^ Actually, I believe that Intamin built Escape from Pompeii as well.


Since 96, Busch has built 5 B&M's, 3 Macks, 1 Morgan, and 1 GCI. Oh and I believe Vekoma helped build Rhino Rally. Also 1 Zierer kiddie coaster.


I too believe that a B&M Dive Machine is the answer. I thought for sure it would be a flyer but at 210' it's probably a shade too tall for the area that is proposed. A DM's steeper lift hill and drop will make it easier to fit it in.

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I can't wait until I go!


Is AC better than Goliath (sfmm)?


Is BBW better than Ninja (sfmm)?


Is Alpie better than Batman?


Is Loch Ness better than Viper (sfmm)


Anyway, a B&M smooth 4-D would rock! The things that X lack are smoothness, airtime,and a tad more disorienting flipping. Of course, like most B&Ms it would probably only have a fun, intense begining and the rest would be boring, plus it would probably be a lot slower paced than X.

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can't wait until I go!


Is AC better than Goliath (sfmm)? Yes


Is BBW better than Ninja (sfmm)? Yes


Is Alpie better than Batman? yes


Is Loch Ness better than Viper (sfmm) Yes


Well these are just rumors but I too have heard B&M Dive Machine with three inversions and the second vertical drop is said to be over and through part of the station talk about a hell of a station fly through. The inversions are said to be the huge immelman, massive zero g roll and a huge corkscrew/flat spin. The first vertical drop is also said to be tunneled some 15 to 20 feet under ground, so if this is the case this sounds like it going to blow Sheikra away in every way imo.

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^Im starting to think they dont have a 4-d on the drawing boards at all.

I doubt B&M would want to do a 4-D anyways. Although, I am still waiting for them to come up with another great coaster type. I'll start a rumor of that in another thread.

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I have heard the Dive Machine rumors so many times before. This really sounds great, if it does tunnel underground (or underwater???) the first drop would be about 230 feet (20 feet under)!


I have also heard, but this was a few months ago, that there was dark green B&M track somewhere at BGW. Anyone else ever heard or seen this? I thought I heard it was in the old Drachen Fire spot, but who knows!


And doesn't BGW have height issues with the surrounding neighbors? Cause they bought their house next to an amusement park and then complain that the coasters are too loud and that they mess up the views? Or something like that?


Anyways, I LOVED SheiKra, it is my #1 of the 63 I have been on, and if one comes an hour and a half from me, then I think that my mom might cave in and take me. Cause SheiKra is her favorite, too.


Can't ya tell I LOVE RUMORS !!!

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Well, since this ride is going to take up only 5000sq feet, then I don't see anything else fitting in there besides a dive machine.


The buildings will be 7,500 square feet. The entire site will cover 5 acres.



One thing I have learned about BGW is never to trust any rumors. The are amazing at keeping secrets and we won't know crud until they announce it. Of course, it is always fun to guess. It's like taking an office pool for the NCAA tournement or NFL Draft; Half the fun are the surprises.


BTW, a drop down through the station would be absolutely wicked.

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5 acres sounds more realistic. A vertical drop going directly through the station would be awesome, but I'd imagine it would be a huge distraction to the ride ops. Then again, fly-throughs have been done before.


I wonder what they would theme/name the ride. It can't really be named after a beast in typical B&M/Busch logic as Alpengeist is right in the area.


Anyone wanna take a stab at what time of the year they might announce this project?

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LOL Larry (I guess you have to know Larry for a while to really laugh hard at that one)


The buildings will be 7,500 square feet. The entire site will cover 5 acres.


Just to point something out, 5 acres is kinda small. Goliath, one of the smallest hyper coasters aroud, only spans across 8 acres. I can't imagine it being much more than a Dive Machine.


edit: Since Larry probably can't re-post this image:


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Hmmmmm in the French section... How about FU America! The ride. Mabey Baquette the ride, or crepe suzette.


How about 'Escargot', as it's a new style B&M that runs REAL SLOW!!


Oh! That would be awesome! Instead of a plume of water that rooster tails out behind it. It could be warm garlic butter.


Mmmmm! Alana in warm garlic butter!


I love this ride already!


Guy "I have just created a Food Network ride." Koepp

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As a former employee of BGW/BGT the company always has a unique way of salivating peoples appetite for new attractions. I will be leaving this Hawaiian rock at the end of the year (after 12 yrs) and returning to work for BEC-BGW. To add my 2 cents worth lets peer into past history and add fuel to the rumor fire. 1. Recall when Kumba and DF were built (DF was orginally going to be done by B&M, but several issues broke down and went back to Arrow-a stape of BGW at the time). Then, notice how BGT had very similar aspects of DF (supports, etc) that were "orginally" to been incorporated into DF (I wish B&M did DF since working on it and riding it became a nitemare within itself). Then, part 2. Look at Montu (test bed) and then BGW posted APLPENGEIST (topping Montu-height/inversions-so on. Based on the trend(s) that B&M signed another 4 (or 5) yr. agreement and the DIVE MACHINE/BEC clause, the best bet is BGW WILL build a new DM &! add another 1-2 inversions (possibly a new pretzel-type inversion with a 0-g roll incorporated). I believe the rumor that I recieved is not 200, but 226ft. tall (over by Flume) and head towards the Rhine river area. Two additional (future expansion rumors to wet your palet). 2012-a woodie will be installed at old DF site (trees lining that end of property will buffer the noise level away from Kingsmill) and the politics and other issues based on a charter will expire. Also, I recall a NEW design from B&M being in final stages of testing and believe that we may ALL be wrong and Busch gets the newest B&M creation. And to add one LAST confusion dream..lol; CP adds its dueling/hyper flyer, BGW waits till 2008 to add its OWN Flyer (record breaker) and just re-themes NEw France, adds small/medium rides/shops/eateries and 2008 has its signature ride for that section (remember 26month permits and so on). Ok off to go swimming..lol...Aloha..

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